I Attained Invincibility In The Real World

Chapter 105 Conflict and Imminent Beginning

the next day.

Afternoon, one fifty.

Martial Arts Association, Grade C building.

"Boy, the battle match is about to begin, are you ready?"

Zhou Li walked out of the room.

Compared with his weakness in the past few days, his complexion was obviously rosy after drinking the bowl of elixir soup last night.

When speaking, his energy was obviously stronger.

A bowl of elixir soup may not cure the disease.

But it contained a large amount of Qi, enough to temporarily rejuvenate Zhou Li's weak body.

at this time,

He looked at Chen Sheng on the field.

The other party was assuming an extremely weird posture at this time.

His body was lying on the ground, and while his limbs were supporting his body, his back was bulging high.

One right leg was stretched to its limit, looking as if it was not a whole body but an independent part.

Accompanied by Chen Sheng's long and powerful breathing again and again.

The muscles on the surface of his body were rising and contracting with his breathing.

at the same time,

There seemed to be turbulent waves constantly washing over Chen Sheng's body, and a tidal-like sound could be faintly heard from within.

The heartbeat in his body was like a heavy hammer beating a drum, echoing throughout the entire sparring field with a strange rhythm.

Zhou Liguang felt that his breathing was a little difficult just by listening to this voice.

My heart feels even heavier.

If not, the body has recovered somewhat.

Just being close to Chen Sheng is enough to kill him.

Zhou Li didn't know where Chen Sheng learned this weird technique.

But since returning here last night, the other party has been obsessed with it.

Apart from eating and sleeping, I basically never stopped.

"Master, master!"

"Stop reading it!"

Zhou Li covered his ears and pretended to be in extreme pain.

The words just fell.

The voice echoing in the sparring field suddenly disappeared.

Chen Sheng turned around.

"Are you high after drinking the elixir soup?"

"Do you think you are funny?"

He looked at Zhou Li speechlessly.


Zhou Li squinted his eyes slightly and laughed twice.

"Old man, I'm in a good mood today. I won't argue with you, a young boy."

After all,

He clasped his hands behind his back and came to Chen Sheng's side, shaking his head.

"Let's go quickly."

"Old man, I want to see this little boy get beaten."

Say it.

Zhou Li slapped Chen Sheng on the back, trying to urge him to get up faster.


Only a bang was heard.

The touch from his palm was as if the person in front of him was not a person, but a steel plate.


Zhou Li's palms turned red, and his facial features were squeezed together in pain.

"Did you put a steel plate on your back?!"

Chen Sheng ignored the jumping Zhou Li.

He stood up slowly, walked to the room to change clothes, and called out the panel.

【Chen Sheng】

【Strength: 35】

[Agility: 36.7]

[Physique: 34.6]

[Skill points: 23]

Strength increased by 3.5

Agility boost 3

Physical fitness improved by 3.4

The effect of Xuanming Zhenwu's training was far beyond Chen Sheng's expectations.

Because he was worried about Zhou Li's health, Chen Sheng did not use the elixir given by Zhou Tairan to assist his practice.

But even so.

Just a taste of it last night, plus this morning’s exercise.

The improvement brought about was almost equivalent to Chen Sheng's effect the previous day.

Estimate at this speed.

Even without the elixir, Chen Sheng could at least increase his attribute values ​​by five to six points a day.

You must know that when you practiced Eagle's Breath before, without the help of elixir, you could only improve by two to three points a day at most.

Xuanming Zhenwu directly doubled Chen Sheng's growth rate.

If there is a magic pill, this rate will rise again.

This made Chen Sheng look forward to the improvement that upgrading Xuanming Zhenwu would bring to him.

Thinking of this,

Chen Sheng took back the panel.

He took out a new set of clothes and quickly changed into them.

Yesterday when I asked the riders to get medicinal materials from the hotel, I asked the hotel staff to deliver them together.

Put on some clothes.

Chen Sheng returned to the sparring field.

He looked at Zhou Li, who was holding the palm that had just slapped Chen Sheng's back and blowing air.

