The two of them were very close.

"I don't know how powerful this guy has become after becoming an outer disciple.

He used to be like that." Tuoba Zhong remembered Naruto's behavior at school.

That was when Naruto changed classes in the third grade, and he transformed into the third generation and looked like a witch. It still lingers in his mind.

Tuoba Zhong clenched his fist: "I sympathize with you, let me finish you off with one punch."

Naruto: "Really? But you can't beat me."

Tuoba Zhong: "I told you not to be so stubborn."

"Then, please start."

Hayate announced the start of the game.

"Different Dimensions and Body Method, Four-legged Technique."

After the seal was completed, the four feet landed on the ground, and the magic power was emitted between the four limbs.


Before Naruto could react, he came to him in an instant and punched him in the stomach.

After Naruto cried out in pain, he rolled to the ground.

"I guess he won't wake up for the time being, referee senior." Tuoba Zhong laughed.

Shikamaru: "As expected."

Ino: "That Naruto can't beat Ya."

Xiao Li: "Naruto, you're so lame."

Yuhi Kurenai: "Just say it."

Sha Jiulang: "That guy is so weak!"

[Three or two moves, done! ]

[It's not that simple, there must be a reversal. ]

[So lame, Xiao Li is really good at mocking! ]


Xiaoying looked at Duanmu Xi, and after getting his smile, she also smiled.

"Surpass the sect master and let everyone in the sect recognize my existence." That was what Naruto said after the team was formed.

"I never took that seriously."

"This is the Chongxu monk, a real strong man... must escape. If this continues,

really...really will be killed." Naruto's despair when facing the monk who does not kill.

And all the scenes that Naruto needs to become stronger, the will to become stronger.

"Keep your word, that's my way."

Chen Shisan presented scenes of memories on Xiaoying's memory screen.

Xiaoying: "But, I was wrong."


On the ring.

Tuoba Zhong thought it was basically over, and was about to go back and pick up Akamaru.

Suddenly he heard a noise, and he looked back.

Naruto had stood up.

"Don't, don't underestimate me."

Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and his blue pupils were full of determination.

The fellow monks in the audience were happy for his will.

"Don't talk nonsense, you're already bleeding, why are you still trying to be strong?" Tuoba Zhong said.

Naruto smiled and said, "I did it on purpose. I wanted to see how strong you are.

Don't try to be brave. Take your dog with you."


Takuya gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Don't regret it. Come on, Akamaru."

As he rushed out, he took out two things from his pocket.

Naruto: "Smoke bomb?"


The smoke bomb exploded and surrounded Naruto.


Naruto was choked and couldn't see.

Bang, bang, bang!

Face, shoulder, hand...

Different parts of the body were constantly hit.

"No, I have to escape from the smoke, otherwise it's over."

Then he rushed out in one direction regardless of everything.

As soon as he rushed out, Akamaru pushed him into the smoke.

When the smoke dissipated, Naruto fell to the ground, and Akamaru stood next to him.

Seeing Tuobazuka Akamaru screaming 'Awoo~'

"Successful." Tuoba Zhong was excited.


Akamaru rushed towards him happily.

"Well done, Aka..." He stretched out his hands and wanted to pick up Akamaru.


In his astonished eyes, Akamaru bit his arm.

Everyone was stunned, what happened?

"Akamaru, what happened?" Tuoba Zhong was confused.

Akamaru biting his arm made a strange remark: "Hehe, you got hit."


He turned into Naruto, with his mouth still biting Tuoba Zhong's arm.

Tuoba Zhong looked at the Naruto in front of him and was shocked: "You used the transformation technique, it hurts, let go of your mouth."

Naruto was pushed away, and hurriedly spit out his saliva.

His face turned purple: "You smell like a dog."

Tuoba Zhong looked around: "Where is Akamaru."

"Here." Another Naruto smiled and picked up Akamaru, hanging in the air, which was very funny.

Ino: "No way, that's Naruto? He's as good as Tsukasa, or even has the upper hand."

Shikamaru: "Naruto would never have thought of using the Shadow Clone Technique to imitate the Transformation Technique!"


The timing of using the spell is just right. "

Sha Jiulang: "What? It's more powerful than I thought."

Ningji: "But... he actually fought back. What an interesting guy."

Hinata: "Naruto, so powerful."

Sakura shouted: "Naruto, so powerful."

[Oh, I thought it was over. I didn't expect that Naruto, who is so stubborn, would also know tactics!]

[Growing up with dogs, he must smell like dogs!]

[Naruto's face turned purple, and the way he was smoked by the smell was so funny.]

"Is it better than before?

But that's it. I will be serious next time." Tuoba Zhong pointed at Naruto and said.

"Really? But you can never beat me." Naruto said arrogantly.

Duanmu Xi looked at Naruto below: "In this competition, he has grown a lot again."

Hong Rizan: "Hehe, it's really surprising. ”

Yuhi Kurenai: “Is this Naruto, the perennial loser?”

Shikamaru: “It seems that he is no longer the Naruto he used to be.”

Hong Sima: “What method did Duanmu Xi use?”

Tuoba Zhong took out a pill from his body.

“Naruto, give Akamaru back to me.” He threw the pill into Akamaru’s mouth.

Naruto was stunned.

Then he saw Akamaru in his hand constantly changing, and the whole set of hair turned dark red.

It broke free from Naruto’s control.

“What, what did you feed it? The hair turned red.”

“That’s why it’s called Akamaru.” Tuoba Zhong laughed.

Duanmu Xi: “It’s the Bigu Pill.”

Yuhi Kurenai: “Tsukaru, that guy, is going to use this trick to end the game.”

“Go on, Akamaru. "

Tuoba Zhong's face suddenly became like a dog's head, and his teeth also changed shape.

Akamaru stood behind him.


"Different dimensions and body movements, orc clone."


Tuoba Zhong with two minions and fangs appeared, and Akamaru transformed into Tuoba Zhong and stepped on him.


The eyes were extremely fierce.

"I feel that the eyes are not right, taking some strange medicine, isn't this a stimulant, is this okay?"

Naruto said to the referee Hayate.

"Yes, the Bigu Pill is one of the magic weapons, cough cough."

Naruto pointed at him and glared: "Asshole, is this all you can say? ”

[People become dogs, dogs become people, people become dogs again, dogs become people again.]

[Too much, you can take medicine in the competition!]

[Isn’t the Bigu Pill a pill used by cultivators to fill their stomachs? Don’t use random names!]

[The magic weapon here refers to all the external objects used by cultivators, right?]

Different Dimension and Body Skills: Imitation of beasts, imitation of beasts, fusion, receiving the power of spirit beasts, forming a high-level spell where one plus one is greater than two, which is a family secret technique of the Tuoba family. Only with a dog companion by your side can you exert all the power.

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