I, Assistant Shenhao, Amazed Fatty By Wild Consumption

60 Chen Fei's Coquettish Operation, Caught [Goose Factory] Pulling Wool

As the butler of the presidential suite, it is taboo to interfere with the personal behavior of the guests.

But Lin Miaotong was still hindered by her professionalism,

He couldn't help reminding Chen Fei aloud.

To be honest, Chen Fei didn't quite understand Lin Miaotong's technical terms.

But later she explained in detail,

Now Chen Fei roughly understood what she meant.

[Goose Factory] As a leading enterprise in the domestic Internet industry,

Whether it is development or scale, it has basically reached its peak.

This type of company stock does not have investment value in the eyes of any investor.

After all, buying 100% does not make money, and there is a risk of losing money,

Whoever it is, wouldn't pick this kind of stock to buy, don't you think?

What Lin Miaotong didn't know was,

Chen Fei just wanted to buy the stock of [Goose Factory].

In the next second, he looked at Lin Miaotong and said:

"Miao Tong, what you mean is that Goose's stock is unlikely to rise sharply.

"So, in your opinion, is their share price going to go down?"

Hearing Chen Fei's question, Lin Miaotong replied:

"[Goose Factory] has developed steadily over the years.

"In addition, their main business cannot be replaced by others."

"So I personally think that if there is no major accident, the probability of their stock price plummeting is very low.

Hearing Lin Miaotong's answer, Chen Fei nodded calmly,

Then he said:

"Then just buy the stock of this company."

Chen Fei's idea now is very simple,

He bought stocks not for investment, but purely for consumption rebates.

But he doesn't want to lose money on the stocks he bought,

If you want to choose a company with a large enough market value that is not easy to depreciate,

After thinking about it, only [Goose Factory] [Ali] these few companies have this qualification.

If it is a small company, you may not buy many shares, but the other party will be shorted.


Lin Miaotong didn't know why Chen Fei insisted on buying the stock of [Goose Factory],

Just persuaded and persuaded, now Chen Fei asks to continue to buy,

She also knew that at this time, she had better stop talking nonsense.

Looking up at Chen Fei, Lin Miaotong asked:

"Mr. Chen, how much stock do you buy in [Goose Factory]?"

Chen Fei directly transferred 200 million to the securities account, and then said:

"Buy 200 million first!"

"Okay, Mr. Chen."

As a graduate of a famous university, Lin Miaotong is still very skilled in operation,

As of today, the stock price of [Goose Factory] is 400 yuan per share.

Lin Miaotong bought all the funds transferred from Chen Fei into the stocks of [Goose Factory],

Then, she put down the mouse and said:

"Mr. Chen, you have purchased a total of 500,000 shares of [Goose Factory]!"

"Next, is there anything else I need to do?"

"Hello, dear Mr. Chen, your ICBC bank card with the end number 8888, the expenditure is RMB: 200 million yuan!"

"Your current balance is 44.8 million yuan!"

"Hello, dear Mr. Chen, your ICBC bank card with the end number 8888 has received cash withdrawal from the stock account: 400 million yuan!"

"Your current balance is: 444.8 million yuan!"

Sure enough, spending in the stock market will come faster,

If you really ran to reward the anchor for something, you would lose your hands and wonder if you could get the rebate so quickly.

Right now, seeing Lin Miaotong asking herself what else needs to be done next,

Chen Fei replied:

"I transferred another 400 million to the account!"

"Continue to use it to buy all the stocks of [Goose Factory]!"

Another 400 million?

Continue to use it to buy stocks in [Goose Factory]?

Hearing Chen Fei's words, Lin Miaotong was a little frightened,

This Mr. Chen, how rich is he?

In the blink of an eye, he spent 600 million?

There is no risk in manipulating the process of buying stocks.

But for some reason, some sweat still appeared on Lin Miaotong's palm,

Nervous, excited!

Her family environment can only be described as ordinary,

Growing up, she had never seen so much money.

This is a full 600 million yuan!

If I go out to brag myself in the future, will I be able to boast that I have traded hundreds of millions of funds?

Thoughts are in a mess,

Until Chen Fei called her,

Only then did Lin Miaotong come back to her senses, and hurriedly said:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, I will continue to operate for you!"

