“Major General Chen Feng! Tell us how to defeat that pack of Soviet bears! ”

Under the influence of the spiritual hint, all the leaders of the allied countries present began to obey Chen Feng’s words, and subconsciously took Chen Feng’s words as the direction of their next progress.

“As we all know, the Soviet Union had the advantage of having a very strong army on the road, and their tank armor was much stronger than that of the Union. But also due to armor, their tanks and other armed vehicles ran relatively slowly compared to the Allies, which also gave the Allied forces room to fight back. ”

However, the appearance of Yuri’s psychic troops broke this advantage. By manipulating their minds, they turn the good guys who heroically guard their homeland into their puppets, which is also something we cannot tolerate! ”

Chen Feng’s words hit deeply in the hearts of the leaders of various countries, making them involuntarily nod in response.

“But fortunately, Umbrella has trained a new class of troops for Yuri’s mind unit ability, Mind Commander!”

Chen Feng called Yalvet and asked her to introduce to the leaders of various countries what kind of new type of troops this spiritual commander was.

“Chiefs, I’ll make a long story short.”

Transmitting the details of [Mind Commander] on the big screen, Yalvet held a red dot transmitter and swiped through the information and began her own explanation.

“The newly trained [Mind Commander] can build a psychic barrier in the hearts of the team members around her through psychic power, thereby shielding the psychic manipulation of Yuri’s psychic troops.”

After listening to Arvette’s account, the Prime Minister of the Gallic Kingdom asked.

“But why call it commander? I think it’s better to call it a mind defense soldier. ”

“This is exactly what I want to add, in the case of having a mind barrier, these soldiers can make real-time calls through the mind commander who is the center of the heart, which is the greatest value of the mind commander.”

Telephony can even replace radio communication!

However, Chen Feng did not tell these leaders that once they accepted the spiritual barrier of the black lily clone, it was equivalent to accepting a long-standing psychological hint, which would make their army spontaneously favor Chen Feng’s side from the bottom of their hearts.

For example, if this world war is over and the leaders of these countries want to come to a bird’s bow and order their own army to eliminate Chen Feng, these troops will attack the national government on the spot, and then support Chen Feng as the new master of the country.

However, when the leaders of various countries have been influenced by Chen Feng’s spiritual hints, this kind of thing is unlikely to happen.

“Gentlemen, after urgent training, Umbrella has trained the first batch of Mind Commanders. As one of the first psychic commanders to enter the battlefield, I decided to cast them into your army for free to help your army resist the control of the Soviet psychic. ”

Chen Feng clapped his hands and regained the consciousness of everyone in the conference hall.

“The Mind Commander Force has set out, and a Mind Commander can provide a Mind Barrier for a reinforced company, that is, about 100 soldiers. All you need to do is order the army to accept the incoming Mind Commander. ”

“Next, let’s blow the clarion call for a counterattack!”

Long before attending this meeting, Chen Feng had ordered Umbrella to fully supply the black lily clone in the direction of psychic ability, and with the order of the leaders of each country, the psychic commanders joined the armies of various countries unimpeded.

And the Hans army, which was closest to the Soviet army, after accepting the spiritual commander, immediately marched in the direction of the Soviet army.


“Hahahaha! That’s awesome! ”

Watching his Soviet army invade the Hans country in full swing, the supreme leader of the Soviet Union, Romanov, laughed, while Yuri, as the commander-in-chief of the army, watched coldly from the sidelines.

As soon as he learned that the leaders of the Allies were going to hold a meeting in Munich, Hans, Yuri accelerated his control of the entire Soviet Union.

Under the action of the maximum load of mind controllers in the Soviet Union, now the entire Soviet army has been brainwashed by Yuri and has become a puppet in Yuri’s hands.

Today’s Romanov has long been unknowingly erected by Yuri into a light pole commander.

Today’s Romanov still naively believes that the Soviet Union is still under his control. Unbeknownst to him, Yuri showed a cold smile.

Yes, that’s right, Romanov, you continue to be naïve like this, let me put all the charges of war on your head!

“Yuri! My old friend, I’m really sorry I was so rude to you before! Psychic technology has proved that it is still an indestructible blade! ”

Romanov turned his big smiling face and reached out to slap Yuri’s shoulder hard, and the big slap slapped Yuri’s shoulder with a crackle.

Yuri himself is just a scientist, even if he enters the army and exercises his body a little, Romanov’s big slap on the shoulder is not something Yuri can laugh off.

So Yuri’s original “cold smile” was slapped into a grin by Romanov’s big slap.

“My friend, let’s catch the lackeys of the Allied ZBZY alive and let the red glow of the Soviet Union lead the world!”

Putting his arm around Yuri’s shoulders, Romanov made bold words!

He has seen victory at hand!

But Romanov did not notice that Yuri, who was put around his shoulders, had an expression like he had eaten Sho at this time.

‘What makes the red brilliance of the Soviet Union lead the world, you Romanov is nothing more than a puppet prime minister supported by the North Atlantic Federation! Without my Yuri’s presence, how many years will it take you to achieve the recovery of the USSR in your mouth? ’

‘When I capture all the leaders of the Allies and send their brainwashed clones back home when the false news that [the leaders of the countries are not captured], I can easily achieve the purpose of controlling the world!” ’

‘When that time comes, I won’t keep Romanov, you fool, to live!’ ’

‘I will trample your ambitions in front of you and make you die with a jealous expression in front of me!’ ’

In Yuri’s opinion, only he Yuri, the founder of mind technology, will be the true ruler of this world!

“Report! Encounter enemy forces ahead! Looking at the style of the uniform, it should be the Marine troops of the Hans country! ”

Just as Romanov was dreaming of a better future, the latest battle situation came from his soldiers.

“Hans army? Wouldn’t it be okay to control them all with your psychic devices! Just like before! ”

Romanov returned impatiently.

“But, but, we do activate the mind control device! But the other party showed no signs of being controlled by the mind at all! ”

Yuri’s eyes widened sharply when he heard this, and he once again remembered the mysterious team that had destroyed his spiritual beacon several times!

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