"Let's go, old man."

"Let me show you what it means to be strong."



One fifty-five.

Martial Arts Association Hall.

The furnishings in the hall are no different from yesterday.

It's just that there are far fewer chairs on the field than yesterday, and they are placed near the center with the same spacing.

Li Xingwu and Wu Ran were among them.

Wu Ran closed his eyes and sat quietly on the chair to adjust his condition.

Most of the participating disciples around them behaved like this.

The atmosphere on the field was quiet and dignified.

Those who can sit here are all sects that have successfully advanced from the first round and are qualified to participate in the second round.

These sects are all at least Grade B.

Only the Xingwu Guild Hall was rated C grade.

This is quite normal.

After all, the greater the power of a sect, the easier it is to attract talented disciples, and it also has more resources to train them.

But there was no hint of timidity on Li Xingwu's face.

Because he has confidence in Wu Ran.

He believed that with the talents of his disciples, those around him would not be able to catch up, no matter how many resources they had.

Look at Wu Ran.

Seeing his calm and relaxed look, Li Xingwu was even more pleased and nodded constantly.


He looked around.

Now there are only five minutes left.

Those martial arts sects that are qualified to participate in the second round should be here.

Li Xingwu counted.

Seven in total.

Not too little, not too much.

One afternoon.

The second round should be over successfully.

And the name of the Xingwu Kaikan will definitely shine in the arena.

Thinking like this,

A smile appeared on Li Xingwu's face unconsciously.

It was as if the championship of the martial arts tournament was already within his grasp.

But at this moment,

A loud noise suddenly sounded from the back door.

"Hurry up, hurry up, slowly and leisurely, what do you look like?"

"No, are you in a hurry to reincarnate?"

"There are still five minutes left, you can get away if you want."

"Go away if you want, but the old man won't go away anyway."

The sound of two people arguing came from afar and became clearer and louder.

One is old and the other is young.

Could it be that there is another martial arts sect that has advanced to the second round?

Li Xingwu frowned and looked in the direction of the back door.

Do not know why.

He always felt that this voice seemed familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.


As the sound gets closer.

Two figures, one tall and one short, finally appeared in the hall.

It was Chen Sheng and Zhou Li.

As soon as I entered the hall, I saw many people sitting there.

The two glared at each other.

Very tacitly, they shut their mouths at the same time.

Immediately afterwards,

Chen Sheng searched around, preparing to find an empty seat and take Zhou Li to sit down.


They don't talk.

But some people couldn't hold it in any longer.


The chair beneath him fell to the ground.

Li Xingwu suddenly stood up and pointed at Chen Sheng, his face full of shock and disbelief.

"How will you be here!"

He asked subconsciously, immediately attracting the attention of most people present.

Faced with Li Xingwu's questioning.

Chen Sheng's face remained motionless and he seemed to have no intention of answering.

"Master Li."

He just nodded slightly as a greeting.

For Li Chenghu's sake, he had no intention of starting a conflict with this clueless old man.

After all, I really want to talk about it.

As far as the other party is concerned, there is no deep hatred for him.

Anyway, Guo Yang and Li Qian, who threatened him, had already met underground.

As long as the old man doesn't bother himself with his angry face, he doesn't bother to pay attention.

Thinking like this,

Chen Sheng had found an empty seat and was about to lead Zhou Li forward.


Chen Sheng didn't want to cause trouble.

Li Xingwu was unwilling to give up.


Ignoring the looks of the people around him, he rushed forward and tried to stop Chen Sheng.

It had only been three or four days since we last met.

Li Xingwu was not blind, so he could naturally see Chen Sheng's physical changes.

Now, even in his basic state, Chen Sheng is 1.9 meters tall, and his body is even more muscular.

Such huge physical changes in a short period of time.

In addition, Chen Sheng's appearance here shows that the opponent not only participated in the martial arts competition, but also successfully advanced to the second round.

It seems that every time I see this kid, his strength will be far greater than the day before.

