I Became A Mighty Lion

Chapter 325: Not one left!

Alive is the most important thing.

But obviously, the little white lion didn't seem to understand this truth, and would rather starve to death than touch the lion's head.

Chu Xiaoye had no choice but to grab the black lion's viscera, and hung it in front of her, swaying in the wind, dripping with blood, next to the lion's head.

The male lion under the tree looked up at this scene with horror, shock and anger.

Tiris still would rather die than eat.

Chu Xiaoye ignored her and ate up the rest of the lion's body.

The hot air in the body flows, and the physical strength recovers quickly.

He lay on the highest branch, squinting his eyes to rest.

Catherine crouched on the branch below him and closed her eyes too.

Little curly tail, Meimei, hurry up to recover their strength.

Only Tiris was still whining angrily and plaintively.

The more than 30 male lions under the tree were obviously a little impatient waiting.

They don't have the patience of those spotted hyenas, they can always besiege the prey on the tree under the tree.

Also, they are not for prey.

If you don't enjoy a good life, why should you stay here and suffer, and still worry about it?

So, when one of the male lions got up and left, the other male lions also got up one after another, turned and left.

Not long after, more than 30 male lions all walked away cleanly.

Chu Xiaoye glanced down, a little dazed, so he gave up?

However, he didn't go down immediately.

In the evening, when everyone's physical strength had almost recovered, Fang Fang was the first to jump down, checked around, and then let Xiao Tuowei and the others come down.

When they came to the place where the black lion king fell yesterday,

Did not see the body of the lion king.

There was still a pool of blood on the ground, but there was nothing else.

Chu Xiaoye's heart tightened, and he secretly wondered, could it be that the black lion king is not dead?

"A broken head is a broken head, and death is death. These are two different things."

He suddenly remembered the scene where Leng's father came back to life.

Then, switching to the body of this black lion and lion king is: "To disembowel is to disembowel, and to die is to die. Who said that if the stomach is ruptured and the intestines flow out, it will definitely die?"

For the various mutants that appeared during this period, this possibility really exists.

No one knows what skills and how many skills each mutant possesses.

Just like him, the young and handsome powerful lion king, the most powerful skill is farting, drooling, and stealing other people's skills, who would have imagined it?

"Stealing other people's skills?"

Chu Xiaoye's heart skipped a beat.

After he completely killed the golden lion king, he stole the other party's ability to heal wounds quickly. But yesterday, if he really killed the black lion king, then he should have stolen the other party's ability to heal wounds quickly. One skill is right.

However, he got nothing.

That is to say, the black lion king probably didn't die completely!

Thinking of this, he was startled.

If the black lion king really didn't die, then, based on the opponent's hatred for them and the group of black lions here, the opponent would probably enter the grassland again and slaughter everywhere.

With the strength of that black lion king, as long as he didn't encounter hundreds of lions all at once, he would definitely be invincible and kill all the lions on the grassland bit by bit.

Therefore, he must completely kill the black lion lion king to avoid future troubles!

Now, even if the black lion and lion king didn't die, he was definitely seriously injured. He didn't have the fighting power of the peak period. If he lost this opportunity, he would regret it later.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiaoye no longer hesitated, and immediately walked towards the woods ahead with the little curly tails.

When the lions left, they all entered the forest, and their scent still lingered on the road.

Suddenly, they heard a movement.

Chu Xiaoye raised his head, with two golden lights shining in his eyes, he passed through the woods and looked forward.

Several vigorous black figures are chasing a strong antelope.

Soon, the antelope was thrown to the ground.

Chu Xiaoye immediately ran over with the little curly tails.


It was a group of black lionesses, seven in total.

When seeing them appear, the seven lionesses all bared their fangs, startled and flustered, looking a little at a loss.

They obviously haven't seen their kind from outside for a long time.

Chu Xiaoye hesitated for a moment, then immediately let out a low growl, and was the first to rush forward.