Next, Chen Fei is continuing to cycle through this operation:

"Dear Mr. Chen, your bank card received a cash withdrawal of 800 million yuan from the stock market!"

"Dear Mr. Chen, your bank card has received a cash withdrawal of 1 billion yuan from the stock market!"

"Dear Mr. Chen, your bank card received a cash withdrawal of 3.2 billion yuan from the futures market!"

"Dear Mr. Chen, your bank card has received a cash withdrawal of 6.4 billion yuan from the futures market!"

Continuous 4-wave operation,

Quickly accumulated a lot of assets for Chen Fei,

At this time, the funds in his bank card have become 54,744,800,000 yuan!

Seeing that Chen Fei is increasing his efforts to purchase [Goose Factory] stocks,

Lin Miaotong was almost terrified!

Still buying?

Why is Mr. Chen still buying?

How much money is in his bank card?

Could it be that Mr. Chen is really a billionaire who hides hundreds of billions or trillions?

Seeing Chen Fei's calm and calm appearance,

Lin Miaotong couldn't help but swallowed her throat,

She already knew that Chen Fei was rich,

But now, she still found that she seemed to have greatly underestimated the customer she served!

"Mr. Chen, still...do you want to continue the operation?"

Lin Miaotong's voice trembled a little,

Just when Chen Fei was about to say continue,

Suddenly, his cell phone rang,

Looking at the number, Chen Fei knew it was a call from the bank.

Then he got on the phone!

"Is this Mr. Chen Fei?"

"I'm Chen Fei, who are you?"

"Mr. Chen Fei, hello, I am a staff member of ICBC, my name is Chen Rui, and my job number is 9527..."

I saw the staff of the bank introducing themselves on the phone,

Chen Fei was speechless immediately:

"Well, Manager Chen, what's the matter with you calling me?"

Hearing Chen Fei's inquiry, Chen Rui hurriedly said:

"Mr. Chen, it's like this. Our bank has detected the bank card in your name, and there have been several waves of large-scale fund transfers in and out."

"We just want to check with you, are you handling these operations yourself?"

There is a system arranged there, and all the transfers in and out of funds have taken safety protection measures.

So Chen Fei is not worried about arousing suspicion,

Guessing that the bank called me, that is, I wanted to ask if I was handling the money myself.

In the next second, he replied:

"Yeah, I'm buying some stocks that I'm bullish on right now.

"What's wrong, is there something wrong with my operation?"

Hearing what Chen Fei said, the bank manager Chen hurriedly said:

"No problem, of course it's no problem for you to buy stocks normally!"

"The main purpose of my call is to confirm whether you are operating the funds yourself.

"Now it's confirmed that it's correct."

Hearing this, Chen Fei said:

"Okay, I see, thank you for your concern."

However, just when Chen Fei was about to hang up the phone,

Chen Rui hastily spoke again:

"Mr. Chen, may I take the liberty to interrupt Tu for a few more minutes?"

Chen Fei asked:

"Anything else?"

Chen Rui took a deep breath, then said quickly:

"Mr. Chen, it's like this. Our bank recently launched a large-denomination certificate of deposit.

"The interest rate is 5.65%, which is quite attractive.

"If Mr. Chen is interested, I can give you a more detailed introduction..."

Large certificate of deposit?

The interest rate is 5.65%?

Chen Fei was a little speechless,

It takes a long time to sell fixed deposits to myself.

"Manager Chen, I'm sorry, I personally have no interest in fixed deposits."

"Because I have been speculating in stocks all the time, I often need money.

"So I'm sorry."

Soon, Chen Fei hung up the call from the bank,

What he didn't expect was that before he had time to perform the fifth operation,

The stock exchange also called him.

Their purpose is the same as that of the bank, that is, to ask Chen Fei if he is operating it himself.

Chen Fei also confirmed with the stock exchange,

Then, there is no more.

Chen Fei took a sip of water, then looked at Lin Miaotong:

"How much stock in [Goose Factory] have I already bought?"

Hearing Chen Fei's inquiry, Lin Miaotong immediately looked at the operation interface,

Then quickly replied:

"Mr. Chen, you have bought (15.5 million shares of stock!"

"Your total expenditure is 6.2 billion yuan!"

A total of 6.2 billion worth of [Goose Factory] stocks have been bought, right?

