The drowsiness that had just risen was interrupted by Jiang Wu's sound. Xie Qianxun was stunned, raising his eyes to stare at Jiang Wu.

"Do you want a temporary mark?" Jiang Wu asked again.

She thought about it, and added, "It's just a Christmas present."


Xie Qianxun arched his head slightly into his arms, and said dullly, "I wonder."

She was thinking very much in her heart, but she told Jiang Wu in the hospital a few days ago that she didn't need a temporary mark, and now she said that it's not a face shot? ! Jiang Wu is good, but she doesn't want to abuse other people's love.

So she changed her words: "I don't really want to."

"That's it." Jiang Wu patted her on the shoulder, "Sit up."

Xie Qianxun: "..."

She sat up obediently and stared at Jiang Wu nervously.

Jiang Wu lowered his eyes halfway, and said softly: "Turn around and hold on to the wall."

The last temporary marking was in the student union office a month ago. At that time, the door was locked, and there were tables and chairs around to hold on, but now there are only walls in the equipment room on the ground floor of the gymnasium, which seems a bit emotional.

Xie Qianxun suddenly thought of Jiang Wu's brutal mark in the office last time, and couldn't help but whispered, "Be gentle this time!"

Jiang Wu shook her shoulders, "Okay, lighten it this time."

After Xie Qianxun supported the wall, she rubbed the bluish skin on the back of her neck with the tip of her nose, licked it, and then held it gently.

? !

Xie Qianxun's legs suddenly softened, and he subconsciously covered his mouth with his hands.

Jiang Wu was so familiar with Xie Qianxun's glands, just closing his eyes, he could accurately find the location of the gland's mouth.

Temporary marking requires the fit of the teeth and glands, and the fit will be superimposed as the number of markings increases.

Because she had already experienced the marking once, her prostitute teeth were very sensitive to Xie Qianxun's glands, and they swelled up as soon as they touched the skin lightly.

Jiang Wu squinted, sucking the piece of skin connected to the gland with some attachment.

After differentiation, Xie Qianxun's glands tasted differently from before.

The pure Alpha breath caused her brain to temporarily lose the ability to think, and the only point of reason in her heart was gradually swallowed by some kind of abnormal possessive desire and desire to conquer. It's worse than last time.

Xie Qianxun’s eyes were reddening. She didn't like this feeling very much, so she couldn't help turning her arm around the person behind her, "Please hurry up."

The inexplicable voice made Jiang Wu frown, and retaliated lightly on that piece of skin.

Xie Qianxun's body became stiff, and his head slammed against the wall.

The glands' mouths were all opened in an instant, and every cell in the body was screaming, trying to respond to the opponent's pheromone.

She gradually weakened to slide down, and the faint rain and dew breath was like mist, gradually wrapping her up.

The brain was blank, and the whole person subconsciously wanted to rub against Jiang Wu.

"Really, is there really table tennis on the ground floor of this stadium?"

Suddenly there was a girl's voice over there.

"Let's look for it, the teacher said. The equipment room seems to be over there?"

There was a sound of tiny footsteps in the corridor in the distance, from far to near, it seemed to be coming towards this side!

? !

Xie Qianxun regained his senses abruptly, then opened his eyes wide and pulled Jiang Wu's clothes.


no response?

Xie Qianxun was dumb and afraid to speak. He was afraid that he could not help but yell when he spoke, and the sound of footsteps in the distance was getting closer and closer, and the heat from the back of the neck was still pouring into the glands, and it was finished! She squeezed Jiang Wu's arm in despair.

"Where is the equipment room! This place is so dark and a bit scary."

The girl outside had reached the door, and the doorknob made a slight turning sound.

"You, you, you, you first wait a moment." Xie Qianxun said with a trembling, dragging Jiang Wu forward a difficult step.


Jiang Wu suddenly released her, grabbed her wrist and ran to the depths of the equipment room.

Her white cheeks were already blushing abnormally, and her forehead was full of sweat.

The sudden interruption made her a little annoyed, and her brows were frowning tightly.