This kind of moment is not the time to feel pity!

When those black lion lionesses slaughtered their prairie lionesses and cubs, why didn't they show mercy?


Golden light!

He directly scratched the head of a black lioness who hadn't reacted yet!

The little curly tail followed closely behind, and with a sudden flick of the tail, the spines of the two black lionesses were crushed, and they collapsed to the ground, unable to get up again.

Catherine rushed forward, waving her silver claws, blood spattered, and her stomach was ripped apart!

Meimei rushed up, her light blue claws directly pierced into the bodies of those black lionesses.

Tiris was so hungry and thirsty that she bit a lioness by the neck and started sucking blood.

In less than a moment, the seven black lionesses were all down in a pool of blood, and they didn't even have time to let out a scream.

Chu Xiaoye walked in front of the limp antelope, and was about to lower her head to bite, when Tilith suddenly jumped over, grabbed the antelope in her mouth, ran to the side, and started to eat it.

Only she didn't eat just now.

Seeing fresh, tender and plump antelopes now, it is natural to eat and fill their stomachs.

Chu Xiaoye turned to look at Catherine, and motioned for her to eat too.

This little lioness was the most injured, and it is not known whether she has fully recovered at this time. She only ate a lion's leg just now, and she was obviously not full.

Catherine glanced at Tillis, but she lowered her head and did not go over, expressing that she was not hungry.

Tiris raised her head and called out to Meimei, indicating that she could come and enjoy it together.

Meimei turned her head to look at Chu Xiaoye, and ran over happily after her brother nodded.

The little curly tail curled its mouth to express its dissatisfaction, but it didn't care about it. It walked up to a black lioness and began to eat with relish.

For him, as long as he can fill his stomach, even the flesh and blood of the same kind can be eaten.

In the most difficult time of the dry season, after his brother left, he took everyone to eat carrion.

That taste is still unforgettable.

However, if given another chance, he would still eat.

For him, being alive and being able to fight side by side with his brother is the most important thing.

Seeing Tillis and Meimei eating with gusto, Chu Xiaoye felt hungry again, so she walked up to a black lioness, bowed her head and started eating.

Now is not the time to choose food, you must fill your stomach as soon as possible, so that you can kill the black lion king.

He glanced up at Catherine and motioned her to eat quickly.

Catherine hesitated for a moment, lowered her head, walked in front of him, got down on the ground, and ate the black lioness on the ground with him.

Chu Xiaoye was stunned for a moment, he meant to let the little lioness eat other black lionesses, this one was not enough for him alone.

Forget it, let her.

Chu Xiaoye got up, walked to another black lioness, and began to eat.

Catherine looked up at him, and immediately came to her senses, and immediately lowered her head, looking a little at a loss.

Soon, everyone was full.

Chu Xiaoye led them and continued to walk forward.

Not long after, Chu Xiaoye suddenly smelled a pungent smell from the ground.

This is the smell of a male lion marking his territory.

It seems that the group of male lions did not live together, and they were still the same as ordinary lion groups, each with its own territory and its own group of lions.

Chu Xiaoye walked in without any hesitation.


Soon, a roar came from not far away.

Immediately, two strong black male lions with flying manes galloped towards them murderously.

They thought it was some lion pride next door, chasing prey and trespassing on their territory.

When they saw Chu Xiaoye, they were obviously taken aback, and then, the two black lions seemed to recognize them, turned around in a hurry, and fled.

These two black male lions are exactly two of the more than thirty black male lions before.

They thought that these young guys would immediately flee this place in panic after learning their lesson. Who would have thought that these guys would come back to find them!

They clearly remembered how terrifying that young boy with a circle of golden mane was, killing one of their companions in an instant, and eating his belly open in front of them.

So, as soon as they recognized each other, they turned and fled.

They fled to their camp, hoping to be aided by the lionesses.

