I Became A Mighty Lion

Chapter 15 The Baboon Army

The sun is a bit harsh.

Chu Xiaoye's eyes stared nervously at the male lion on the soil slope.


The male lion just roared a few times irritably, and did not make any outrageous actions.

He left indifferently before the four lionesses returned.

I don't know if I went to find food in person, or because I was angry and didn't want to see the four lionesses.


The four lionesses came back one after another.

Looking at the young children, they did not care about exhaustion and hunger, and immediately lay down in the grass and let the children eat.

The little lions rushed up with joy.

Aisha and Xi'er came under the big tree, lay down, and whispered to brothers Chu Xiaoye and Meimei on the tree.

Little Curly Wei and Meimei were already hungry and wanted to climb down the tree immediately, but when they saw Chu Xiaoye standing on the tree and didn't move, the two little guys hesitated and didn't move anymore.

Chu Xiaoye glanced at them, and Fang took the lead to climb down.

Eating her mother's sweet milk, Chu Xiaoye's heart was filled with joy.

The cruelty of nature can only be truly experienced after becoming an animal.

How many of this group of young mothers and young children can survive the rainy season next year?

The mother's milk is still sufficient, but her stomach is holding back a lot.

Chu Xiaoye looked at his paws and thought to himself, how can he help his mother to share her worries.

After eating.

The little lions were alive again and began to play again.

The lionesses are resting in the grass.

In the evening, when their physical strength recovers, they will go out to hunt again.

One-year-old Lal was lying in the grass, his head downcast.

The lioness with the docked tail was his mother, and his mother had run out of milk.

He has already started eating meat.

Even if you can rub the milk of other lionesses, you will still not be able to eat enough.

After all, he is a growing little lion.

At this time, like the lionesses, he was hungry and didn't know what to take to fill his stomach.

He lay in the grass for a while, glanced at his younger siblings who were playing, suddenly got up, and walked towards the dense bushes.

He felt he could not sit still.

Since the mother did not catch the prey, then he went to hunt it himself.

In the nearby bushes, there are small animals and birds everywhere. If you can catch a few, you may be able to fill your stomach.

Although he is still underage, he is still very strong compared to those small animals.

He has speed, claws, and fangs. Those little animals are not his opponents!

He wanted to show his mother and other siblings that without the lionesses hunting, he could still eat enough!

Taking advantage of his mother's inattentiveness, he got into the dense thickets and walked towards the distance, full of pride and pride.

He is a lion!

In passing places, birds flew, mice ran away, and all kinds of birds and animals panicked and fled in a hurry.

This adds to his courage and ambition!

As he walked, he came to a dense forest.

Suddenly, a strange cry came from the forest.

Lal's ears perked up, he immediately slowed down, and walked over cautiously. Looking through the gap in the grass, there was a small monkey-like animal standing on the ground not far ahead.

The little animal was slightly smaller than him, and was standing upright at this time, screaming shrilly, looking around, looking panicked, as if looking for its mother.

Lal was overjoyed, and quickly lowered his body, put away his claws, and quietly lurked from the bushes!

The little animal was obviously unaware of the approaching danger, and was still screaming,

Like laughing, like crying.

Lal seemed to have seen a rich meal placed on his dining table, and also seemed to see those younger brothers and sisters, looking at himself, full of admiration and awe!

Excited, he slowed down, tried not to make any noise, and silently approached the little animal from behind!


He suddenly increased his speed, rushed up, jumped, and pounced on the little animal!

The little monkey-like animal, Fang reacted at this time, just turned around, and was thrown to the ground by Lal, with a shrill and terrified scream from his mouth!

Lal bit it on its neck, laughed heartily, and dragged it towards the bushes!

He decided to eat half of it first, and then take the other half home for his mother to eat.

However, before he could walk into the thickets, a loud and angry roar suddenly came from behind!

The roars came one after another, coming from all directions!

All of a sudden, there was a lot of noise and ear-piercing, and there were countless sounds of running and jumping, like the beast horde he once saw with his mother!

Lal was shocked and turned his head to look in a hurry!

Seeing this, he was instantly frightened to death!

Densely packed, large monkeys ran out of the woods behind them, all baring their fangs, roaring angrily, and rushing towards him fiercely!

Many monkeys, bigger than his father's size!

The exposed fangs were thick and sharp, hideous and terrifying!

Ralton's frightened soul flew out of the sky, and he dared to hesitate, hurriedly dropped the prey in his mouth, and ran away!

And the group of terrifying animals that looked like monkeys didn't intend to let him go, they roared angrily and chased after him!

Lal was frightened, scared, anxious and regretful. While running away desperately, he desperately called for help, using all his strength to suckle!

At this time, the lionesses are resting.

And Chu Xiaoye was exercising muscles on the tree with Little Curly Tail and Meimei.

Suddenly, on the big tree, he saw the bushes rising and falling not far away, swaying again and again, dense figures, like a tide, rushing towards this side!

At the same time, bursts of terrifying roars came over!

In front of those figures, a little lion is desperately running towards this side!

That little lion is his big brother, one-year-old Lal!

And those things chasing behind him, if you look closely, there are actually a group of huge baboons!

Baboons are social animals.

Each group consists of at least dozens of them.

Some large groups even have hundreds of members!

They are omnivores, eating both plants and small animals.

They have sharp teeth and fierce personalities. Due to the huge population, even lions would not dare to provoke them easily!

Unless it's a lone baboon.

At this time, seeing such a large group of baboons, murderously following behind Lal, rushing towards the lions, Chu Xiaoye was shocked!

He hurriedly yelled at the tree under the alarm!

The lionesses had already heard the sound and stood up, roaring and rushing up, standing together, and guarding the cubs behind them!

Lal's mother, the lioness with a broken tail, bravely rushed up and stopped a male baboon who was about to pounce on Lal!

However, when she saw the dense army of baboons behind her, she was shocked and fled back with Lal in a hurry.

The other lionesses, seeing this scene, dared to stay, and hurriedly took their cubs and fled to the grassland.

Only the lion, their king, can deter these raging baboons!

They only have five lionesses, but there are so many lion cubs to protect, and the other party has at least fifty or sixty, and they are in extreme rage!

They are afraid that they can't even protect themselves, how can they protect the lion cubs!

Aisha and Seeer hurriedly yelled at the three siblings in the big tree, telling them to get down and run away!

When Xiao Curuwei and Meimei were about to go down, they saw that Chu Xiaoye did not move.

The two brothers and sisters hesitated for a while, and immediately stopped on the tree, not going down.

Aisha and Seele roared again in a hurry!

Seeing that the baboon army was full of murderous aura and was about to sweep in, Chu Xiaoye was even more anxious, and hurriedly yelled at the mother and Xi'er under the tree, telling them to go!

Baboons run extremely fast!

The lioness may be able to escape, but the cub, absolutely cannot!

Instead of being killed on the ground and implicated in my mother, it is better to stay in the tree, take the risk, and gamble!

Those baboons may not have found them in the big tree!

Although Aisha and Seeer were so anxious and worried, they couldn't turn around and run away with the other lionesses!

They also hope to use them as bait to lure those baboons away!

The three Chu Xiaoye brothers and sisters, with low bodies, were prostrate on the dense branches, motionless.

Aisha and Seele glanced back, put their minds at ease, and concentrated on running away.


The speed of the other lion cubs soon slowed down.

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