I Attained Invincibility In The Real World

Chapter 279 Conversation and the Passing of the World

"Suzaku once told me."

"You are the only one in the martial arts association who knows the most about heavenly beings."

"Can you tell me?"

"What exactly are heavenly beings, and why do they hate humans and insist on killing them all?"

"And...is there any way to completely kill these bastards?"

At this time.

Chen Sheng's voice sounded.

Bring Li Wuji back and forth from his dazed state.

Now he has been noticed by heavenly beings.

You can't hide even if you want to.

It is better to understand the enemy well and then improve your own strength as much as possible.

Then crush the enemy into slag.


Li Wuji did not refuse.

He lowered his head and muttered, as if trying to form words.

Chen Sheng did not urge him.

Just waiting silently for his answer.

a long time.

Li Wuji just took action.

He sat down in front of Chen Sheng.

The old man slowly stretched out his arm.

"I believe you also learned from Suzaku that heavenly beings were originally a type of human being, right?"

Chen Sheng nodded.

He still knew this.

"Things about heaven and humans must also start from the period when human beings are still ignorant and have not yet developed their wisdom."

Li Wuji's arm moved rapidly, forming a series of shadows on the blackboard.

"We humans evolved step by step from apes. You should know this."


As a modern human being, he certainly knows this theory.

Chen Sheng said nothing.

Just waiting silently for the other party's next words.

"Then you should also know that evolution is not a fixed path."

"Just like tigers and cats, they have a common ancestor, but at a certain node, either because of the environment or because of other interference, they embarked on different evolutionary paths."

"That makes a huge difference."

"This is the situation between heavenly beings and us homo sapiens."

"We come from the same ancestor, but we have different branches on the evolutionary path."

"The evolution speed of heavenly beings is much faster than that of us homo sapiens."

"They had stronger bones and muscles, and their bodies were larger than those of Homo sapiens in ancient times."

“Back then, there wasn’t even the concept of tribes.”

"Whether they are celestial beings or homo sapiens, they are scattered in every corner of the world in the form of ethnic groups."

"Survival of the fittest, the weak and the strong, this is the principle that has not changed since ancient times."

"In order to survive, competition is inevitable."

"But for a long time, in the war for territory and food, the gods were at an absolute advantage."

"A celestial being can even deal with five or six Homo sapiens at the same time."

"So, the abilities of heavenly beings evolved?"

Chen Sheng asked.

He raised his brows, looking very surprised.

Judging from the Sleeping Heavenly Man I saw before.

Heavenly beings are not much different from humans in appearance.

It's just that he is more handsome and taller than ordinary people.

Li Wuji's theory is quite consistent.


Chen Sheng's understanding of evolution should be that organisms gradually adapt to the environment and evolve in a direction more conducive to survival.

What is the matter with immortality?

What is this kind of abnormally strong authority and ability?

It's like everyone playing a role-playing game together.

Other players are honestly fighting monsters, upgrading and learning skills.

It’s just you heavenly beings who just turn on the modifier, right?

The blood volume is unlimited, and one sword kills nine times, right?


Doubts about Chen Sheng.

Li Wuji was not surprised.

When he learned about this period of history, he had the same confusion.

"In the early stages of the development of the ethnic group, although the Celestial beings relied on their strong bodies, they were once higher than Homo sapiens in the food chain."

"But their ability to reproduce is far inferior to Homo sapiens, and it is difficult to drive them out."

"Coupled with their early advantages, they occupied areas with habitable climate and environment on each continent."

"The situation began to gradually reverse over the years."

"A comfortable environment slows down the speed of evolution."

"In addition, the gods at that time did not understand the dangers of incest marriage, so the rate of deformity in the offspring was extremely high."

"As for us Homo sapiens, because we have lived in harsh environments for a long time, not only have our bodies evolved to become stronger, but our reproductive capabilities have also become stronger and stronger."

"Even Homo sapiens, who learned to work as a team, make traps and weapons, have begun to be able to hunt large beasts."

"And this is also the beginning of the disaster of annihilation for heaven and man."

At this time.

Chen Sheng was stunned.

"It's a catastrophe... from heaven and man?"

"That's right."

Li Wuji nodded slowly.

"After gaining greater strength and conquering most species."

"We, Homo sapiens, naturally began to challenge the gods."

"The result is as I said before."

