I Became A Mighty Lion

Chapter 478: Father Leng’s Madness

Three more days passed.

Hunger and fear, frustration and despair spread throughout the cave and in the hearts of every member.

The only reason and pride that existed were defeated.

There was the smell of food outside.

They have never found this smell so sweet and tempting, even when food was most scarce.

It's time to make a decision.

Rather than huddle in this dark cave and starve to death, it is better to rush out and fight the enemy, and maybe there is a chance of survival.

Even if you risk your life, it is a worthy death.

It's better to die heroically in battle than to starve to death while cowardly hiding, isn't it?

Father Leng couldn't bear it anymore. With his eyes red, he roared angrily, pushed aside the little curly tail blocking the entrance of the cave, and rushed out like crazy.

What greeted him was not a delicious meal or a hymn to a hero, but two bloody mouths that had just eaten flesh and blood!

Father Leng roared and rushed forward.

Hunger and despair left him fearless!

He risked his life!

He caught a lion in the mouth!

And his neck was bitten by another male lion!

The blood in his mouth excited him, and he bit the lion's mouth tightly. Even though there was severe pain in his neck and his breathing began to become difficult, he still did not let go!

Zamao, who was guarding the entrance of the cave, roared angrily and prepared to rush out to help.

He was also so hungry that he couldn't bear it.

At this moment, the little curly tail next to him suddenly waved his tail, wrapped around Father Leng's hind legs with a "swish" sound, and dragged him in from the outside!

Father Leng was stuck at the entrance of the cave, still holding the lion's mouth firmly in his mouth!

The male lion biting his neck was caught off guard. His head was dragged directly to the entrance of the cave and hit the cave wall. Before it could release its teeth, Zamao's sharp claws suddenly stretched out, "Chi!" "The sound of the ground pierced its eyes, and with a sudden force, it was dragged into the cave together with Father Leng!


A shrill roar suddenly sounded at the entrance of the cave.

Zamao bit the male lion's head in one bite, and his two rows of sharp teeth instantly pierced the lion's skull!

The brains burst open and blood spilled out!

The screaming male lion was killed immediately!

The lion whose mouth was bitten by Father Leng was frightened and frightened when he saw this scene. He struggled desperately to break away from Father Leng's teeth, but to no avail.

Father Leng suddenly exerted force, and with the help of Little Curly Tail, he actually dragged the male lion into the cave.

Zamao pounced on it again and killed it in one bite.

The lions outside were furious. They roared and rushed to the entrance of the cave, baring their fangs and preparing to attack. However, they saw the miserable death of the two companions who were dragged into the cave. They were frightened and did not dare to come in.

The miscellaneous hair and the curly tail continued to block the entrance of the hole, looking at them provocatively.

There was a low roar from outside the cave, the roar of a certain lion king.

Those angry lions immediately stopped and continued to stand outside the cave, waiting patiently.

In such a situation where victory was inevitable, it was a shame for them to lose two companions.

But no one expected that Father Leng would suddenly rush out and be so crazy.

They were too careless. There were two male lions guarding outside the cave. The other male lions were eating fresh prey captured by the lioness not far away.

learn from mistakes.

This time, they arranged more lions outside the cave to avoid this humiliation from happening again.

The two male lions that were dragged into the cave had turned into corpses with their eyes wide open.

Normally, lions will not eat their own kind, but when food is scarce and life and death are at stake, this situation will naturally change.

The fresh and rich smell of blood spreads in the dark cave at the bottom of the tree.

Each member drooled unconsciously, and the hunger in their stomachs became stronger.

Father Leng's neck was dripping with blood, but he seemed to feel no pain at all. He pounced directly on one of the male lions and began to bite him.

Strictly speaking, these two male lions are his trophies, except for the lion king, he has priority to enjoy them.

But now, I can’t care so much.

Maya, who was so hungry that she could hardly get up, suddenly stood up when stimulated by the sweet smell of blood. She immediately came over with two weak lion cubs and began to whimper and bite.

Aisha and Xier also came over.

The other members swallowed their saliva and were hungry, but they did not forget their responsibilities and remained at the entrance of the cave.

The little curly tail glanced back, and just as he was about to growl and distribute the food, Alyssa had already walked over, biting the neck of one of the male lions, and pierced the body with her sharp claws, quickly cutting it apart.

Then, she took the two halves of flesh and blood to the second and third cave entrances respectively, and distributed them to her hungry companions.

She herself didn't take a bite.

The little curly tail looked at her with flashing eyes, then raised his head and looked at the tree hole above his head.

This matter should have been done by my brother.

The more this happens, the more Lionheart can be attracted. Although everyone is loyal to his brother and has already fallen in love with him, this situation will never continue because of his negligence.

This time, everyone must have been completely disappointed with their brother.

Little Capricorn was worried, but he was powerless. Just relying on him wouldn't work.

He clearly understood the gap between himself and his brother, and no matter how hard he tried, he could never catch up.

Father Leng felt angry when he saw Alyssa take away her prey without saying a word and distribute it to other members without permission, but he had no time to care about it.

He was so hungry that he wolfed down the food and had no time to think about anything else.

The two male lions were large and strong. Although they did not feed the hungry members, they temporarily delayed their death.

They were revitalized.

But how many more days can this last?

Even if I persist for a few more days, what will happen?

In the end, aren't you going to starve to death or be torn into pieces?

Near the top of the second cave entrance, there was a sudden strange sound, and the soil began to fall, as if something was slapping on the ground.

The little curly tail was startled, and immediately roared, asking the members behind him to go and support him.

Outside the underground cave, under the super giant tree, a huge saber-toothed tiger was waving its huge claws and striking the soft ground ferociously. Every slap caused the cave to shake violently and the soil fell away. fall.

The lion kings of the four prides stood respectfully not far away, not daring to approach, their eyes full of fear.

This thunderous beating lasted until night.

Although the underground cave has not collapsed, several cracks have appeared above the entrance of the second cave. If these cracks expand again, the entrance may suddenly collapse and expand.

At that time, the lions outside will rush up, and they will no longer be able to take advantage of the entrance of the cave to guard.

At this time, Catherine, who was guarding the door of the tree hole, suddenly opened her eyes and looked back into the hole.

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