Arriving at the Ministry of Defense, Shindairo submitted the relevant documents to the staff.

Compared with the various police officers who cast unpleasant glances at Shindai Lisei along the way, the attitude of the staff of the Ministry of Defense was much better.

The lady at the front desk, who was sitting at the counter, reached out and took the relevant documents from Shendailise’s hand, checked some of the joy in them, and spoke.

“The registration time was last night, but the registration information is really detailed.”

The company name registered by Shendai is “Umbrella General Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.”, and the cash exchanged for cash is directly used as the registered capital of the company.

The chairman of the company is naturally Chen Feng.

However, in the eyes of the big guy in the Tokyo area, this “Umbrella General Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.”, which suddenly appeared in one night, was more like a fool who put a large amount of money into the market, and there would be no reaction except for smashing a splash and making a few ripples.

After all, in the company’s information, the business scope actually says “The company has highly qualified combatants, so it can be responsible for combat missions.”

You, a pharmaceutical company, actually think about robbing the police and other civilian police of their jobs, this is not going to the toilet to play lanterns – looking for death?

To put it simply, everyone is pessimistic about the future of this company, called “Umbrella General Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.”.

However, although pessimism is pessimism, as a front desk greeter with good professionalism, the front desk lady still politely returned the documents to Godelise.

“Umbrella gentlemen, welcome to the Tokyo Ward Ministry of Defense.”

Bowing to Godelise, Miss Welcome extended her hand in the other direction.

“Your company information reporting has been completed, and now the mission hall is open to you. According to the ID in the hands of the [Facilitator], you can choose the task you want to receive from the task list issued by the Ministry of Defense. ”

“But please be careful, please don’t make trouble in the mission hall because of receiving tasks.”

Shen Daili nodded in understanding.

Don’t make trouble in the Ministry of Defense.

Then when you leave this place, even if you hit the brain pulp, it has nothing to do with the Ministry of Defense!

Walking into the mission hall of the Ministry of Defense with two little girls, Kamidai suddenly raised the illusion of “is this the adventurer’s guild in the RPG game”.

In the large and spacious mission hall, a huge screen faces the entrance and hangs on the wall.

Just look up and you can see the task information scrolling on it.

However, on the mission screen, the scrolling is generally tasks with high urgency and high pay, of course, these tasks are definitely not too simple in terms of difficulty.

However, if the task principal is willing to pay a lot of money, even ordinary difficulty tasks can be posted on this screen with rolling tasks.

But today, God is not here just to see this big screen.

She planned to take on a few small tasks to familiarize Hana and Kotoko with what they would inevitably do in the future.

Pulling the flower and the kotoko, Shindairo walked to the counter where the task was posted and found a task publisher whose position was still empty in front of him.

The publisher is also a neatly dressed young lady who also looks like she is on her first day at work.

“Hello, I would like to accept some tasks.”

Shindeliser walked over to her and sat down, then put his papers on the table and pushed them over.

“Ahhhh Please wait! ”

The young lady took the documents sent by Shen Daili a little nervously, and began to hurriedly operate the computer in front of her.

“That, that, Miss Jindai, your current ranking of the civilian police has not yet been determined, and I can’t issue you a task that is too difficult…”

After all, although Shendai Lishi registered the company, she did not take the two little guys to test the combat effectiveness, so she was still in an unknown position on the ranking of the combat strength of the civilian police for the time being.

“At this point, I can only post you some simple tasks… Or can you take your [Starter] to a combat power test first? ”

Shindai Rishi looked back at Hana and Kotoko.

Kotoko was okay, nothing happened.

On the contrary, it is a flower, as soon as he hears that he can fight, a pair of eyes will turn into vertical pupils.

“Rating! Spend to do combat power assessment! ”

Holding Godelise’s hand, the flower began to sway vigorously.

“So is there a place where combat strength can be evaluated?”

Hearing Godelise’s inquiry, the easily nervous waitress lady hurriedly tapped a few times on the computer keyboard in front of her.

As she tapped it, a page popped up on the computer monitor.

“Miss Shindai, there are just people at the No. 1 training ground that are conducting combat strength assessments, so I can take you over there and wait now.”

“Trouble you.”

Shen Daili Shi nodded, and simply satisfied the small request of the flowers.

Since Shen Daili Shi has already said so, the waitress sister has nothing to say.

Directly from the counter, she took out a sign of “Staff has something, suspend service” and put it on the counter, and then she walked out from behind the counter.

“Please come with me.”

The young lady usher left the mission hall with the three of Shendaili, and after passing through a long corridor, the eyes of the three people lit up, and a vast training ground appeared in front of them.

“This is Training Ground No. 1.”

Following the gaze of the waitress, a high school student was dressed, no, it should be said that a high school boy was fighting with the staff who were conducting combat effectiveness assessment at this time.

A black-clad male high school student holds a pistol in his hand, sprinting forward while pulling the trigger on the staff who assessed his combat strength!

For some reason, Shen Daili always felt that this boy was hiding something.

In this kind of forward-sprinting operation, it is impossible for an ordinary person to aim at a point so accurately and shoot.

However, after observation, Shen Daili found that the bullets fired by this teenager were all concentrated on a line!

“Wouldn’t the recoil from continuous shooting actually make his arm shake?”

Shindai narrowed his eyes, and his gaze fell on the arm of the man who was holding a gun in high school.

This arm, even the leg on the same side, does not seem to be moved according to the laws of human muscle movement…

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