As soon as Hikawa Steel Plate put the statue in his school bag, a light rain began to fall in the hazy sky.

"It's raining, you have to go home quickly"

Then he didn't care about the pain in his body, grabbed his schoolbag and ran in the direction of home.

It's just that the dark clouds rolling on the canopy of the sky are like an abyss covering the Dongying Kingdom, and the sea is also blowing monstrous waves, as if it is heralding some kind of disaster!

Dragging his wet clothes to the door of his house, Hikawa's face is haggard, and his beaten cheeks are no longer so obvious after being washed by the rain.

Pushing open the door, there was no imaginary family in the house to greet him, only a cold silence.

His mother sat on the couch, her gaze distant, indifferent, as if there was no him in the house.

Hikawa put down his backpack and tiptoed over to his mother.

"Momma-san, I'm back,"

he said cautiously, hiding his face in the dark.

However, his mother did not react at all, as if it was an insurmountable iceberg.

Seeing this scene, Hikawa Steel didn't care, and after saying hello, he walked towards his room by himself, but the fists of his hands were clenched at some point.

He has always lived in a home without any temperature, no, it should be said that he has always lived in a world without any feelings, except for his grandmother.

From birth, he was blinded because he didn't have a father, and it wasn't right, because he didn't know who his father was.

Yes, his mother was not a good person, and she never fulfilled the slightest motherly duty.

He was able to grow so much thanks to his grandmother, who had been buried last week.

"If I could, I would like not to come to this world"

and as his thoughts fell, two scarlet eyes suddenly flashed on the unknown statue in his school bag.

After arriving in the room, Hikawa quickly changed out of his soaked clothes, then lay down on the bed and picked up the computer and began his creation.

He is a writer who loves to create and is very interested in the supernatural.

At the same time, he also learned some secrets that ordinary people in this world do not know through some channels, that is, there are tricks in this world!

They have no feelings, no pain, and no death.

"If only I could be a trick"

Ding Dong!

had just been launched, and a profile picture showing Mei Chuan's underwear lit up.

This is his number one fan, usually as soon as he is online, the other party will follow the line, and this kind of thing in this world is only known through her, and many works are produced with her participation.

"How many wow, you're finally online, Ita Duo San!"


" "Did anything interesting happen today, duck, and the suicide forest I said last time, have you been there"

rubbed his cheeks, which were still a little swollen, and then saw that the other party replied so quickly, Hikawa Steel Plate couldn't help but be excited in his heart.

"Well, nothing interesting happened

today, but I picked up a figure on the road, and it looks quite old" "Well, I haven't been to the Suicide Forest yet, it's too far from my house, you know, I'm still a high school student"

After thinking for a moment, Hikawa decided to share with her the weird statue he picked up today.

"Old figures, show me"

Seeing the other party's news, he immediately didn't talk nonsense, and quickly took out the statue from his schoolbag, and took a few photos at several angles and sent it over.

She seems to have a unique love for these ancient things, whenever there are some strange rumors here, the other party will ask him if he has found something ancient or new.

Naturally, he also formed the habit of collecting these old things.

After a long time, the other party did not reply to the message.

Hikawa Steel stared at the screen for a long time, and then didn't wait any longer.

At the same time, in a town house a few dozen kilometers away from him, a slender woman of medium height, with a light and elegant step, was sitting upright, her long hair was soft and shiny, tied up in a well-braided bun, her rosy lips were slightly upturned, and a pair of bright eyes, which revealed intelligence.

Umegawa underwear frowned as he looked at the photo passed by Hikawa Steel Plate.

And in the next moment, a flash of knife flashed, and her mobile phone was split in half in an instant.

Mei Chuan's underwear, which was originally sitting upright, was already half-leaning in front of the table at some point, and the short knife in his hand still maintained a horizontal slashing motion.

"How is it possible, a single photo can actually make the weird fall into silence"

Mei Chuan underwear looked at the scrapped mobile phone with palpitations, and couldn't help but be afraid for a while.

"It's not good, Hikawa-kun is in danger!" Even

a picture could be so intimidating, she couldn't imagine how terrifying that statue could be, and Hikawa Steel was just an ordinary person on the other side.

Then he was about to remind the other party, but after looking for a long time, he realized that the phone had been cut and scrapped by her.

Just when she was at a loss, a person suddenly appeared outside the door.

"Miss Umegawa, Captain Kudo asked you to pass"

The sentence couldn't help but make her face ugly, this is another killing mission.

Umegawa Underwear can only quickly borrow the phone from this person and log on to her account to send a message to Hikawa Steel Plate, she doesn't know the other party's phone number, so she can only remind the other party in this way.

However, no matter how many messages she sent, there was no response.

"I hope you'll be alive when I come back"

Since the other party has been in contact with that statue for so long, maybe that thing is not so dangerous, and now I can only pray that the other party will not trigger the killing rule.

When she completes her mission, she will definitely help Hikawa Steel Plate imprison this dangerous object, but this is on the premise that the other party is still alive.

After all, the other party is just one of his consumables.

"If it weren't for the purity of your emotions, otherwise..."

Thinking of the person who couldn't even withstand half of her strength last time, her face couldn't help but show a cold light.

The trick she controls is an emotion, she can not only mobilize other people's even weird emotions, but also resurrect by making others have special feelings for her, the purer the feelings, the faster she will be resurrected, otherwise she will suffer weird backlash and even lead to weird resurgence.

"When this mission is completed, the list of the next batch of expendable personnel needs to be replaced"

Mei Chuan's underwear eyebrows flashed, and his cold gaze was like a poisonous snake.

On the side of Hikawa Steel Plate, after putting the computer down, he couldn't help but study the statue with it.

The octopus-like creature not only had large wings and tentacles, but also had many shapes and textures on its body that he could not see.

And if you stare into its eyes, there will always be a sense of being watched.

After a long time, Hikawa Steel Plate didn't find anything special, and finally simply put it on the cabinet.

The lights in the room went out, and he crept his way to the bed, then lay down and fell into a deep sleep.

It didn't take long for the sound of even breathing to come out of bed.

The dripping rain outside the window was still beating against the window, and everything seemed so oppressive under the dark clouds under the starry sky.

Boom, boom!

A bolt of lightning rang out in the sky, and a white light shone from the window on Hikawa Steel's cheeks with his eyes closed.

“g... ǐщ... ks... ɔ:... й "

In the dark room, something seemed to be whispering in Hikawa's ear.

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