The students were busy with their studies.

Inside the monastic school.

"I wonder what happened to Naruto!" Iruka was worried.

"Let's run out now. Teacher Iruka has been absent-minded recently."

On the desk, Hong Xianwan immediately became alert and whispered to Udon.

Udon listened blankly with a snot hanging down.

"Hey, Hong Xianwan, you want to skip class again?"

How could the poor discussion be hidden from the shrewd teacher Iruka, who roared.

"I... I want to go to the toilet."

"You lie."


In the examination room.

"All the contestants who entered the third round of the outer sect competition,

Although one of them is absent, congratulations to you."

Ibixi said to the people in front of him.

Xiaoying: "Teacher Duanmuxi, I want to ask you something."

Duanmuxi: "Is it about Yuwenzuo? Sorry, I don't know much."

"Next, it depends on him."

Duanmuxi thought about it and said to Xiaoying: "Xiaoying, I have to leave for a while. Please listen to the content of the exam."


Disappeared in her eyes.

"Including Yuwenzuo who is not here, there are 5 people from the Fire Sect, 3 people from the Wind Sect, and 1 person from the Sound Sect."

Hong Rizhan pressed his hat.

"Then I will start to explain the content of the competition."

"It seems that the preliminaries have been successfully concluded and the official competition is about to begin."

Dou knelt on one knee and reported.

Snake Tongtian listened to the birds chirping: "But it's really quiet, no, this country has really become peaceful,

other countries are busy expanding their armaments."

"We should be able to seize it now, right?"

"Yes, although I don't know if it's interesting to take the old man's head."


I still think you are hesitating. The power of each sect will collide for a long time and fiercely, and the Yin Sect is one of them.

You want to be the fuse, right?

And he is the ammunition you prepared for this, right?

Is his name Yuwen Zuo?"

Dou pushed his glasses and said with a smile.

"You see too clearly, which makes me feel a little uncomfortable!" Snake Tongtian laughed.

"No, I don't know about Tos, Deng Kesha and Jinchui.

When I was collecting information about Yuwenzuo,

In order to understand their abilities, I even deliberately made a clumsy move of being attacked by them.

You overestimated me.

It seems that you don't trust me completely yet." Dou said slowly.

Snake Tongtian: "I don't think it's necessary to tell you, my right-hand man, about people like them?

This is the proof that I trust you."


The birds in the distance seemed to be frightened by something and flapped their wings and flew away.

"Then, I'll leave Yuwenzuo's matter to you.

The Linglong Seal I gave him seems to have been sealed by Duanmu Xi.

Although it has no effect, I want you to take him here right now while the darkness in his heart has not dissipated."

"It's really unlike you, you're in a hurry!"

"Because there's something that concerns me."

"Is it the fifth Naruto?"

This guy is really sharp, Snake Tongtian narrowed his eyes.

"Yuwenzuo was born as an avenger to defeat his brother Itachi. He will not die before he achieves his goal. However, when he fought me, he knew he could not beat me, but he still rushed forward fearlessly. I originally thought he was a person who was unwilling to die. According to your information, it seems that Yuwenzuo's purpose and heart have changed after he came into contact with the nine-tailed child. He has such a great influence on Yuwenzuo. We must separate them as soon as possible and accept my influence as soon as possible." She Tongtian licked his lips. It was really interesting. "Then..." Dou prepared to leave after a little cold sweat fell. "Dou... If you want to stop me... You can only kill Yuwenzuo now. You can't kill me. Even if you are very powerful, you are only at the level of Duanmu Xi." After She Tongtian finished speaking, Dou's pupils shrank. "Just kidding, okay, go away, I trust you very much." Whoosh! Dou left in an instant. "Hmph, that expression, what is he thinking?"

Snake Tongtian thought about Dou's expression just now, what a strange expression.

[Is this Snake Tongtian so powerful? He can infer so many things with just a little information,

Is he overthinking, or am I too stupid? ]

[Yeah, he even guessed the slightest change in his heart, it's outrageous! ]

[What does it mean to take the old man's head?

Is it to take down Hong Rizhan's head? ]

[This Dou is really thoughtful, even a strong man like She Tongtian can't figure it out. ]

[In She Tongtian's eyes, he can be on par with Duanmu Xi, which means he is guaranteed to be at the Chongxu level? ]

[Then he is really good at pretending. Such a strong man appeared in the sect, and there was no warning at all! ]

[Dou wants to kill She Tongtian? Did he really get the inheritance of Medicine Buddha, and then he felt compassion for the world and wanted to get rid of She Tongtian to make the world peaceful? ]

[She Tongtian is also awesome, a person who might want to kill him, but he still keeps him by his side,

and even gives him tasks! ]

[They are all confident people! 】

[Yes, confidence is good. If I were confident, I would not let her leave my side. Alas! 】

"The official competition will show everyone's battle to the audience.

I hope that everyone, as representatives of their respective countries, will show their strength without regrets.

Therefore, the official competition will start in a month."

In front of Naruto and others, Hong Rizhen said slowly.

Naruto: "Eh? Isn't it starting now?"

"This is the so-called corresponding preparation time."

"What's going on?"

"That is, this is the preparation time to inform the emperors of various countries and the monk leaders that the preliminaries have ended,

and invite them to watch,

and this is also the preparation time for you disciples."

Sha Jiulang thought: "This old man always talks in a roundabout way."

So he said: "I still don't understand, what does it mean?"

Hong Rizhan was not annoyed: "That is to say, this is the preparation time for you to know yourself and the enemy,

analyze the enemy's intelligence obtained in the preliminaries,

increase the chance of winning,

so far, it's all actual combat, and it's expected that you will fight with invisible enemies."

"That's right, who would have thought that this guy would use sand as a weapon." Hearing this, Shikamaru glanced at Sara.

"But, it's not like this in a formal competition. Sometimes, you will show your full strength in front of your opponent. For the sake of fairness, you can use this month to improve yourself." After hearing what the third generation said, Naruto knew that he couldn't use it for fun next time. [What kind of thing needs a month of preparation? Can't you just play it directly? What kind of thing can you learn and improve in a month? ] [That's right, can a person go from the Yuxu realm to the Chongxu realm? ] [But it can also be seen that in Chen Shisan's script, intelligence is very important! ] [Others can't do it, but it doesn't mean that the protagonist group can't do it. I'm sure that if the protagonist group doesn't make great progress, the names will be written upside down. ] [Who doesn't know that as long as time is reserved, it must be the time for the protagonist to make rapid progress? ]

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