In the office, Chen Feng was writing an action plan on his computer.

Action codename, Anaconda.

As he wrote, he thought about the details of the film and compared it with the current situation.

Exploring Borneo’s Blood Orchid Python’s Lair is a ruins quest of beginner difficulty.

Chen Feng has seen Python 2, which is probably about a biopharmaceutical company facing bankruptcy and investors preparing to withdraw their investment.

That’s when they found a sample called a blood orchid, and the company organized an expedition to Borneo.

In the rainforest deep in Borneo, it turns out that the location of the blood orchid is in a giant python’s nest.

When they arrived, just when the python was breeding, they encountered an attack by a mutant giant python.

Under the huge pressure of survival, the team split, infighting, and monster attacks, only 4 people survived anyway.

According to the film, this expedition mission was properly considered a failure, because they did not get the blood orchid, and they suffered heavy losses.

As for the system evaluation as the primary difficulty is also easy to understand, the python nest of the mad python disaster, although there are many pythons, but the python does not add up to more than ten.

And those giant pythons can be killed even by ordinary people, and even the heroine can cut off the head of a small giant python with a knife.

Those giant pythons should have taken the blood orchid, not only the life expectancy was extended, but also the physique was enhanced, and they would become so huge.

But no matter how huge they are, these pythons still stay in the category of slightly larger animals.

The biological company in the film is on the verge of bankruptcy, seriously underfunded, and the investors have not provided any budget, it can be seen that they are hard money to explore.

There are no professional soldiers in their expedition, even the leader of the team is a doctor, a scientist, and the strongest combat is only a scruffy captain who is drunk and gambling.

If it weren’t for the infighting, such a team would have been able to bring the blood orchid out.

And now, this worldline, Umbrella has become their investor.

Chen Feng not only gave them more budget to organize better expeditions.

At the same time, I also plan to send a wolf squad over, what is the combat power of the wolves? In Operation Raccoon City, they fought G mutants, tyrants, hunters, and the American special forces.

If it weren’t for the fact that the team split and killed each other, they would definitely be able to evacuate Raccoon City safely.

Compared to those BOWs in Raccoon City, these mutant pythons are a smelly younger brother.

If it weren’t for the fact that the BOW under Chen Feng was only Tihestia for the time being, he planned to throw away the entire 2 tyrants himself.

In the film, there are two things that are most valuable for research, blood orchids, and mutant pythons.

If he could, Chen Feng felt that he should let the action team capture the two giant pythons and return to William to study.

Halfway through the plan, there was a knock on the office door.

Chen Feng’s hand tapping on the keyboard stopped and shouted, “Please come in.” ”

A woman wearing a black Umbrella training uniform walked in.

The tight training vest and military black camouflage trousers can faintly reflect her graceful figure.

This is a charming French woman with dark hair and brown eyes, although she is almost 40 years old.

But because of the long-term training, so unexpectedly does not look old, you must know that many European and American women are only in their 20s and look like they are in their 40s.

The voice of a mature woman with magnetism and a touch of majesty rises.

“Wolf Squad Commander, Karena. Lesprox came to report. ”

In the game, this person who has never seen his face and wears a gas mask in place, but he did not expect to be a very attractive lady.

At this time, Chen Feng only had one thought, when he took power in Umbrella, he must change the women’s uniform to a military Western-style small skirt and black silk high-heeled military boots.

Chen Feng stood up with a smile, walked forward, and shook hands with the famous wolf mother politely.

The gesture of welcome said: “Welcome madam, I have been looking forward to your team for a long time. ”

She was a little flattered when she heard this: “It is not an honor, Your Excellency. ”

To be honest, Lupo, the Wolf Team commander whose real name is Karena in front of him, is a French woman, which slightly surprised Chen Feng.

She was born in the French Special Forces and has a daughter who is just 16 years old.

Because her husband was a scumbag, he used his daughter to blackmail her, and if he didn’t, he would do the things of a ghost father, so he was killed by her.

Later, she joined Umbrella for her daughter and invented a special operations mode called the Wolf Pack.

Her resume can be described as brilliant, until now she has not lost a single defeat, and every operation has been completed cleanly and beautifully.

Don’t look at her French origin, but she is a woman!

To tell a nipple joke, France can only win the battle if it is led by a short man and a woman.

Probably because the wolf mother is a French woman like Joan of Arc, she can have such a murderous and fierce record?

Chen Feng was not polite at this time, and after the two sat down, he went straight to the point.

“Commander, I’m very sorry that you just came to work, I have a task for your squad to do, it is a very easy little task.”

Hearing this, the wolf mother said bluntly: “You can give instructions directly, Your Excellency, the wolf squad will complete the task perfectly.” ”

“Very well, Karena, this is an expedition mission, I need you and your squad to go to Borneo and take a sample back.”

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