Bai Liu was sleeping on his side in the last row of a van. It was very crowded and narrow. It was very difficult for him to turn over. As soon as he moved, he saw a necklace falling out from his neck, but the clothes he was wearing were all the same as before. There is no difference before entering the game, white shirts and black pants, typical daily wear of office workers and social animals, only this necklace is an extra thing.

The pendant of the necklace was a perforated one-dollar coin. After Bai Liu put his hand on it, he saw the game panel pop up. The panel was the same as before, and there was no additional information.

This should be something like game manager.

Bai Liu put the necklace in his clothes and put it away. He didn't like to see this kind of damaged coins.

Bai Liu came out from the back seat of the car. It was a seven-seater van. In addition to Bai Liu lying in the back row, there were four people in front of him. As soon as he came out, someone looked at him in surprise: "Bai Liu, hey. , my little sweetheart, you are finally awake!"

Except for Bai Liu, these six people obviously look like foreigners. The one who called Bai Liu sweetheart is a girl with brown curly hair~waves, red lips and brown eyes, wearing hot pants and suspenders, Bai Liu is seeing this person In an instant, the coin in my heart popped out of the panel, and the character information was written on it:

[NPC name: Lucy]

[Character profile: Your classmate, I like your type of boy very much. Last night, you had sex attempts, but you were too shy to face Lucy, who was ten centimeters taller than you and who was enthusiastic and bold (laughs)]

Bai Liu's gaze paused for two seconds between [unsuccessful] and that [laughing], then quickly retracted his gaze and fell into thinking.

This game seems to trigger the npc panel information that requires the player to [see] it, just like playing an online game, you need to put the mouse up to pop up the information. The player's eyes are now equivalent to the player's mouse and gamepad.

He was thoughtful, it seemed that at least he couldn't lose his sight in this game.

Lucy winked at Bai Liu: "Hey, baby, am I tired of you? You've been sleeping all the way since you got in the car."

When Bai Liu sees Lucy, the reminder of [unsuccessful] will pop up in his mind, because Bai Liu, who has always been single as a social animal, has a slightly complicated mood: "..."

Painlessly ended single life.

He changed the topic in time, Bai Liu looked at the increasingly remote and cold scenery outside the window, and asked, "Where are we going? Why do you look so remote?"

"Looks like a coward is trying to run away again." A sarcastic male voice came from the front, a tall man in tight jeans and a sports t-shirt looked at Bai Liu with contempt, his body was too strong, and his shirt was stretched It was about to explode, looking a lot like a football player.

He looked down at Bai Liu condescendingly and hugged his chest, and sneered, "It's too late, Bai Liu, even if you are a coward trying to escape, we are already on our way to Siren Town."

The panel pops up:

[NPC name: Andre]

[Character introduction: Your love rival, who likes Lucy but was rejected by Lucy, is very hostile to you. Before you made a bet with him to protect Lucy in the most dangerous place in the world to prove your love for Lucy, So you and your group drove to Siren Town, but you cried a lot before you got into the car because you were timid, and regretted that you didn't want to get in the car. He pulled him into the car forcefully]

Bai Liu has seen the place name Siren Town twice in a row. He ignored Andre's ridicule to him and asked, "Siren Town, what place is it?"

Andre snorted coldly again. Just as he was about to open his mouth to continue mocking Bai Liu, Andre's taunting was interrupted by a continuous whisper:

"Siren Town, the only seaside town in history where the wreckage of the siren was discovered, there are many people in history who said that they had seen the figure of the siren here, or heard the wonderful mermaid of the siren in the waves. Singing, I have also seen these bewitching-looking mermaid sirens feasting on human corpses on a dark reef..."

"Jeff! Those are just stories made up by Siren Town to trick tourists into going sightseeing!" Andre interrupted the other's whispered fast words impatiently, but there was a flash of fear on his face.

A small boy with a thick beer bottle cap held the book on his chest and shivered, as if he was afraid of Andre, and retorted in a lower voice: "Then how do you explain, those tourists who come to Siren Town? The mysterious disappearance! Twelve tourists even disappeared after they came to Siren Town last month! The police searched everywhere, no one saw them leave Siren Town..."

Bai Liu looked at the panel.

[NPC name: Jeff]

[Character introduction: A strong lover of unnatural creatures such as mermaids and sea monsters. After learning that Lucy and his party were going to Siren Town, they took the initiative to ask to go together, and knew the legends of Siren Town very well]

Andre said: "Most of these people drowned by themselves. It's normal to drown by the sea."

