Agent Smith was panicked, don’t see that Chen Feng had agreed to go to R.P.D., that is, the Raccoon City Police Station for tea, but he was still panicked.

These FIB agents have basically seen a lot of big scenes, but now they are surrounded by a group of Umbrella “security”, they have more guys on hand than their own, and many people’s hands are shaking.

If there is no agreement at this time, it will be a situation of blood flowing into rivers, but what survived was that Chen Feng still agreed to FIB’s request to assist in the investigation.

It’s just that Agent Smith no longer dares to say the request to take Chen Feng to the original FIB department, and in fact this operation has not informed the federal government at all.

This was a trial operation by the FIB, but it was clearly unfavorable.

At this time, Chen Feng obviously did not want to directly tear his face with the North Atlantic Federal Government, or the North Atlantic Federation.

However, he smiled on the surface, but he could already see the clue from the expressions and nervous state of these agents, which was not right.

It is likely that this is a confrontation between the North Atlantic federal government and Umbrella, but it is clear that this is only a hostile force in the federal government.

The North Atlantic Federation is a federal state similar to the Soviet Union with the United States as the main body.

And Umbrella has a large investment not only in the territory of the North Atlantic Federation, but also in the control of the North Atlantic Federation, is one of the largest chaebols, and the annual tax revenue is astronomical.

Many federal government officials actually don’t want to offend such a behemothic multinational plutocrat, especially Umbrella, who is closely linked to the North Atlantic federal military.

Umbrella’s mercenary troops are active on every battlefield where the North Atlantic Federation appears.

However, in addition to the North Atlantic Federal Government, Umbrella has rival enterprises, and the hostile forces of the North Atlantic Federal Government are also Umbrella’s great enemies.

For example, the newly elected President of the North Atlantic, Adam . Benfude.

After the events of Raccoon City, whether in movies, or in the orthodox world of Resident Evil, there is an unknown secret war.

The federal government’s marines and special forces fought a big melee with Umbrella’s U.S.S.S. and even hostile special forces.

As a result, in the game’s plot, Umbrella went bankrupt and reorganized, and the T virus was almost all the most powerful in the world.

As for the movie, there was no intervention of the US government at all, and the result was Umbrella destroying the world alone.

Pifu’s innocence is the biggest bane, and the T-virus is an incomparably hot thing in the eyes of other forces.

After that, in the biochemical world, except for Umbrella, almost everyone was secretly researching BOW, the basic model of the tyrant T-102 and the licker, spreading everywhere.

And chaos, don’t look at it is not good for Umbrella, but it is very beneficial to Chen Feng, he can justifiably use these forces to embezzle Umbrella’s assets and turn Umbrella into his own.

Even Wesker, who is still a little minions, can become the de facto controller of Umbrella in the future, so why can’t I?

However, Chen Feng did not fall into the FIB’s car and was escorted over like a real prisoner, and Agent Smith did not dare.

He originally thought that this was a simple task, and they had captured many big people like this, but it was in Raccoon City that he really felt the horror of Umbrella.

Chen Feng just returned to Ferrari and, escorted by an equal number of Umbrella armored personnel carriers, followed these FIB agents to the Raccoon City Police Station.

These agents acted as if they were escort attendants, leaving them so angry that they could not speak.

And what about the Raccoon City Police Department? Raccoon City Police Department, Chen Feng is very familiar, coming here is like returning to his own home, the police chief is Umbrella’s undercover agent.

This place has long been infiltrated into a sieve by an umbrella.

So the police officers of the police department saw such a scene, Umbrella’s big man, escorted by a bunch of Umbrella’s soldiers, was invited by FIB agents to “assist in the investigation” as if he was going out for a walk.

R.P.D.’s interrogation room was temporarily borrowed by the FIB to “assist in the investigation” with Chen Feng.

In the interrogation room, Chen Feng sat on the chair and drank the coffee he had delivered, and Agent Smith and the other agent were ugly.

This is not at all like what a “suspect” should be.

Agent Smith casually threw a folder on the table, “Mr. Chen, I don’t know if you know these photos?” ”

Chen Feng glanced at it, well, zombies, biochemical leeches, and even photos of the trial version of the tyrant.

Seeing that Chen Feng did not answer, he smiled, and seemed to feel that he had regained the initiative.

“One month ago, multiple wildlife attacks were reported at the Akre Mountain Household, and there was even an attack on a traveling train with only a few survivors.”

“The START tactical team went into the investigation and found a lot of interesting things.”

“As far as I know, the Umbrella does not currently have this level of authorization.”

“Even your uncle disappeared a month ago.”

“We in the FIB believe that the umbrella is illegally developing biological and chemical weapons, and the Western-style incident is a deadly virus leak.”

Chen Feng glanced at him: “It turns out that FIB invited me over, so that I can come here to listen to your story?” ”

“In the past two months, important cadres have disappeared or been killed in the Umbrella Raccoon City branch, and Mr. Chen, as the head of Umbrella Raccoon City, you will not know anything about this?”

“Using the Akre Mountains to exclude dissidents, or even kill your own uncle, in order to inherit billions of dollars in assets, these murders alone are enough to send you to prison, and I hope you cooperate with our investigation.”

Chen Feng simply laughed when he heard this.

“What are you laughing at?” Hearing this, Smith picked up the evidence book and knocked on the table.

“Nothing, I just thought of funny things.

“You think you can sue me for these things? If you want to waste my precious time just like this, I suggest you talk to my lawyer first, FIB’s illegal arrest. ”

“Young man, that’s not how you play games.”

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