“That kid doesn’t look like someone who will take the initiative to become a starter, eighty percent of what happened to him.”

Shendaili Shi calculated in his heart, and simply connected the communication of the Nine-Tailed Fox Base.

“What’s wrong?”

Linghu’s face appears on the other side of the camera.

“Did you miss me when you sent a message so early in the morning?”

“Don’t stink. Naturally, there is something wrong with sending a newsletter so early. ”

Godelius knocked on the table.

“Remember the other day I asked you to notify the alpha squad to come over? They should be ready, right? ”

“No problem, you can teleport at any time.”

Receiving an affirmative answer from the spirit fox, Shendaili turned on the transmitter used to confirm the location.

“The locator is open, open the teleportation channel according to this position.”

After speaking, Shendaili continued to shift his attention to the surveillance screen of the drone.

The teenager in the picture seems to be arguing with the girl.

“I don’t need a partner.”

Satomi Rentaro was a little upset, he came to work in Tendo Kigen’s company because he liked Tendo Kigen, but suddenly found him a cursed child as a partner…

Doesn’t this make his abacus of being more alone with Tiantong Mu fail?!

“Satomi, when I reported to the above, I helped set your identity as a [facilitator], if you don’t find a cursed child to be your [initiator], I’m afraid our company will drink the northwest wind in a few days.”


Satomi Rentaro was unwilling, and the corners of his mouth twitched and thought of saying a few more words.

“The money I make for kidney dialysis is all earned by the company, Satomi, you know what I mean?”

Walking out of the boss’s table, Tendo Kigen’s hand was placed on Satomi Rentaro’s shoulder, and a dangerous light flashed in his slightly narrowed eyes, and there was an air of “if you disobey, the old lady will send you over even if she ties you up”.

I don’t know if I felt this momentum, or if I had another consideration in my heart, Satomi Rentaro agreed to Tendo Kigen’s proposal.

“Okay, then I’ll go for kidney dialysis first, after all, I’ve already made an appointment.”

Seeing that Satomi Rentaro agreed to come down, Tendo Mu collected the aggressive momentum just now, picked up his handbag and walked out of the company door first.

Without waiting for Satomi Rentaro to answer, Tendo Kigen’s head popped out from the side of the door frame of the gate.

“You have to bring the other party back well, remember not to fight, you know?”

“Hi hi, got it.”

Throwing his handbag behind him, Satomi Rentaro reluctantly walks out the gate, seemingly to meet his new partner.


An imperceptible sound sounded, a small hatch on the drone opened, and a miniature locator was placed on the bag in Satomi Rentaro’s hand.

“Sister Shendai is early…”

Hana hugged her pillow and walked downstairs in her messy pajamas, followed by Kotoko, who was awake and wanted to take Hana to freshen up.

“Oh, early.”

Greeting the two little girls, Shindaeli took one last look at the surveillance screen and stood up.

“Flower, do you remember that red-haired girl with two ponytails last time we met?”

Half-dreaming and half-awake, Hua heard Shen Daili’s question and tilted her head to think about it.

“It seems to be called something… Pig’s coming? ”

“It’s Lanyuan Yanzhu.”

“It’s the name. What’s wrong with her? ”

Shen Daili’s words reminded Hua of the girl who was full of spirits, and Hua suddenly asked subconsciously.

“It looks like she’s going to become a [starter] like you.”

As he spoke, a blue-white aperture unfolded around Shen Daili, and the Spirit Fox led the members of the alpha squad out of the aperture.

“Yo, isn’t this a flower, come and let Sister Linghu hug~”

The spirit fox who had just walked out of the teleportation aperture saw the disheveled flower in front of him at a glance, opened his arms and hugged the petite flower into his arms, stretched out his salty pig hand and constantly rubbed the cat ears on the flower’s head.

I have to say that Linghu’s cat petting technique is great, although the flower was rejected at first, but soon the flower became a waste meow under Linghu’s skillful cat petting technique, and a small face was crumpled into a bun face.

While the spirit fox petted the cat, the members of the alpha squad walked out of the aperture one after another, and fought in a neat row in front of Shendaili Shi.

“Captain is !!!”

“The alpha squad is here to report !!!”

Looking at the energetic team members in front of him, Shen Daili Shi nodded with satisfaction.

“Good! Very spirited!”

“Your next task is to become a civilian police officer in the Tokyo ward and spread the name of Umbrella as much as possible.”

Saying that, Shen Daili took out a wad of documents from the desk and handed them to Linghu’s hand.

“Linghu, since you are here, the task of helping them register the police will be handed over to you.”

Taking the cauldron thrown over by his captain, Linghu looked at Shen Daili who was sorting out his appearance and asked.

“What about you?”

“Me? Naturally, I wanted to create a chance encounter with the high school student who was interested in the boss so that I could see it up close. ”

Shendaili inserted two Beretta pistols into the holster behind him while answering Linghu’s question.

“Okay, but you have to leave that kid behind.”

Linghu stretched out his finger and pointed to the piano.

“I think this kid has the potential to be a sniper. It just so happened that I also brought a few training warehouses, so let’s just let this kid try to see if he has this qualification first. ”

When Qinzi heard this, she walked to Linghu’s side.

“If I become that or something… Sniper, can you help the big sister of Shindai? ”

“This, I think can help a little.”

Reaching out and rubbing the hair of the piano, the spirit fox found that the hair of the piano was very smooth, which was completely different from the touch of the flower that stroked the fluff hair, and immediately focused all his attention on the matter of stroking the head of the piano.

“Linghu, remember to register all the police identities of the team members, I think I may have found a way to quickly collect the cursed son in the city area.”

The spirit fox turned his head to look at Shen Daili Shi, waiting for the other party’s explanation.

“People’s police generally find a cursed child to form a partner, and the next place I will go is the place where the single people’s police are assigned a partner.”

A smile appeared on God’s face.

“If the police under our company don’t have a partner, can we bring back the children in that place reasonably and legally?”

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