Jeff was very dissatisfied: "The police have organized the salvage for a month, and they haven't recovered any corpses. Even if they do fall into the sea, it's not normal..." As he spoke, his tone became low and gloomy. There was also a trace of excitement, "unless their bodies were eaten by sirens, so the police couldn't salvage them..."

Andre finally got angry, and he slapped Jeff on the head angrily: "Shut up! You **** four-eyed boy! Mermaid all day long! I think you look like a mermaid!"

Andre's hand was very heavy, and Bai Liu could clearly see that Jeff's head slammed against the seat, and he slammed on Andre again in a dizzy manner, which angered Andre again. , he threw his hand and gave Jeff a few slaps, so that one of Jeff's teeth flew out.

Jeff lowered his head, picked up his teeth, and stopped talking. He looked at Andre with a very dark look of hatred, and said a word in a light mouth shape.

No one else heard it, but Bai Liu's hearing was always good. He heard Jeff say: [The mermaid will tear you apart and swallow it, Andre]

Bai Liu raised his eyebrows slightly, but didn't say anything. The relationship between the characters of this NPC is still a bit complicated.

It seems that it is not a matter of a day or two for Andre to beat and scold Jeff at will, and this Jeff seems to have planned a revenge plan with the "mermaid".

The driver who drove the car was a local from the Siren town that Bai Liu paid for. From Lucy's conversation, Bai Liu found out that he was still a rich second-generation. Please, also troubled the driver to help find a local hotel.

The car didn't arrive at the mysterious Siren town until late at night. According to the driver's description, the Siren town was a town that lived by fishing and helping to salvage sunken ships. It was always remote and dilapidated until the new town. Long found a new way to attract tourists with rumors of mermaids, and the town of Siren only developed through tourism.

But last month, there have been accidents with tourists. These tourists did not fall into the water as Andre said. Some of them disappeared in every corner of Siren town without even knowing it before they even had time to go to the beach. For example, There was a tourist who stayed at the hotel that night, and the person disappeared early the next morning. The house was closed and he did not see him go out. The bed in the house still had residual warmth, but the person disappeared.

Therefore, Siren Town, which is in the peak tourist season, is unbelievably desolate, and many hotels and hotels are closed due to poor management.

Siren Town is indeed very dilapidated. There are flying fences and fishing nets everywhere. The ground is covered with dried shells, seaweed, and sand. Only some hotels are well decorated. Bai Liu and the others arrived late at night. , but there are still many pedestrians on the road.

These pedestrians originally went to the beach in unison, but as soon as Bai Liu and the others drove in, these townspeople who were going to the beach stopped in unison, turned their heads, and looked directly at Bai Liu's car.

Being watched by so many people in the middle of the night, Lucy shuddered at the sight, she screamed softly, and shrank into Bai Liu's arms.

But she was much taller than Bai Liu, and a head appeared from Bai Liu's shoulders, it looked like Bai Liu had shrunk into her arms.

Bai Liu: "..."

Bai Liu turned his head and asked the driver, "It's already midnight, what are these people doing at the beach?"

The driver shook his head: "No one has come to travel recently, and the economy is in recession, so they can only re-fish. You have never fished before, you don't know, many valuable fish are afraid of strong light and only come out at night, so they Only go to sea at night."

The townspeople looked at Bai Liu with strange eyes, their eyes glowing green like a cat at night, with a strange expression on their faces, as if they were smiling, but the corners of their mouths did not rise completely, but rather stiffened. The corners of his mouth twitched.

They still have fishing nets and hooks in their hands, and some people have oil lamps with emulsified light in their hands. They stare at the car with Bai Liu, and their eyes move with the car, as if they will rush to attack the car with the fishing gear in their hands at any time. generally.

"You guys have to be careful about these guys," the driver reminded. "They're short of money lately, and you're rich."

Because Bai Liu, a second-generation rich man, made a lot of money, the driver found the best hotel in the area for their group.

This hotel is so luxurious that it is incompatible with the painting style of the whole town. It is a very modern and fashionable five-star hotel style. There is actually a fountain pool at the entrance.

There is a stone sculpture of a mermaid in the fountain pool. This mermaid is carved to life. The shiny marble skin shimmers in the dim moonlight, which is almost human skin. The long hair falls down to cover her plump breasts. In the pool, she lowered her eyes and looked pitiful. She held a water bottle in her hand. Some fake mica pearls were scattered in the water bottle. .

The driver circled the fountain pool at the entrance of the hotel and drove the car all the way to the main entrance of the hotel.

Jeff suddenly screamed. He pointed to the mermaid fountain statue at the entrance of the hotel and said, "She was just looking at me! She just moved!"

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