The new trick is a new trick.

"A new trick! It should be the one I saw Yuwen Zuo use just now.

And the name is also plagiarized."

Duanmu Xi analyzed it immediately.

"Ahem, the winner is the fifth Naruto."

Hayate announced the end of the battle.

Sakura, Xiao Li and others are happy for Naruto.

Shikamaru: "Naruto actually won, it's incredible."

Choji: "It's really an upset."

Naruto clenched his fist: "I've become stronger."

Naruto walked happily to the audience, looking very relaxed.

When he passed by Hinata, he was stopped by Hinata, who was blushing, and handed him a bottle of medicine when he was surprised.

"Why give it to me?"

This made him even more confused.

"Take it, Naruto." Yuhi Kurenai was an experienced person, and she could see that something was wrong with her disciple.

Naruto pondered for a while and took the medicine: "Thank you Hinata, you are such a good person."

Kurenai couldn't bear it and turned her head away.

Ningci looked at this scene: "Huh, it's so easy, Miss Hinata."



Naruto applied the medicine to the wound, and the effect was better than he expected.

"This medicine is so effective!"

Duanmu Xi was speechless: "Naruto, because of you, the wound healed so quickly.

The power of the Nine-Tails is still so shocking."


"This is the medicine for you and me."

Hinata said softly when she came to Tuoba Zhong who was carried by the medical team.

"Hey, you should worry about yourself more than others.

Among the remaining 6 people, there are only you, Dingci, Ningci, Li, a sound repair, and those guys from the Wind Sect.

Listen carefully, if you meet that guy from the Wind Sect, you must give up.

There is another person, if you meet Ningci, you should give up immediately, he is too powerful for you.

You will be beaten all over."

Tuoba Zhong said solemnly.

Eh? Hinata thought a lot.

[Damn, it turned out to be plagiarism, shameless. ]

[I was really scared one day, I dare not provoke the Wind Sect! ]

[Why do dog owners say it is not good to fight with Ningci, aren't they all from the Dongfang family? ]

[Heh! In the world of immortal heroes, killing each other is not uncommon? ]

[Either the resources are unevenly distributed or the treatment is different, the other disciples have their own ideas! ]

[No wonder Naruto was still alive and well after being beaten so many times by the dog owner. According to the line from Duanmu Xi, is it because Naruto is carrying the ancient evil spirit? ]

[That should be the case. The evil spirit sealed in the body gives Naruto a strong self-healing ability. ]

[Good guy card, good guy, is your EQ so low? ]

"Then the next game is about to start."

In the eyes of everyone's expectation, two names appeared on the bulletin board.

Oriental Hinata VS Oriental Ningci.

Hinata's teammates were all very worried, only the third generation old man felt that this battle would be very interesting.

Ningci: "I didn't expect that I would fight with you, Miss Hinata."

Hinata: "Brother Ningci."

As soon as Hinata said this, Naruto's attention was immediately drawn. These two guys were actually siblings.

Duanmu Xi explained to them the introduction of the Oriental family and the matter of its main family and branch family.

"Yes, Hinata is from the main family of the Oriental family, and Ningci is from the branch family." Xiao Li.

"It's just a fight between relatives. This fight is not easy to fight."

"Yes, but a lot of things happened between the main family and the branch family in the past, and now they are not on good terms."

Naruto: "Why?"

"I'm not sure, but families with a long history like Yuwen and Dongfang have their own unique magic.

In order to pass on this magic, the Dongfang family seems to have formulated special rules, and it seems that many rules are biased towards the main family.

Because of those rules, there have been many conflicts between the main family and the branch family."

Xiao Li graduated a year earlier than them and knew more than them.

"Oh, it's time to start."


"Before the fight, I want to give Miss Hinata a piece of advice,

You should give up, you are not suitable to be a monk."

Hinata was stunned when she heard this, and her eyes were full of confusion.

"You are too kind, you desire peace and avoid disputes,

You always cater to other people's ideas,

Moreover, you have no confidence in yourself and always have an inferiority complex,

So I always thought that you would be a good outer disciple,

But the outer sect competition requires a group of 3 people to register,

You can't refuse the invitation of the same group as you.


That's why I reluctantly participated in this game,

Isn't it?"

Hinata: "No... It's not like that, I just want to change myself,

So I..."

The Yuhi Kurenai above recalled what

Hinata said to her when Hinata was assigned to her. According to him,

As the eldest daughter of the clan, Hinata is not even as good as her sister, Touhou Hanabi,

She is not worthy of being the clan leader at all. He also knows that Hinata wants to gain the recognition of her father,

She is also very hardworking and often gets bruised from training.

She works harder than anyone else.

Now she is just fighting for the sake of change, not as Neji said,

Inferiority, unwillingness to participate in the competition.

"Ms. Hinata, you are indeed the eldest daughter of the clan!

People can't change."

Hinata's eyes flickered when she heard this.

"The last one is the last one,

His personality and ability will not change. "Ningci said coldly.


This statement hurt Naruto who was watching the battle from above, and he gritted his teeth.

"It is precisely because people cannot change that there are differences,

that is why there are adjectives such as elite and tail-end.

Everyone judges the value of others and is judged by others based on their appearance, brains, abilities, body shape and personality.

These factors cannot be changed.

People live in this range with corresponding suffering.

Just like I am from the branch family and you are from the main family,

it cannot be changed.

I have seen everything with these white eyes.

So I know that you are just showing off.

You must be thinking of escaping from here immediately. "

Ningji continued to speak, and Naruto's teeth were almost broken. He would beat him up when he met him.

Hinata was shaken, but she knew that although she was weak, she had the heart to change.

This point was absolutely correct.

"No, that's not right. I really am..."

[Poor man, what did the family do to make him so resentful?]

[And why is he so arrogant? Who said that people can't be changed? I changed from a cow to a jerk.]

[Hey! Your change is not positive.]

[You are the last one in the car, I am sitting in the back seat by the window...]

[Why do I feel that what he said seems to make sense?

Everything in the world is just as if it was arranged.

People live in this range with corresponding suffering!]

[I can feel his resentment through the screen. If he lived in Xianjian, it would probably be enough to support an evil sword fairy!]

"This paragraph of lines is really well written. Although it is not positive energy, it feels very good! "

Long Zaitian saw Ningci's lines and the spirit presented in the picture, and felt that they were well written.

Shang Tao also nodded and agreed with his statement.

This is a line with a clear theme, which is unwilling to accept fate.

Rather than those nonsense that are simply used for watering.

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