"Being in a comfortable environment without too much danger for a long time, most of the celestial beings at that time had forgotten how to fight."

"Faced with the large number of Homo sapiens who know how to work as a team, it can be said that the heavenly beings have no power to resist."

Speaking of which.

The arm that was originally moving rapidly across the blackboard gradually slowed down.

Li Wuji looked hesitant.

He seemed to be struggling with what was going to happen next, whether he should inform Chen Sheng or not.

"What's wrong?"

Li Wuji's pause was felt.

Chen Sheng asked aloud.

Li Wuji pondered for a moment.

The arm began to move again, but did not directly answer Chen Sheng's question.

Instead, it raises a new question.

"Chen Sheng."

"If one day you find that the position you are in is not absolutely just."

"What would you choose?"

Li Wuji's question was very strange.

There seems to be no necessary connection with the previous topic.

But when Xiao Hei conveyed the problem.

Chen Sheng immediately noticed the hidden information in the question.

"Are you trying to say that the reason why heavenly beings hate humans is because of what happened in the past?"


Li Wuji nodded slowly.

"Although I am also a member of the human race, I know very well how much cruelty there is in human beings."

"Driven by desire, many human beings can trample and harm without restraint, even to their own kind."

"What's more, it's a foreign race."

"Our ancestors struggled in harsh environments for a long time."

"But instead of being defeated, they are getting stronger."

"Over a long period of time, human ancestors climbed to the top of the food chain step by step."

"There are traces of Homo sapiens all over the planet."

"They are starting to become dissatisfied with the status quo."

"So, the heavenly beings occupying the favorable environment became the target of Homo sapiens."

"Two races, although similar in appearance."

"But just like humans, we don't see monkeys as the same species."

"God will not accept and welcome Homo sapiens."

"Homo sapiens also does not regard heavenly beings as human beings."

"And this time, the result is not in any doubt."

"Heavenly Man, defeated."

"Faced with alien races, the brutality of Homo sapiens is unimaginable."

"A large number of celestial beings were hunted as wild beasts by Homo sapiens."

"Their skulls were collected as trophies."

"Their skin was cut off and used as carpet."

"It's even used as food to satisfy their hunger."

"Humans gradually formed tribes."

"And the cornerstones of those tribes were watered with the blood of heavenly beings."

Speaking of which.

Li Wuji looked at Chen Sheng's face.

Seeing him, he seemed to be confused.

He smiled slightly and answered first.

"You must be curious about how I know, right?"

"Once upon a time, like you, I was curious about the past between heavenly beings and homo sapiens."

"I even thought about it, can't the two coexist peacefully, and one of them must perish?"

"So I began to search and travel to many countries, looking for the excavated patterns left by ancient humans."

"Most of this information is very fragmented."

"But combined with the ancient books left by my ancestors, it is barely enough for me to piece together the whole story of what happened."

"Among them, the murals at two sites provide vital information."

"The mural at the first ruins depicts the process of Homo sapiens hunting down the celestial beings."

"Perhaps due to their long-term good life, the heavenly beings at that time had gradually developed a social system, and they valued the lives of their fellow humans very much."

"That was a very strange thing in those pre-intellectual times."

"And Homo sapiens relies on this."

"Homo sapiens will stab the women or children of the celestial beings into the ground to make them wail."

“Hearing the wails of fellow humans, gods will often find ways to rescue them.”

"Then they would be stabbed to death with spears by a swarm of Homo sapiens and brought back to the tribe to be made into trophies or used as food."


Listen to what Li Wuji said here.

Even Chen Sheng didn't know what to say for a moment.

This is far from what he originally thought.

In this period of time.

Chen Sheng has guessed countless times why heavenly beings have great malice towards humans.

For example, heavenly beings consider themselves to be advanced creatures and cannot bear to see low-level creatures like humans wandering around on the planet.


The celestial beings want to have some kind of power, and humans stand in their way.


Chen Sheng also doubted whether they were just in a game world.

Humans are the monsters in this game.

The gods are gamers.

The so-called deep sleep is just because of being offline.

Chen Sheng was the only one who didn't think about it.

The reason why devas hate human beings and have great malice towards them.

It turned out to be because heavenly beings once suffered catastrophe because of human beings.

"What happened next?"

"How did the gods survive?"

"How did they become what they are today?"