She slammed open the door of the storage room deep in the equipment room, pulled Xie Qianxun in, and closed the door "touch-"

"Hey, do you hear any sound?!" The girl's voice in horror sounded outside.

"Ah ah ah ah, this place won't be haunted!"

The storage room is small enough to fit two people.

The rich fragrance of rain and dew is entangled with the breath of wind chimes, floating in the air.

Xie Qianxun leaned on the wall, panting violently for a while, then pushed Jiang Wu away, "Forget Jiang Wu, so be it, a little pheromone is enough—"

Before she finished speaking, Jiang Wu grabbed her shoulder and bit the gland again from behind.

Xie Qianxun's legs softened sharply, and his hand drew twice on the wall in vain.

The heat flow this time was faster than before, and it spread vindictively throughout her body. Xie Qianxun directly knelt down, her brain blank.

The temporary mark is over.

Jiang Wu frowned, panting uncomfortably, and then shaking his hands, took out the inhibitor from his schoolbag, and ate several pills.

Xie Qianxun fell helplessly into Jiang Wu's arms, and then slammed her on her thigh, turning into anger, "I'll tell you to be lighter!"

She didn't have much strength, and she thumped it up like a cat.

The emotion in the body quickly subsided under the influence of the inhibitor. After Jiang Wu closed his eyes and allowed his breathing to return to normal, he looked down at Xie Qianxun and suddenly felt funny.

Is this guy an A?

Jiang Wu retracted his body a bit, held Xie Qianxun’s armpit with his hand from behind, brought her body up, and then gently hugged him, and said loosely, "I'm sorry...I tried my best to control it. I can’t bear it anymore. The pain will disappear after a while."

Xie Qianxun was helpless and had to let her toss.

The impact of the temporary marking is great, and she has only one thought in her mind now:

Sticking to Jiang Wu.

She suddenly said angrily: "Can I make you hurt back?"

Jiang Wu: "?"

"Just kidding." Xie Qianxun said dullly.

"Thank you for lending me the pheromone!"

Jiang Wu: "..."

Xie Qianxun was not too embarrassed to say that she used to play games with Zhou Ziyan in the physiology class, so that after suddenly splitting into Alpha, she didn't even know how to use the teeth mark. And she wouldn't want to mark Jiang Wu, absolutely not.

The two men just came out of the gym when they heard a harsh scream.

"Kiddy Kicked Kicked Kicked Kicked Kicked Kicked!"

Xie Qianxun squinted his eyes, and soon found that under the table tennis table over there, a dazzling orange was shaking.

She couldn't help laughing, and turned Jiang Wu with her arm. "It's a school bully."

The school bully is an orange cat, everyone knows in Tiran Middle School, it can be said to be the school's mascot. It usually shuttles around the campus, sometimes it’s sunbathing on the basketball court, sometimes it rains and it also appears in a classroom with the classmates. Everyone likes it very much. Everyday it tacitly feeds, and now it’s Already fat.

Jiang Wu also looked over there, then frowned, "There seems to be something under the school bully."

Xie Qianxun also looked over there carefully.

Oops, the fat orange cat was lying on the ground and biting a bird. The scream they heard just now was from that bird.

There are a few drops of red blood under the table tennis table, shocking under the sun.

Xie Qianxun was stunned, then turned to look at Jiang Wu: "Sister Jiang, you have no snacks in your bag."

She just asked casually, thinking that Zhou Ziyan might have stuffed her a few packs of original fish tofu this afternoon. When she was about to look through her schoolbag, she saw Jiang Wu taking out a packet of snacks from her schoolbag.

A pack of unopened fresh chicken strips for dogs.

Xie Qianxun: "...You really bring pet snacks when you go out?"

Jiang Wu tore open the snacks, "I bought this for the sheepdog at home this morning."

She drew out a crystal clear chicken, knelt down, and clapped her hands: "School bully, come over and eat."

As expected, the orange cat still felt that the snacks were more attractive than the smelly bird on the ground. He let go of the bird and walked over, rubbing against Jiang Wu's knee.

Jiang Wu smiled and stroked its head.

Xie Qianxun was slightly taken aback.

