“Let that guy stop his troublemaking!”

“I can’t sleep well!”

Because Black Lily’s tone was excessively righteous, and she was really serious about doing what she was supposed to do, Teresa and Tanya couldn’t refute her for a while.

However, his colleagues have already sent complaints, so for the sake of future workplace stability, let this Mr. Yuri, who has been hit too hard and a little distracted, sacrifice a little.

“It can’t be… I am Yuri, and you deserve to obey me…”

Yuri, who refuses to admit that his proud mind technology has completely failed in front of Umbrella, is still chanting in his mouth to activate the ability, and every time he activates the ability to give Black Lily’s feedback, when you sleep at night, a mosquito constantly harasses you in your ear to prevent you from falling asleep.

So in addition to the method of sleeping with her head covered, Black Lily chose to shut up Yuri, the mosquito.

Black Lily urged Tanya to walk in front of Yuri, and knocked on this big bald head!

“Give me a stop to your bottomless temptation! There is a limit to our patience! ”

Black Lily’s spiritual power flowed down Tanya’s fingers into Yuri’s head, forming a spiritual barrier on Yuri’s body.

However, the direction of action of this psychic barrier is reversed, the original psychic barrier is to prevent foreign invasion, and this special version of the psychic barrier that Black Lily applied to Yuri is to prevent Yuri’s psychic power from spreading outward.

At this time, Yuri was shocked, and he felt a familiar but not his own spiritual power blocking him!

“Nope! No, no! You can’t do this! This is my life’s work, you can’t just ruin him like that! ”

Feeling that his spiritual power was completely locked in his body and could not spread out, Yuri felt that his sky was about to fall.

Since his youth, Yuri has been learning how to control the minds of others with willpower.

After years of training, quantitative change led to qualitative change, and Yuri finally awakened the power of mind control. After awakening his power, Yuri immediately felt that his way of looking at the world had changed a lot, and he had the confidence to control the entire world!

However, the spirited Yuri encountered Waterloo at the hands of Umbrella, and all the Soviet troops were destroyed, he was captured, and even his spiritual power was sealed.

“You guy stop howling! Believe it or not, I shut your mouth entirely! ”

Obviously, Yuri’s barking of the defeated dog could not arouse Tanya’s sympathy, but also aroused Tanya’s dissatisfaction.

You are a prisoner of war, just stay obediently, what are you shouting about there?

If it weren’t for the Geneva Conventions protecting you, the old lady would not have opened your big head that can be used as a mirror today!

Perhaps sensing the killing intent in Tanya’s eyes, Yuri shook and obediently closed his mouth.

The good man does not suffer the immediate loss, and when he finds an opportunity, he must take revenge …

“Two, this bald guy still wants to make a comeback.”

The sound of black lilies suddenly sounded in the Humvee.

Hearing this, Yuri once again felt two eyes on him, and Tanya’s gaze was even more fierce as if she was about to swallow Yuri.

This dog thing, let the old lady not take a vacation!

“Why do you know what’s going on in my heart!”

Yuri looked up in the direction where the sound was coming from – the car stereo.

“Are you questioning my abilities?”

Black Lily’s voice has a hint of unhappiness, as the gene provider of the Black Lily clone, Black Lily itself brings a trace of the style of a superior person, plus Yuri has made it clear that he is inferior to himself in the area of mind control, and Black Lily’s attitude towards Yuri is even worse.

“Do you think that psychic power can only be used to forcibly control the other party after hypnosis?”

“Such a superficial understanding dooms you to be a defeated subordinate!”

With a cold snort from Black Lily, cold sweat instantly broke out on Yuri’s bald head, and the spiritual power in his body was completely blocked by Black Lily, and he could no longer feel it!

“I hope you can bring enough value to the boss… Otherwise, we at Umbrella don’t have the spare money to feed you this waste!” ”

After speaking, Black Lily hung up the communication.

Tanya looked at Teresa on the side with a blank expression.

“That, Teresa… Does this black lily usually have such a big temper? And isn’t it you who commanded this battle? Why did she call the shots instead of you? ”

Teresa revolved her silver-white hair and said uncertainly.

“Probably… Get up gas? ”

This world war, which decided the ownership of the entire Red Alert world, ended with Umbrella completely crushing the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union completely surrendered to the Allies, and the leaders of the Allies were also brought under Umbrella’s psychic control.

As for Yuri, Chen Feng specially made a room for him that could not spread the fluctuations of the mind, and everything that Yuri needed would be sent to Yuri’s room by the unintelligent mechanical conveyor belt, and he could no longer do anything wrong through mind control.

Today’s Red Alert world has finally been completely under Chen Feng’s control!

As the actual controller of this world, Chen Feng wants to completely integrate Umbrella’s shadow into this world!

Just like the original raccoon city strategy, make Umbrella the economic center of the entire city.

But this time Chen Feng wants to play bigger, he wants to make Umbrella become the economic center of the whole world!

“Red Queen!”

“BOSS, you look for me.”

“Let me call up all the existing information and compare it with the existing technology in this world.” See what research results can be used to improve people’s livelihoods. ”

Countless streamers streaked across the surface of the red queen’s body, and Chen Feng even had the illusion that the red queen was stuck for a moment.

“After scanning, let’s introduce the bosses one by one…”

A year later.

Chen Feng and Teresa, dressed in civilian clothes, were strolling through an amusement park that had just been completed and was opening grandly.

In the distance, the Amberra logo hangs high on the gate of the amusement park, and the iconic red and white pattern enters the eyes of visitors from that angle.

“Chen Feng… I want to eat that. ”

Pulling the corner of Chen Feng’s clothes, Teresa pointed to the ice cream truck on the side, and the front of the car was already full of children who wanted to eat ice cream.

“I’ll buy it, what flavor do you want?”

Pulling Teresa, who is always easy to fall flat, to sit on a bench on the side of the street, Chen Feng asked with a smile.

“Vanilla-flavored, thanks.”

Teresa said softly, a slight blush on her face.

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