North Atlantic Federation, Spring 2008

Umbrella Branch, Raccoon City, Colorado.

“Welcome to Raccoon City 7, Raccoon City Weather Forecast column.”

“Today’s Raccoon City temperature is as high as 92 degrees Fahrenheit, and today the heat wave is hot, but good news for rhinitis and pollen allergy sufferers.”

Chen Feng held a cup full of whiskey and ice cubes, looking out the window and the bright sun, but did not have the slightest look of enjoyment.

The rich smell of alcohol could not hide the sadness on his face.

Listening to the sound of the weather forecast on the LCD TV, especially the three words of Raccoon City, Chen Feng raised his glass and drank it.

Looking down from the high-rise offices of the twin towers, you can see that the plaza below takes on the shape of a huge umbrella.

It has been 7 days since I crossed into this parallel world with the same name and surname.

Through these few days, Chen Feng was convinced that he seemed to have crossed into his own name and surname in the parallel world, and became an executive of Umbrella Company.

This is undoubtedly the world of Resident Evil.

Now he is in an extremely dangerous situation.

He is the supervisor of the branch in charge of Raccoon City not long ago, and he is logically the top leader of Raccoon City.

But it is very unfortunate that his backer, the uncle of his predecessor, died half a month ago in the cadre training center in the Akre Mountains.

Umbrella is known to be a super multinational monopoly whose many industries are second to none in the world.

But what many people don’t know is that although this company is huge, its internal struggles are very serious.

Basically, all three of Umbrella’s founders died in internal struggles.

Chen Feng, who was an otaku before crossing over, knew that his uncle died nine times out of ten because of an internal conspiracy.

In fact, the origin of the predecessor belongs to a very good one in Umbrella and belongs to the “upper bloodline”.

Although Chen Feng was an orphan and his only relative was his uncle, his uncle was indeed the supreme leader of the Far East Branch, and because he was a member of the Spencer family, he was urgently transferred to North America.

The predecessor entered the company for less than 3 years, but because he had a high-ranking uncle, he soared all the way, and in just 3 years, he climbed to the current position.

The director of Raccoon City, but the predecessor has two fatal shortcomings, too dependent on family background, lack of achievements, lack of prestige,

Their own ability is mediocre, lack of grassroots experience, and lack of skills.

So he parachuted into Raccoon City 2 months ago, and at first everyone did not dare to offend because of his deep background.

But over time, coupled with the death of his uncle, his situation plummeted.

Because the predecessor is the second generation of the group, he sings almost night and night in North America, spending all day drinking, and even the Stanford graduation certificate is obtained by relying on the relationship of his uncle.

Not surprisingly, since his uncle’s death, the eldest young master who had been drinking all day and time in the branch was directly emptied.

And the predecessor also died on the woman’s belly, which can almost be said to be a humiliating death for Umbrella’s executives.

When Chen Feng crossed over, he found that it was a full 7 days.

He was the senior director of the Raccoon City branch, and he didn’t even have a person to report his work!

One can imagine how weak the predecessor’s control over the division was.

This is not somewhere else, but Raccoon City, and he is also an executive of Umbrella.

Although there seems to be something wrong with the timeline of the world now, the time is already 2008, but the raccoon market crisis has not yet broken out.

But from the information and indications he has seized, the world’s world line seems to be closing.

The current Raccoon City is a ticking time bomb, and he may well have become an outcast of the faction.

Once Resident Evil breaks out, either die under zombies or biochemical weapons, or escape or die from being a scapegoat for Resident Evil.

Chen Feng was working hard to break the game, but until now he was helpless, and he was almost in a dead end.

Just then, the door to the office opened, and an Asian man in a suit swaggered in.

“Who?” Chen Feng turned his head, and the two looked at each other.

It seemed that he did not expect that there was still someone in the office, and it was the person he least wanted to see.

The Asian man’s eyes flickered, and his expression was a little unnatural.

“Oh, boss, I didn’t expect you to be in the company.”

Chen Feng’s demeanor became indifferent, Kim Taehyung, this Erwuzai, was the secretary assigned to him by the branch.

Kim Taehyung is of Korean descent, and after his uncle’s death, the goods should have turned to his deputy as soon as possible.

Because since his uncle’s death, Chen Feng has not come to report to work, and before he would still make appearances, but now there is no doubt.

“What are you doing here? Even when you enter the office of your superiors, you don’t even knock on the door? ”

Hearing Chen Feng’s stern words, he was stunned for a moment, he had acted like this a few times before, but this waste leader had always ignored things.

Why did you actually make a fuss about this today?

Umbrella is highly hierarchical, with clear boundaries between superiors and subordinates.

Even the second-in-command who holds real power does not dare to violate this kind of rule, and his behavior is already a serious violation of discipline when pursued.

Kim Taehyung laughed dryly: “The branch is calling a quarterly meeting, and Supervisor Kane asked me to bring the documents over.” ”

Chen Feng simply laughed angrily.

“Oh, such an important meeting as the quarterly meeting, the entire branch knows about it, but only me, the supervisor, does not know?”

“How did you become a secretary?”

Under the reprimand of Chen Feng like this, Kim Taehyung didn’t even dare to talk back, after all, no matter how he was erected… He’s also a top boss!

“Hmph, obviously I haven’t even attended the annual meeting…” Kim Taehyung thought with slander and disdain, but did not dare to say it.

Chen Feng sneered, walked to the desk, and took out a piece of information.

“Is that the information?”

“Hmm… Yes, this one. Kim Taehyung nodded at a loss, at this moment, he didn’t know what Chen Feng was going to do.

I saw Chen Feng pick up the document and push open the door of the office.

“Oh, I’ll send it to Director Kane personally!”

Seeing this, Kim Taehyung followed Chen Feng very reluctantly, and walked to the conference room together, and the most fierce collision of branch power was about to begin.

Take the central elevator to the 25th floor where the meeting room is located, and the elevator opens to an extremely spacious office area.

Along the way, all the office staff and security personnel who saw Chen Feng were a little stunned, but without exception, they all had to put on a smiling expression.

“Good morning, BOSS!”

“Nice to meet you, BOSS.”

If these low-level dares to disrespect Chen Feng, Chen Feng can expel them with just one word, and here, he has absolute rights.

Finally, after passing through the office area, the front suddenly opened up, and at the end of an open corridor, there was an elm conference room door with an umbrella logo.

On both sides of the gate, security guards stood guard and flags of Umbrella and the Atlantic Federation were also flown on them.

Chen Feng walked to the door of the conference room with a gloomy face and pushed the door open forcefully.

At this time, a voice sounded in his head.

“The system has started, the Umbrella simulator has turned on.”

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