"Where does their power come from?"

Chen Sheng concentrated his attention.

What Li Wuji wants to say next is probably the key.

"This involves the second ruins I mentioned earlier."

Speaking of which.

Li Wuji seemed to have thought of something.

A trace of fear could not help but flash in the depths of his eyes.

It seemed that mentioning the second mural made him think of something extremely terrifying.

"The murals in that ruins are all in the same scene."

"In a primitive forest, nearly dozens of celestial beings gathered together, and outside the forest, a large number of figures were approaching them."

"Their bodies are covered with scars and blood."

"Their faces are filled with endless hatred and resentment."

"They were kneeling in front of a statue, as if they were praying."


Chen Sheng looked puzzled and spoke again.

Li Wuji seemed to already know what he wanted to ask.

The old man just shook his head slowly.

"I haven't figured this out until now."

"Logically speaking, faith should not have developed in that era, and neither gods nor sapiens should have the ability to carve such lifelike statues of gods."

"That statue is very strange."

"Not humanoid."

"From the perspective of the mural, the main subject is a large and lifelike eyeball."

"Around the eyeballs, there are countless indescribable things, like chaos or some kind of weird-shaped organ."

"I can't even think of words to describe it."

"I just remember that when I saw that statue, my whole body seemed to fall into a black abyss."

"Endless darkness hits my mind like a tide, and the warmth of my body seems to be taken away in an instant."

"The whole person's consciousness began to fall into chaos, and the body felt like it was falling rapidly."

"If someone hadn't noticed something was wrong at that time, they would have woken me up immediately."

"It's hard for me to imagine what would happen if I continued to sink."

Li Wuji had a scared expression on his face.

The brief experience at that time is still fresh in my memory.

Hear the words.

Chen Sheng fell into deep thought.

An exquisite and large statue of the god.

Indescribable eyeballs.

If it was created by heavenly beings, then how could heavenly beings with such skills be allowed to be slaughtered by Homo sapiens like pigs and dogs?

That is if it is not made by heaven and man.

Who could it be?

And what role did this statue play in the battle between heavenly beings and homo sapiens?

"And after that?"

Chen Sheng, who was eager to know the answer, asked.

Li Wuji didn't whet his appetite.

"According to my calculation."

"Those celestial beings at that time must have been in dire straits while being hunted by Homo sapiens."

"With no way to escape, they began to pray to the idol in the center of the forest."

"At that time, I also wanted to know what happened."

"It's a pity that the later murals suffered serious damage."

"It seems like it was destroyed on purpose."

"Only the last few murals are still well preserved."

"And the scenes in those murals have not changed. They are still in the primeval forest."

"It's just that the identities of hunter and prey have been exchanged."

"Those beings who were hunted lost their original hair and became what they are now."

"Red diamond-shaped crystals appear between their eyebrows."

"At the same time, these celestial beings also possess the power of authority that we are familiar with."

"They summoned thunder and raised strong winds in the sky, killing all the Homo sapiens who were chasing them."

"That is the earliest record of extraordinary power in the world today."

"It seems that it was also from that time that the existence of 'qi' appeared in our world."


Chen Sheng looked stunned.

If you follow what Li Wuji said.

Qi. Is it brought by heavenly beings?

"That seems to be it."

When Li Wuji saw Chen Sheng's expression, he knew the doubts in his mind.

"Of course, this is speculated by future generations through various clues."

"But it's true."

"Before the period when Homo sapiens hunted the Celestials, our world contained no signs of supernatural power."

"There are no so-called authority holders, nor are there those ancient ferocious beasts flying all over the sky and walking all over the ground."

"All records about extraordinary power are things that happened after heavenly beings gained power."

After listening to what Li Wuji said.

Chen Sheng frowned and fell into deep thought.

Although what Li Wuji said solved many of his doubts.

For example, the reason why heavenly beings hate human beings.

And the reason why heavenly beings have such terrifying power is probably inseparable from that huge statue.


It also brought more doubts to Chen Sheng.

Who erected that statue?

And why, with such terrifying power, could a heavenly being who was still in the primitive stage be able to take over power and even make him immortal?

Where does the power of that statue come from.

Or who does it come from?

He can't be a philanthropic person by giving power to heaven and humans so generously.

For a while.

Chen Sheng felt his heart heavy.

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