In the study, Chen Feng sat in front of the computer with a gloomy face, lit a cigar and thought.

According to the report of the wolf squad, Chen Feng almost knew the cause and effect, but this answer was unexpected.

Chen Feng had received several reports that UBCS had been attacked and that two intelligence groups had lost contact.

Although Raccoon City is very chaotic now, Chen Feng has lost two intelligence groups in a row, and he doesn’t even know what happened, which still annoys him.

Now Chen Feng finally discovered who the enemy was.

Black Watch, a force that should not exist in the world of Resident Evil at all.

But thinking that even the pythons in the mad python disaster have appeared in this world, it seems that there are still some things that have not been excavated at this time.

In Chen Feng’s memory before he crossed over, the name Black Watch came from a computer game that tortured the original form.

Black Watch is a secret military force established by the United States in the game.

Chen Feng never thought that there was actually a black watch in this world, does this also mean that in addition to those viruses of Umbrella, there is also a virus called black light in this world?

Thinking of the various inhuman abilities after the transformation of the black light virus, as well as the terrible transmission ability, the black light virus is also of great value in terms of variability.

“After the red, search, black watch related information.”

The red hologram appeared next to Chen Feng, and the red queen at this time had been re-modulated, and now Chen Feng had the highest authority over the red queen.

Since it took time to modulate the modification program and redeploy to Base 0 in the Akre Mountains, the Red Queen was never activated.

Until today after the red was restarted.

“Searching Black Watch, the global network found a total of 283 entries, and only 18 useful information according to the terms association.

“Of these, 12 are classified and 6 are top secret.”

Umbrella is also not a vegetarian, there is a powerful red queen existence, even if the black watch is a very confidential existence, but Chen Feng can also find their clues.

“Pick a useful term and start reporting.”

Red immediately began to screen: “Good master. ”

“BlackWatch Black Watch was originally a militarized organization created by the federal government to protect the Federation from chemical and biological weapons.”

“This organization is committed to protecting the property and lives of citizens of the North Atlantic Federation.”

“Black Watch was established in 1962 by the Federal Ministry of Defense and its subordinate Advanced Research Projects Agency.”

“Although the Black Watch is ostensibly a force to protect federal citizens from other countries’ biological and chemical weapons, in fact, it secretly develops biological and chemical weapons in response to the invasion of hostile forces.”

“So far, there have been 112 biochemical leaks that are inextricably linked.”

“The largest of these accidents was the 1963 Hope Town incident in Idaho, where entries could not be found and all entries were deleted.”

“Note 1, the organization has extremely high authority in local biochemical events, can unconditionally mobilize local JC, military organization assistance, all its soldiers are selected from the elite soldiers of the Federation, the threat is extremely high.”

“Note, the organization has an unusually close connection with Jantec Private Defense.”

Chen Feng listened to Honghou’s report, and his right hand knocked meaninglessly on the armrest.

Is this the real strength of the Federation?

Chen Feng miscalculated the strength of the Federation, he originally thought that the Federation would just send some delta and the Echo Squad, which could be on par with the Wolf Squad, to fish in troubled waters.

Therefore, he had always underestimated the Federation’s combat capabilities on paper, but now he realized that the Federation was actually the biggest enemy.

Now Chen Feng also guessed why Black Watch intervened, naturally because of the T virus and G virus.

Black Watch is actually no different from what Umbrella is doing, and they must be salivating over Umbrella’s assets.

Even Black Watch may well have some connection to the HCF.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and pressed the electric bell on his desk, and not long after, his cheap secretary Cui Zhiyun came over.

“What are the orders for the boss?”

Now she probably thought that her undercover identity was not exposed, and Chen Feng was happy to use each other like this, and this tool secretary, don’t say that it was quite good.

“Arrange the plane immediately and follow me to the USS headquarters.”

Now he is going to the USS command, and then immediately seize all command authority, and then rebel against the USS, and it will be different if Black Watch intervenes.

Chen Feng didn’t know how much power Black Watch would put into intervening in Raccoon City, but their power was strong.

You must know that Black Watch can always maintain a state of order in New York in the game.

Compared with all kinds of virus zombie movies, the waste wood army in the game theme is different, and the performance of these guys in the game can be described as extremely dedicated.

Like what the walking dead army did not show up at all, the living dead dawn as if there was no army in that world, the zombie world war is even more outrageous, the federal suppression of zombies is actually only the police with batons, the federal special forces members who save the world, just dozens of people.

Even when the Jewish state was under siege, the rescue was a civilian modified helicopter with a broken machine gun.

If the military is more real in Resident Evil.

The army in the original form of torture can be described as professional and cruel.

Black Watch dares to use heavy firepower directly on the street, and in the face of those extremely terrifying monsters, they can rush forward without changing their faces.

Put all the most advanced firepower on containing the spread of the virus.

Compared with the “army” shown like a rabble in many works, these guys dare to do anything, even if they torture so many terrible monsters in the original form, they still firmly contain the spread of the virus in New York.

In the face of such an enemy, Chen Feng had to be careful, but this kind of words are also more interesting, after all, you are black watch.

But I’m not a vegetarian either, dare to come to Raccoon City to break my wrist, first ask Lao Tzu if the BOW in his hand agrees or not.

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