The two of them were evenly matched in both weapons and physical skills.

It gradually became more intense.

The takeoff became intense.

Ino gritted her teeth: "When did she become so powerful?"

Looking at Sakura, who was equally matched with her, she couldn't help thinking in her heart.

"I can do it, I can do it."

"Take my punch."

The two hit each other's face at the same time and flew backwards.

"If this goes on, it will be hard to tell who will win!" Duanmuxi.

Hayate sighed: "It's so long, it's been ten minutes!"

Ino shouted: "You can't possibly tie with me."

Sakura snorted coldly: "Humph, you are a person who only cares about appearance and has long hair,

It's really impossible to tie with me."

Ino's face twisted and roared: "Don't underestimate me too much."


"Idiot, so easily provoked,

Ino doesn't know what to do!" Shikamaru looked at the scene below.

Choji: "I don't like Ino like that."



Ino cut off half of her hair in the surprised eyes of everyone.

Sakura sneered: "Oh, so naive."

Ino seemed to have lost her mind and threw her hair out: "Look, this kind of thing."

The yellow-white hair in the sky was scattered, reflecting Sakura's smiling face.

Naruto was frightened by Ino: "How scary!"

"I'm going to finish this quickly and make you admit defeat right away." Ino made a few seals.


"As expected, she plans to use the mind-body conversion technique." Shikamaru was worried.

Hong Sima sighed: "This idiot!"


"Although I understand your anxiety, it's useless." Sakura said.

Ino: "Hmph, that's not necessarily true."

"A spiritual spell, a mind-body conversion spell, where the caster releases all of his spiritual energy.

Rather than attacking the opponent, it's more like a spell that takes over the opponent's body within a few minutes.

However, this terrible spell has a serious drawback.

First of all, the spiritual energy released by the caster can only move in a straight line and very slowly.

Second, if the released spiritual energy does not hit the opponent,

it cannot return to the caster's body within a few minutes.

What's more, during this period, the caster...

that is, your body will be unable to move, like a puppet."

As a companion who has played together since childhood, Sakura knows the shortcomings of Ino's technique.

Sima Hong knew the shortcomings of this technique: "Originally, the mind-body conversion technique was used by spies, not a combat spell.

Ino, you are committing suicide by using this technique here."

Duanmu Xi: "As long as you can move, you don't have to be afraid of this move.

Not only that, after dodging this move, you can also attack the immobile opponent.

If that's the case, Hayate will have to stop the game."


Ino: "So what? If you don't try, how can you know the result?"

Sakura smiled: "If it deviates, it's over, you understand?"


"This is a kind of coordinated spell used in battle, relying on my shadow manipulation technique to fix the opponent's actions, and then this move won't work." Shikamaru thought.

Sima Hong: "First of all, it can't hit."

"Stupid, no!" Shikamaru just saw Sakura start running and Ino release the spell.

Then he saw an amazing scene.

Shikamaru: "Which one is she?"

Sakura left Ino's attack path, but at this moment, both of them were no longer moving.

Shikamaru couldn't guess which one was Ino.

Huh, huh, huh!

"What a pity, Ino." Sakura said.

Shikamaru saw this and said, "This time, I'm helpless!"

Choji: "It's over!"

"Then, you're done."

Just as Sakura was about to go over and deal with Ino, she suddenly couldn't move.

A rope formed by magic power was wrapped around her ankle along the hair that just fell.

"You fell into the trap, Sakura, I finally caught you."

"Could it be?"

"That's right, the hand seal just now was just a show for you to see, to make you who were running around fall into this trap.

How about it, you can't move at all?

This is a special rope made by injecting magic power into the hair.

Next, just enter your body and declare abstention.

In this way, you can 10

0% hit." Ino aimed at Sakura with both hands.


Duanmu Xi: "I see."

"That idiot, cutting off his hair was also acting." Shikamaru.

Naruto: "Run, Sakura."

But Sakura was already tied up, how could she move.

Body-mind conversion technique!

"What a pity, Sakura." Ino laughed in Sakura's body.


"What's wrong with Ino?" Naruto looked at Ino who didn't move.

"And Sakura looks weird, but this is a good opportunity."

Naruto thought so, and then shouted loudly: "Kill her, Sakura."

But anyone with eyes knows that she must have been hit.

Duanmu Xi: "If it's the body-mind conversion technique, she must have been hit."

Xiao Li heard: "Body-mind conversion technique? That means Sakura..."

"Well, now Sakura's spirit has been completely taken away by Ino, and now Ino is in Sakura's body,

Well! I'm afraid Ino's purpose is. "

Naruto and Xiao Li swallowed their saliva.

Sure enough, Sakura below raised her right hand: "I...Sakura wants to give up this match..."

Before she finished, she was interrupted by Naruto: "No, Sakura."

"Tsk, that guy is so noisy." Ino.

Naruto shouted: "You have worked so hard to this point. If you lose to that woman who is obsessed with Yu Wenzuo,

You are not worthy of being a woman."

Ino smiled: "Even if you say these, it's useless."


"What? The body is cold."

Ino covered her head.

Sakura's voice came from her heart: "Naruto is so noisy.

That being said, I was..."

"Sakura, how could it be, um~ah~"

Ino covered her head, feeling the pain.

Hayate looked at her: "What's wrong, do you want to give up?"

"How could I give up, what a joke. "

Sakura's body was suddenly controlled by Sakura.

And deep in her mind, Ino was controlled by an illusory Sakura.

"How could this happen?" Ino was stunned.

"How is this possible? My spell failed!"

Deep in her mind, Ino looked at the giant illusory Sakura in front of her.

Sakura pinched the psychic Ino and was furious: "Ino, get out of my body quickly, or I'll make you pay. ”

[Damn it, I thought Ino was irritated, so she cut her hair, I didn’t expect it to be so insidious!]

[That’s right, even their master and teammates didn’t know!]

[Can’t even Chongxu see it? How insidious!]

[I protest, Naruto is helping out!]

[Indeed, the protagonist has privileges, and can even help out!]

[Sakura is also very perverted, how did she resist this spell?]

[Purely relying on willpower?]

[This spell is obviously not a serious spell, it is normal to be controlled.]

[Reversal, reversal again!]

[Who will win?]

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