“Ahem, ahem…”

Helped by other children, the old man came out of the shadows of the sewer with a walking stick.

“Elder, your body…”

Kotoko hurriedly went up and supported the elder’s body.

She was surprised to find that the old man, who was originally quite healthy, was actually able to touch the bones directly at this time.

“I’m fine, it’s good if you come back, just come back…”

As he spoke, the old man suddenly withdrew his hand and covered his mouth and began to cough violently.

The coughing sound sounded to Kotoko, it was like coughing out his lungs.

When the old man took his hand down, Kotoko sharply found a trace of blood on the corner of the old man’s mouth.

“Elder, why did you vomit blood?!”

Kotoko grabbed the elder’s hand that wanted to hide backwards and forcibly tried to break it open.

The old man couldn’t resist the piano, and could only be broken by the qinzi and broke his fist.

In the palm of the somewhat dull yellow hand, there was a pool of dark red liquid lying proudly, exuding a burst of rust.

“I’m okay… It’s just a little cold…”

The old man tried to withdraw his hand and hide behind him, but was firmly grasped by Kotoko.

“Nope! Elder, you can’t continue like this! You have to follow me to heal!” ”

“Healing? Where do we have that spare money… The children’s food and clothing cost money, how can you waste money on me…”

The elder shook his head and wanted to resign, but at this time, Shen Daili Shi walked up.

“This old man, just listen to the piano once, she has already found a stable job.”

The tall god Daili Shi stood in front of the old man and said with a smile.

“Ahem, this guest is…?”

The old man looked at Kotoko suspiciously, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

“Ah, this is the person who hired me to work, and her name is Godelise.”

Kotoko paused and continued.

“It’s also the benefactor who saved me from those enforcers.”

“You… What happened to you by that group of people… Ahem…”

When the old man was excited, he bent over again and coughed violently.

Shen Daili Shi frowned, stepped forward and began to check the condition of the old man.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to grasp the palm of the old man’s hand, Shen Daili Shi dipped his fingers in the coughed up blood that the old man had not had time to wipe off, and secretly used RC cells to devour and decompose the blood.

Through the analysis of the old man’s blood, Shen Daili Shi immediately knew what was wrong with the old man.

The old man contracted tuberculosis in this terrible environment.

“Sister Shendai, how is he, elder?”

Seeing that the look on Shendaili’s face was not very good, Kotoko asked a little nervously.

“Your elder, he has tuberculosis.”

The elder’s face changed drastically after listening to God’s words.

He thought it was just a serious cold or pneumonia, but he didn’t expect that it had reached the level of tuberculosis.

I actually stayed with this group of children for so long in the state of tuberculosis!

“Don’t be so nervous, old sir.”

Shen Daili saw the uneasiness in the old man’s heart, and reached out to stop the old man who wanted to rush out.

“The children here should all be children with gastric biological abilities, right? Their immunity can kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis before they are infected with tuberculosis, and you just make them worry about it now. ”

“But you’re not! I may infect you this benefactor… Ahem, ahem! ”

The old man said hurriedly, but was interrupted by a cough again.

This time, the old man’s cough was even worse than before, and the whole person was already kneeling on the ground!

“Press this to your nose and breathe hard.”

Seeing that the old man was in the wrong state, Shen Daili quickly took out a bottle of medicinal liquid that could be put into the lungs from the bracelet and pressed it for the old man, and then signaled the old man to breathe hard.

As the old man breathed deeply, the colorless liquid in the bottle turned into a mist and entered the old man’s trachea, reaching deep into the lungs, constantly repairing the part of the old man damaged by tuberculosis bacillus these days.

“Whew… Call…… Thank you so much…”

The old man took down the potion jar that had been emptied by himself and thanked Shen Daili Shi.

It is also strange to say that after inhaling the mist turned into this medicinal liquid, the old man instantly felt his aching lungs, and the original feeling of burning fire was swept away, just like a cool breeze blowing in summer.

“Elder, you are polite, I just don’t want the children to lose the elders they have always respected.”

Shen Daili Shi picked up the empty can and stuffed it back into her bracelet, she suddenly had another idea, and she would discuss it with Chen Feng when she turned back.

“The contemptible name is Matsuzaki, and I am very grateful to Ms. Jindai for curing the contemptible.”

Called an elder by the children, the man actually named Songqi bowed his head to the god Dailise.

“Elder Song Qi doesn’t have to be so polite, my little medicine is just a palliative, if you want to cure the root cause, you have to come with me to eradicate the tuberculosis bacilli in the lungs.”

God waved his hand, and then remembered something.

“Elder, can you ask the children to help? Kotoko bought a lot of things for everyone to come back. ”

Led by the elders, the children climbed out of the sewer well, and then saw a car parked on the side of the road.

As well as the flowers that guard this side in advance.

Under the care of the flower, the car was not damaged by the scavengers who roamed nearby.

“Sister Jindai!”

Seeing that God was coming to the world, he immediately jumped over like a pony if he was bored to death.

“Just now, several adults tried to steal the car, but I drove them away!”

“Well, well done.”

Shen Daili Shi reached out and rubbed the two cat ears on the top of the flower’s head and praised.

“Elder, you let the children move these materials down and use them first, and be careful in the other few days, because because of my arrival, this hiding place of yours may be discovered.”

Shen Daili said a little apologetically.

After all, a car full of supplies is parked on the side of the road, how can I think wrong?

God never hopes for the number of good people in this world, and it is better to be careful in everything.

“But after leaving here, where should these children live…?”

Song Qi’s face showed sadness, this was a hiding place that he led the children to transform with great difficulty.

I thought that this place should be far away from the urban area, but I didn’t expect to be discovered today.

Those who hate gastric creatures but dare not go to the battlefield must find here, right?

“Elder Songqi! Elder Songqi! ”

A few calls from Shindaisei called Matsuzaki’s consciousness back.

“Ahhh… What, what? ”

God looked helpless.

“I just said that I was going to receive you, didn’t you listen?”

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