NTZ-48 is derived from the movie world “Limitless”, which translates to the world of “Never Ending”.

The drug activates the brain’s potential and stimulates the brain’s nerve endings to fire within 30 seconds.

According to the metaphor in the movie, it is like giving your brain a little blue pill.

NTZ-48 will open up every nerve joint of yours, allowing you to have unforgettable memories and super intelligence.

The protagonist of the movie, Eddie, after swallowing the pill, found that he was not only unforgettable, but also had super language skills, full of energy, clear thinking, quick action, and even could instantly recombine and arrange some details and information that were not usually easy to notice and draw inferences.

But in a sense, this drug is similar to drugs/products, which will make people dependent, and long-term use will damage the brain, resulting in memory loss, inability to control emotions, and even inability to control actions.

However, Chen Feng now does not care about the key side effects, and after swallowing NTZ-48, his brain nerve endings instantly burst into life.

If you can look at his brain from a microscopic perspective, you can see that the nerve endings of his brain bloom with dazzling light and shine at this time, which is a huge change in brain nerve electricity under the stimulation of drugs.

After about ten seconds passed, Chen Feng opened his eyes, and his eyes became very sharp at this moment.

It feels like a room that was previously firmly enclosed and suddenly opens doors and windows.

It’s like swapping your brain from an old-fashioned 286 to a supercomputer, and he can feel his mind coming alive.

Things that had been thinking for a long time before, he could clear his mind in a short time.

In the memory fragment, even if it is the memory of the baby when he was just born, he can easily recall it if he wants.

The worries before taking the medicine, in just a few seconds, he thought about the countermeasures.

There is no need to worry about side effects, in the subsequent TV series of the movie, it is possible to rely on a biological enzyme to completely offset the side effects.

The only problem is NTZ’s drug ingredients, and if the subsequent system does not necessarily get this reward, then he can only take up to 25 pills.

The remaining 5 capsules will be thrown as samples to a laboratory for analysis to see if the drug can be replicated.

It is imperative to control one of the company’s laboratories for one’s own use after taking control of military power.

Whether it is for the research and improvement of viruses, or the research and development of drugs and technologies that may be obtained from the system, laboratories can play a huge role.

But this must be done with a laboratory that you fully control and a team that you can trust.

At the same time, their knowledge reserves are too low, their ability is too little, and they must strengthen themselves in this period of relative peace.

As soon as these thoughts came to mind, sure enough, the system immediately released new tasks.

“Controlling the lab mission, as an executive of Umbrella, how can the host not have his own laboratory?”

“Mission objectives, control a laboratory for your own use, and give out rewards after the mission is completed.”

Control a lab? Chen Feng smiled, so let yourself win over one or two senior researchers of the company?

Chen Feng, whose brain is now in an overclocked state, came to a conclusion after a little thought.

Who are the leaders of the lab? It’s definitely those tech bulls.

What is Umbrella’s most valuable asset? It’s those precious scientific talents.

I have to say that the umbrella is whether it is a movie or a game, in fact, almost all of those villains are talents.

It is not without reason that such a talented company can be mixed into a multinational monopoly.

Even the three giants of Umbrella, the founder of Umbrella, who died of infighting, are all bulls who are enough to win the Nobel Prize, but unfortunately died of internal friction.

“These talents are valuable assets, if they don’t die in those meaningless struggles, I’m afraid they can’t develop a bunch of black technologies.”

Thinking of this, Chen Feng made up his mind to control these talents more, and try not to let them die in meaningless internal friction and struggle.

Saying that, Chen Feng quickly knocked on the notebook and opened Umbrella’s internal information network.

He wants to find and discover talents from the Raccoon City branch that can be used by him.

With Chen Feng’s rapid operation, he quickly recorded the talents that could be wooed and used into his reserve list from the internal network.

Raccoon City is a rich talent pool, both Umbrella and the survivors of Raccoon City.

Let’s not mention these talents of the Umbrella Branch, just those survivors of Raccoon City, who are not capable?

People with no skills can run out of Raccoon City, which turned into purgatory?

What’s more, after the outbreak of the Raccoon City crisis, those survivors not only had to face the zombies scattered throughout the city, but also the terrifying B.O.W.

However, the most deadly thing is the elite troops sent in the background of the umbrella game, the obliteration of U.S.S. .

Faced with this situation, ordinary people have long been dead, so the survivors of the Raccoon City crisis are very amazing.

According to the setting of the game, in the orthodox work, only 24 people escaped.

However, considering that this is a parallel world, the list will definitely be different, but the 24 survivors must be the focus of trying to win over.

Due to the great improvement of work efficiency, in just one hour, Chen Feng listed two lists from the list of thousands of people.

The first list are all Umbrella employees, who can be directly drawn into their own forces now or after the outbreak.

The second list consisted of non-Umbrella Group personnel.

After a while, Chen Feng screened out some of the first list and formed a new list.

The people on this list are all combatants, and they are members of the USS unit and the UBCS unit.

These people will be transferred to his command tomorrow and become Chen Feng’s first subordinates.

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