"A substitute?" Xiao Li looked at this scene and was very surprised. "When...how could it be..." Kai was a little bit unbelievable that he didn't hit it. Duanmuxi was speechless: "Just when you closed your eyes and prayed." "Huh?" "Xiao Li stopped moving for a moment because of the pain in his body. That was when he was." Kai was stunned. There was nothing he could do. Youth always has accidents. Hum hum hum ha ha ha! Sha Luo rose from behind Xiao Li under the cover of sand, his eyes showed the wildness of a beast, and he laughed wildly. "Could it be?" Sha Ju looked at that look. "Yes, that look is..." Sha Jiulang also broke out in a cold sweat. "Has the monster in his body fully awakened?"


Sara made a seal, and the sand around him became faster and stronger.

Xiao Li was really hit by a powerful attack.

The waterfall-like sand hit Xiao Li hard like a heavy hammer.


There was a painful scream on the ring.

Sha Jiulang looked at this scene: "That watermelon head can't move at all, right?

Sara is still playing!"

Sara licked his lips on the ring, his eyes full of madness and excitement.

"Why, why didn't Xiao Li dodge the attack?

With Xiao Li's speed, he should be able to easily avoid that level of attack." Sakura asked Kai.

"It's not that I don't avoid it, but that I can't avoid it."

"What's going on?"

Duanmu Xi: "The move just now is called sheath breaking, which is a double-edged sword."

"Double-edged sword?"

"Then why do you think sheath breaking is listed as a forbidden technique?"


"Sheath breaking is neither a spell nor an illusion, but a high-speed physical technique.

The load it brings to the human body is unimaginable.

Now he is in pain all over and can't move at all. Are you okay, Kai?"

Duanmu Xi asked Kai after he finished speaking.

【So that's it. It was just a moment of stopping, and he seized the opportunity to use the magic substitute.

He has a lot of combat experience! 】

【Monster in the body, what does that mean? 】

【It should be similar to Naruto, sealing the monster in his body, right? 】

【It's possible, or maybe his other personality has powerful power, just like a guy who can only use the Crescent Moon Sky Strike! 】

【It's over, this time it's over! 】

[Doesn't Kai know the technique called Bajitian? Since both of them have watermelon heads, he should pass it on to Xiao Li, right?]

Bang! Bang!

Xiao Li kept dodging the attacks while Sharo was smiling inexplicably.

The spell was like it was not supported by mana, and Sharo kept releasing sand attacks.


"It's neither a spell nor an illusion..."

"And the physical skills he relies on now are not as good as those of ordinary people..."

"He can't win."

"If this goes on, that guy will be done!"

Looking at the embarrassed Xiao Li, Zhu Ludie and others were also fascinated.

"Xiao Li..." Kai looked at the panting Xiao Li.

In Chen Shisan's pen, he entered the memory scene.

On the school playground with the sun shining brightly, many students were running and exercising.

"You guys should work hard,

Add another 200 laps..."

"Haha, idiot, you can't become a monk."

Young Li: "I can do it."

"How can a guy who can't even use magic become a monk?"

Young Li: "I can do it!"

"Not only magic and illusion, you are not as good as others in physical skills.

It's incredible to be able to enter this monk school..."

"Do you know what you are called here?"

Young Li squatted and covered his ears.

"Hot-blooded, hot-blooded, hot-blooded crane..."

Faced with the ridicule of his classmates, Li covered his ears and left the playground.

"Hey, Li, return to the team, hey, Li!" Only the teacher called him.

Looking at the energetic students below, Duanmu Xi and Kai just saw it from the window.

Kai: "Is that guy the legendary, hot-blooded tail-ender?"

Duanmu Xi: "He looks a lot like someone!"


"Especially the eyebrows."

Kai noticed this hot-blooded boy at this time.

"Lock Lee, a guy who only knows physical skills and is not as good as ordinary people!"

Look at him howling when he was hit by sand on the ring.

"But you, like an idiot, have been training your not as good as ordinary people.

Human physical skills."


"396, 397, 398, 399...

402, 403, 404...

If you can't finish kicking the wooden stake 500 times, do 1000 squats.

413, 414, 415..."

Bang! Bang! Bang!...

In the morning light, a small figure with a middle-parted hair was hitting the wooden stake tenaciously.

"Huh? Someone got there earlier than me? ”

Kai came here and saw the young boy Xiao Li who was practicing kicking hard.

“Come back later…”

After watching quietly for a while, Kai left.

“2000 squats,

If you can’t finish it, do 2000 straight punches,

789, 790, 791, 792…”

The sun is rising in the sky, the sun is setting in the west, the stars are at night…


The little figure is still practicing hard.

“Still practicing?”

In the bushes, Kai is as hardworking as he is, and he also admires Xiao Li’s perseverance.

“Do 2000 straight punches! If you can’t finish it, do 2000 skipping ropes!

Ha, ha, ha, hey! "

Bang, bang, bang!

The sound of pumping, the sound of fists hitting wooden stakes...


"You who practiced physical skills recklessly and desperately, finally..."


"Okay, from now on, you are also outer disciples,

I want to hear your goals."

On a rooftop terrace, that was the time when Kai first met the three disciples as a teacher.

"Let me talk, let me talk, let me talk..." Tiantian raised her hand excitedly.

"You go first, Tiantian."

Tiantian: "I want to become a cultivator as powerful as the legendary Dugu Gang."

"Well, then, what about you, Neji?"

Ningji: "I don't want to answer."

Xiao Li raised his hand excitedly: "I will answer, I will answer.

I want to prove that even if I can't use spells and illusions,

I can still become an excellent cultivator, this is my goal."

Kai thought to himself: "What a good look!"


"What are you laughing at? I am a cultivator, even if I only know physical skills,

I want to be an excellent cultivator! "

Hearing Neji's laughter, Lee stood up and pointed at him.


On the ring, Lee was still dodging attacks tenaciously.

Shaju laughed and said, "Why don't you give up in time?"

Shajiro: "If you continue like this, you will be beaten to death by Sara."

Naruto: "Thick eyebrows..."

Ningji: "Lee..."

[Weep, weep, weep! Looking at the picture of Lee's efforts, I seem to have an emotion about to burst out, but the accumulation is not enough...]

[When everyone labels you as a waste, you are still working hard, why do you feel a little sore in your eyes?]

[That's not sour, that's proof that we still have emotions!]

[Looking at the powerful Lee now, his efforts have been proven,

It's normal that he can't beat a genius like Sara, after all, maybe he works harder?]

[Yes It makes sense that with the same effort, genius is naturally better than trash! 】

【Otherwise, you would say I was born a cow and a horse! The upper limit I have reached through unremitting efforts is just the lower limit of genius! 】

【Don't complain, we are already good enough. Just being born in this country is the upper limit that people in some countries cannot reach even with their efforts. 】

【Indeed, we should be positive and energetic. If we only look at positive energy and ignore negative energy, we will live in happiness all our lives. 】

【So, does Xiao Li still have a chance to win? 】

【Can Chen Shisan promote the glory of hard work in this story? 】

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