Under the sun, Jiang Wu's smile was so gentle, so pure that there was no trace of impurities.

The school bully also seems to particularly like her.

The schoolmaster quickly ate the meat strips and wanted to go back to play with the birds. Xie Qianxun had already quickly picked up the bird on the ground.

The orange cat gave a dissatisfied cry, stretched out his paw and scratched under Xie Qianxun's feet.

"She seems to have hurt her stomach." Xie Qianxun held the bird cautiously.

It was a light gray chick, panicking in her hand, croaking and creaking with her big mouth open.

I don't know where the schoolmaster picked it up. There are no trees near the table tennis table. Xie Qianxun looked around again, but didn't see anything similar to a bird's nest.

Xie Qianxun: "School will be over in a while, I will take it to the nearby pet hospital."

Jiang Wu stood up, "Well, let's go after class."

She naturally used the word ‘we’, but Xie Qianxun felt awkward when she heard it. "Don't you still have a lot of things? Don't worry about me, I can take it by myself."

Jiang Wu glanced at her, his gaze swept across the shallow teeth marks on the girl's back neck, and the tip of his tongue subconsciously touched the tooth pass, "Today is Friday, I have nothing more to do. I just want to take the family dog ​​to go. Vaccination."

Xie Qianxun couldn't help it. In fact, she also vaguely hoped that Jiang Wu could go with her, so she said "Oh".

Soon it was time for the end of get out of class. Xie Qianxun quickly went back to the classroom to pack up his things, found a closed paper box, and put the bird in it.

She left the school gate, and soon went to a nearby pet hospital, and then sent a location to Jiang Wu.

The school bully may have been a salted fish for too long, and the chick’s body was tossed like that and it’s okay.

It's just that the abdomen was scratched with a small hole in the claw, and a little blood was bleeding.

Xie Qianxun silently watched the veterinarian apply the medicine to the bird, and then asked, "Uncle, can you give it something to eat?"

The veterinarian smiled and pulled out a box of egg yolk ointment from the cupboard. "You can give it something to eat."

"How much?" Xie Qianxun took out his mobile phone and scanned the code.

The light gray bird jumped in the soft cardboard box, staring at Xie Qianxun with small bean-like eyes.

Xie Qianxun squeezed the egg yolk on the chopsticks and leaned forward cautiously.

This is still a young bird, not wary of people. Seeing the chopsticks in Xie Qianxun's hand came close, he grew up and made a sound of praying for food. The small wings were still crazy inciters, and Xie Qianxun Amused.

She bent her eyebrows and took out her phone, turned on the video function, and moved her chopsticks over, "Open your mouth!"

The little bird immediately grew his mouth, and made a begging sound of "Ahhhhhhhhhh".

Xie Qianxun: Hahahahahaha.

Different from the drowsiness last time, I don't know what happened this time. After the temporary marking, she was in a very good mental state, and the back of her neck was not so swollen and painful. Xie Qianxun fed the bird something, covered the carton with a towel, and then lazily leaned on the stool to play with the phone.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps and heavy canine gasping at the entrance of the hospital.


Xie Qianxun looked up.

Wearing a snow-white school uniform and holding a beautiful shepherd in his hand, Jiang Wu walked over without expression.

The shepherd dog wears a dazzling vest, and the fluorescent green leash gleams with a dazzling luster under the light of the incandescent lamp.

A beautiful woman with a handsome dog makes people's eyes bright and blind.

Xie Qianxun was stunned for a moment, then smiled and stood up, "Your dog is so cute. I saw it in your house before. What was its name, I forgot it!"

Jiang Wu glanced at her, bowed his head and said to the shepherd: "Sit down."

The border collie sat down obediently, looked up at its owner expectantly, and wagged its tail.

Jiang Wu: "It's called Hanhan."

Xie Qianxun just wanted to say something, when Jiang Wu squatted down, touched the head of the shepherd dog, held a dog's paw and pointed at him, then said to the dog with his eyebrows bent and said, "Han, her name is Xie Qian. Searching."

Xie Qianxun: "..."

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