The two of them were so busy, and the two of them were so busy.

[Wow, this position is amazing! ]

[Why are there four teachers for Hinata? ]

[Yeah, forget about the referee, after all, he is the referee. ]

[One referee, two are teachers from both sides, Duanmu Xi, are you trying to steal the spotlight?

And you are standing in the center position, you kid. ]

[You are stupid, they are from the same sect, of course they have to protect the younger generation! ]

[So stupid, not all immortal heroes, the idea of ​​the seniors to the younger generation is to let it go, and die if they die! 】

Kai: "Ningci, stop it.

Didn't you promise me that you would not have conflicts with others because of the main family's affairs?"

"Why did other seniors come out?

Is this a special treatment for the main family?" Ningci gritted his teeth.


At this moment, Hinata could no longer hold on and fell down.

Naruto and others went over quickly.

Hinata's eyes were about to close, and she looked at the face in front of her.

Naruto, have I changed a little bit?

He asked in his heart.

"Hey, the two trash over there, I want to give you a piece of advice.

If you are a cultivator, don't do such stupid things for other people's families.

Also, trash is trash after all, and it won't change."

Ningci said to Naruto and Xiao Li.

Naruto was furious and said to him: "Do you want to try?"

Then he rushed over directly.

But halfway, Xiao Li appeared and blocked him.

"I understand Naruto's concerns, but the outcome should be determined in a formal competition.

Can the last-place player defeat the genius through his own efforts?

Isn't such a competition very exciting?

Moreover, his opponent is likely to be me.

If the final opponent is you, Naruto, I won't feel resentful."

Naruto held back his anger after hearing this.

"I know."


Xiao Li suddenly gave Xiang Kai a thumbs up, and his slightly exposed teeth emitted a dazzling white light.

"Li, you are great."

Kai also gave Xiao Li a same gesture in return.



Hinata suddenly bled heavily again.

Hong quickly asked the people in the medical hall to come up and take Hinata away for treatment.

Naruto looked at Hinata on the stretcher.

The figure of Hinata appeared in his mind, and it kept deepening.

The girl who had been looking at him with very strange eyes became particularly focused at this time.

"My promise to you."

He ran his fingers over the blood Hinata spat out, and clenched his fists towards Neji.

"I will definitely defeat you."

This was so firm.


The civil war in the Higashikata family ended.

Team Shikamaru felt that Choji was in a bad situation, and the remaining ones were all powerful characters.

Toshi, Xiao Li, and Sara, especially Sara, could be seen as terrifying just by looking at his momentum.

"What does it matter? Anyway, if I meet him, I will give up immediately."

Choji's legs and feet were shaking, tears in his eyes, and he squatted on the ground.

But who made him have a master?

Hearing his words, Sima Hong said, "That is to say, the agreement of eating all you can fork barbecue is also cancelled."

You can give up the competition, but you can't cancel the barbecue. Choji said, "Hey! How can I?"

"What's the matter? If things go wrong,

I will stop you like Hinata did, okay?

You can eat the special beef tongue and spareribs until you are satisfied."

Shikamaru and Ino were speechless. Don't tempt him with delicious food!

And you didn't go to Hinata's place!

A fighting spirit comparable to Xiao Li rose in Choji's eyes.

"Barbecue, we must eat all you can fork barbecue."

[Xiao Li is surprisingly reliable. ]

[The master and apprentice are not surprised... uh... Bai? ]

[Teenagers, poor Choji, his legs are shaking, his eyes are crying, he is scared to death, right? ]

[A bit cowardly! ]

[Hey, is the temptation of eating so great that you don't even care about life and death? 】

【Yes, for foodies, this is possible. 】

【Ningci is really short-sighted. Isn't it normal for a family to have different attitudes towards different people?

I'm afraid you have never seen a family that not only did not help, but also participated in persecution? 】

【Yes! This is insight. The contestant next door, No. 88,

The protagonist Shi Yanwen, in order to prevent the advent of the demon world, can even throw his son in to sacrifice!

And he said that this is the destiny of their Shi family! 】

【Hey! When you put it that way, it seems that Ningci's experience is insignificant. 】

And Sha Jiulang is

After looking at the guy on the opposite side and greeting his teammates, he came to Naruto's side.

"Hey, what are you doing here? Is it okay not to go to your companions?"

Naruto looked at the guy who suddenly ran over.

"What does it matter." He rolled his eyes.

"That guy is called Higashige Neji, right? After watching the game just now,

That guy seems to have hidden his strength. What kind of guy is he?" Sha Jiulang asked tentatively.

Hearing this, Naruto suddenly became excited: "I will beat him."

"No, no one asked you this,

Besides, you are too far behind him."

Thinking like this in his heart, Sha Jiulang said: "You are very interesting, I admire you."

Naruto glanced at him: "You are not interesting at all, I am not interested in you."

After failing to spy on the intelligence, Sha Jiulang even wanted to kill him here.


"Then, start the game again."

After Hayate announced.

Kai suddenly laughed, looked at Xiao Li and gave him a thumbs up: "Okay, it's your turn this time.

Go ahead, Xiao Li."

Faced with the teacher's encouragement, Xiao Li stood as straight as a soldier.

"No, since I've waited so long,

I hope I can be the last one." Xiao Li raised his head.


Sha Luo turned into sand and scattered like an element, and then formed in the center of the ring.

Choji suddenly shouted.

He said happily: "Great, it's not me."


This caused Ino to give him a punch as big as a sandbag.

I almost thought that Choji's opponent was Sha Luo.

And Sha Luo's opponent was Rock Lee.

"You were fooled. Although I said I wanted to be the last one to go out, it turned out not to be the case.

It's like a stone thrown at a telephone pole that didn't hit.

It hit the one you didn't intend to hit. I just applied this rule."

Xiao Li suddenly punched and kicked, and did some actions that he thought were very handsome.

Kai: "Oh, you are worthy of being my student."

Li: "I don't want to be the last one. You all got fooled."

Xiao Ying looked very speechless: "No one should take it seriously, right?"

Kai: "I want to give you a useful suggestion, who is so smart.

Maybe no one noticed that the gourd is very suspicious."

The two faces were so close.

"I see."

Xiao Li took out his notebook.

"No need to take notes. There is no time to look at this during a fight,

You idiot."

"I see."

"Okay, it's decided to be you, Xiao Li."


Xiao Li was full of fighting spirit!

Landed on the opposite side of the ring Sara.

He stood and spread his hands: "I didn't expect to fight you so soon. I'm so happy."

[Hehe, the attempt to gather intelligence failed. ]

[Naruto really doesn't play by the rules! ]

[This only proves one thing, Sha Jiulang is too weak. Even such a naive Naruto can't get any information. ]

[Is Xiao Li's boxing set for Xiao Sakura to see? ]

[A funny duo. ]

[Just listening to the shouts of the two makes me feel positive! ]

[The author exaggerated the gourd so much, can the thick eyebrows win?

Will he be defeated in a few rounds? ]

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