Chu Xiaoye led the little curly tails and followed closely behind, trying to find the black lion and lion king. Even if he didn't find the other party, he would not let any black lion here go.

Cutting the grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates!

He didn't want the grassland he fought back with great difficulty to be trampled by these black lions again!



When they came to a bush, the two black lions stopped immediately, turned around, bared their fangs at them, showed a ferocious expression, and roared angrily.

At the same time, a group of black lionesses ran out from the bushes, baring their fangs and roaring ferociously.

Chu Xiaoye stopped in front of them and took a look behind them. In the bushes, a few furry little heads poked out, trembling, and their immature faces and eyes were full of fear, very similar to those of the past. of them.

However, Chu Xiaoye did not have any soft-heartedness.

He rushed straight up.

The little curly tail didn't hesitate at all, flicking its tail, murderous!

Meimei, Tilith, Catherine, all back to their best condition, shot away!

For this group of pampered lions who haven't fought outside for a long time, they are like sharp steel knives. When they are raised and lowered, they are a corpse.

The two tall and strong male lions had their appearances, and they were not as powerful as those female lions. As soon as they fought, they were beheaded by Chu Xiaoye and Tiris.

Catherine rushed to those lionesses, waved her silver claws, and disemboweled them without mercy!

Soon, all the adult lions in the pride fell to the ground, turning into bloody corpses.

And those lion cubs were hiding in the bushes, trembling, neither daring to come out nor run away, they could only stare with terrified eyes, waiting for the arrangement of fate.

Chu Xiaoye stood outside the bushes, his paws were covered with blood, looking at those clear and terrified eyes, his heart twitched unknowingly.


Before he could go in and make a move, Catherine had already taken a step ahead, swept over, waved her silver claws, and within a short while, killed all the lion cubs hiding inside, leaving no one behind!

Chu Xiaoye stayed in place, staring blankly at the young corpses all over the ground, and slowly withdrew her claws.

Covered in blood, Catherine walked out of the bushes with her head down, and stood silently behind him, not daring to look at him.

Chu Xiaoye breathed a sigh of relief, looked away, looked forward, turned and left.

Meimei glanced at the corpses of those cubs, then turned her head and glanced at Catherine, who was covered in blood, and suddenly felt that this little lioness who had grown up with her was getting farther and farther away, colder and stranger .

Even she is hard to get close to.

Sometimes she even felt that this little lioness who was picked up didn't seem to be alive by herself, but like a tool of her brother, always standing behind her brother, no matter what he wanted to do, she would be the first to rush. Going up, it seems that you will never have your own ideas and decisions.

Once, she thought that this little lioness would become their friend, even their relative.

But now, she felt that this little lioness was like a thing on her brother's body, a cold and gloomy thing, without any feelings, without any emotions, and no one could get close to her.

Except, brother.

Capuchin felt the same way as she did.

However, from childhood to adulthood, Little Curly Tail felt that this little lioness was not easy to mess with.

Now seeing the other party so fierce, cold and ruthless, I became even more afraid.

"Mother is not easy to mess with!"

This is the conclusion that Curly Tail has come to since he grew up.

Therefore, he decided to stay away from all the cubs in the future and just follow his brother.

Chu Xiaoye walked in the front, secretly resenting that she had softened her heart just now, and at that moment, she almost subconsciously felt unbearable.

He decided that next, he must abandon any redundant feelings.

For the sake of that beautiful grassland, and those companions on the grassland who regard him as king, he must have the ruthlessness and determination that a lion king should really have.

Catherine followed him with her head down, almost following his steps, exactly like his shadow.

The sun shines into the woods and falls on the two of them, making the two of them look so tacit and harmonious, as if they grow together naturally.


A snow-white figure suddenly inserted between them, with its head pushed up, Chu Xiaoye staggered forward a few steps.

Tiris walked side by side with Catherine, flicked her tail and touched her tail, raised her paw and touched her head, looking like good sisters who were close with each other.

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