When he was still a disciple of Xingwu Hall, he already had this tendency, but his progress became more and more exaggerated later on.

That is to say

During the time when Guo Yang disappeared, Chen Sheng might have had the strength to threaten Guo Yang.

Even the day Li Qian died.


Stand still in front of Chen Sheng.

Li Xingwu raised his head and stared directly at Chen Sheng's indifferent face.

A terrible guess suddenly arose in his mind.

Although there is no evidence.

But he has very strong intuition.

Regardless of Li Qian’s death,

Or Guo Yang’s disappearance.

It's probably all related to Chen Sheng!

"Li Qian, and Guo Yang's matter, does it have anything to do with you?"

Li Xingwu stared at Chen Sheng.

It seemed that he wanted to see through Chen Sheng's heart through his eyes.

Just like that day in the ward.


To Li Xingwu's disappointment,

Chen Sheng's expression did not change at all.

It was as if he had never heard of these two names.

Not only that,

Chen Sheng suddenly took a step forward.

A huge shadow shrouded from above,

The strong sense of oppression made Li Xingwu's breath suffocate.

Is this really the person that his son brought here half a month ago?

While doubting in my heart,

Li Xingwu became more and more certain of his guess.

Obviously half a month ago, the opponent was just a weakling with no talent and a beginner in martial arts.

But now, it can bring such a strong sense of threat to myself.

This Chen Sheng is definitely not normal!

Just when Li Xingwu was sure of his inner thoughts.

Chen Sheng's voice sounded from above his head.

"Master Li."

"You are dim-sighted and blind, and you behave like a retard."

"Your disciples all have evil thoughts and eccentric behaviors."

"It's normal for them to be beaten to death."

"If you don't want to be beaten to death too, let me give you a piece of advice."

Chen Sheng's eyes were as calm and deep as an ancient well.

But I don't know why,

Just looking directly into these eyes, Li Xingwu felt a chill in his heart unconsciously, as if he was in an ice cave.

"Not in front of me."

"Buzzing like a fly."

As soon as he finished speaking,

A fierce aura rushed to his face instantly.

The strong sense of threat stimulated goosebumps on Li Xingwu's skin.

The expression on his face froze instantly.

After Chen Sheng finished speaking, he no longer paid attention to Li Xingwu's reaction.

He winked at Zhou Li and walked directly towards the empty seat.

Li Xingwu wanted to stop him in his heart.

But his body didn't obey the command at all and remained frozen in place.

At this time,


A palm gently patted Li Xingwu's shoulder.

"Master, you rest first."

"If you have anything to say, let's talk about it after the martial arts meeting is over."

Listening to a familiar voice.

Li Xingwu rolled his stiff neck and looked to his side.

What caught his eye was Wu Ran's concerned gaze.

Seeing the strongest disciple under his sect.

Only then did Li Xingwu feel the chill deep in his heart dissipate slightly.


He didn't refuse, but sat back in his chair.

The expression on his face was still a little dazed.

Others may not understand why Li Xingwu behaves like this.

Only Li Xingwu himself knows.

When Chen Sheng was talking to him at that time,

The ferocious aura that rushed towards him almost swallowed him up.

It made him feel like he was just a little chicken, and there was a predator at the top of the food chain standing in front of him.

It seems that whenever something happens to him, he will.

He will die on the spot.

Looking at Li Xingwu's performance.

A strange color flashed in Wu Ran's eyes.


So interesting.

A month and a half ago, I could easily crush an ant to death.

Within half a month, he was able to participate in the second round of the martial arts competition with him.

Wu Ran looked at Chen Sheng's back.

This was the first time he paid attention to this weakling, a weakling who had never cared about him before.

It was also the first time that he became curious about Chen.

He seeks strength.

Eager to know the secret behind Chen Sheng becoming stronger so quickly.



Just the opportunity.

With this in mind, Wu Ran sat back in his seat.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

It seems that

Today's martial arts meeting will not be too boring.


Maybe he can exert all his strength.

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