Chen Fei nodded secretly, just when he was about to let Lin Miaotong continue to buy another wave,

Suddenly, Lin Miaotong looked at him curiously and said:

"Mr. Chen, I seem to understand why you bought so many shares of Goose Factory.

"Are you planning to become a member of the [Goose Factory] board of directors?"

Become a member of the [Goose Factory] Board of Directors?

Hearing what Lin Miaotong said, Chen Fei was taken aback for an instant,

He didn't have such an idea, okay?

Why did Butler Lin suddenly ask this?

In the next second, Chen Fei seemed to realize something,

From the perspective of real factory tickets, there is no investment value,

Buying the other party's shares so aggressively, there are indeed some suspicions of wanting to buy the other party's shares.

Therefore, Chen Fei did not explain too much about this,

In the next second, he asked:

"How many shares do you need to become a shareholder of [Goose Factory]?"

Hearing Chen Fei's question, Lin Miaotong said:

"Mr. Chen, if necessary, I can check it for you."

Chen Fei was taken aback for a moment:

"Can this be found too?"

Lin Miaotong pursed her lips and said with a smile:

"I can't find the exact one, but I can roughly infer it."

"Mr. Chen, please wait for me for a few minutes."

After saying this, Lin Miaotong opened the webpage

, Searched the total market value of [Goose Factory], as well as the stock issuance, and the distribution of equity.

At the same time, she also opened a notepad and recorded the data.

After a little calculation of the difference,

Lin Miaotong looked at Chen Fei and said:

"Mr. Chen, as of today, [Goose Factory] has a total market value of 3.8 trillion RMB."

#930Based on this market value calculation, their 1% equity is probably worth around 38 billion RMB. "

"Generally, for many listed companies, holding more than 0.5% of their equity is eligible to join the board of directors."

"However, some listed companies have stricter requirements. Only shareholders holding more than 1% of the shares are eligible to join the board of directors."

"This standard is set by the company itself, but I personally estimate that [Goose Factory] should have similar standards to this."

"Probably if you hold 1%-2% of the shares of [Goose Factory], you are eligible to join their board of directors."

After talking about the situation, Lin Miaotong thought about it and added a few words:

"Just now I also checked the shareholding distribution of [Goose Factory] on the Internet."

"[South African Press Group] is the largest shareholder of [Goose Factory], with a shareholding ratio of 31.17%!"

"[Goose Factory] Chairman Xiao Ma's shareholding: 8.63%!"

"[JPMorgan Chase] Holdings: 4.78%!"

"[U.S. Pilot Group] Shareholding: 4%!"

"[BlackRock Group of the United States] Shareholding: 1.97%!"

"[Ocean Investment] Shareholding: 4%!"

"The rest, [Goose Factory] has several executives who also hold shares in the company, and the total is 4%!"

"It can be seen that [Goose Factory] probably has 41.45% of its shares circulating in the stock market!"

According to Lin Miaotong's introduction, Chen Fei has some understanding of the situation of [Goose Factory].

Unexpectedly, you must hold at least 1% of the other party's shares to be eligible to join the board of directors.

Tsk tsk, this is a full 38 billion worth of shares.

To be honest, Chen Fei doesn't have much obsession with this kind of thing,

It doesn't make much sense to join the board of directors of [Goose Factory],

After all, such minority shareholders only have a right to speak and make suggestions at most.

The real power is controlled by Xiao Ma.

So this is really not attractive at all.

The next second, Chen Fei looked up at Lin Miaotong and said:

“It doesn’t matter if you get on the [Goose Factory] board or not.

"Help me play one last time."

"Just buy 6 billion shares of [Goose Factory] this time."

After saying this, Chen Fei immediately transferred 6 billion to this securities account.

A few minutes later,

Lin Miaotong has already completed the operation.

"Hello, dear Mr. Chen, your bank card with the ending number 8888 has received a transfer of 12 billion yuan from an overseas account!"

"The current balance on your card is: 12.4448 billion yuan!"

After finishing this operation, Lin Miaotong looked at Chen Fei and said:

"Mr. Chen, the stock you currently hold in [Goose Factory] has reached 30.5 million shares."

"According to the market price, it is worth about 12.2 billion yuan!".

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