I Became A Patriarch At The Age Of Seven

Chapter 320 Devil Island, On A Pirate Ship? (Three More)

The sea of ​​magma surged again.

With the sinking of the black ship, the sea of ​​magma set off crazy waves.

Then the lava poured in.

Seeing that the entire ship was about to be submerged by the magma, but at this moment a strange force erupted from the ship, propping up a light curtain barrier, completely blocking the flaming magma.

The black ship sank completely under the lava.

Looking around, it was all red, as if surrounded by flames.

However, in this "flame", countless "sea creatures" are swimming, including ferocious piranhas, huge sawtooth flame sharks, fierce whales, and groups of shrimps and crabs...

Yang Nian has the feeling of visiting marine life at an aquarium.

But when the ship sank,

The white bones on the deck suddenly burst into fiery flames. As the flames burned, they came to life. Under the burning flames, flesh and blood began to grow on their bodies, a bit like zombies...

They attacked Yang Nian and others with swords in hand.

"Be careful!"

Yang Nian exclaimed, flicked his fingers, and released the shadow snake.

The shadow snake's body extended and coiled infinitely, and the countless shadows at the branches instantly bound all the resurrected bones.

Zhang Fan performed the Evolution Swallowing the Sky,

Swallow the bound resurrection skeleton in one bite!

But just as these skeletons were swallowed, a mass of black gas quickly condensed not far away.

As the black air condenses,

A terrifying laughter broke out, and then a hunched old man in black robe appeared on the deck.

"Jie Jie Jie... After so many years, someone finally boarded the Devil ship. Welcome everyone." The old man said in an old magic voice.

When talking, I don't know if I'm too excited or what,

Eyeballs fell out of their sockets and rolled right under Yang Nian's feet.

The old man staggered forward, bent down to pick up the eyeball,

Yang Nian stepped on the eyeball.

"Young man, move your foot. You stepped on my eye," the old man said.

Yang Nian ignored it and didn't let go of his feet. He said, "A few questions for you."

The old man couldn't pick up his own eyes for the time being, and he was not angry. He straightened up and said, "Young people nowadays don't respect the old man more and more... let the fart go."


This guy has quite the character.

"Who are you?" Yang Nian asked.

"The ferryman of the Devil ship," said the old man, "if you insist on a name, they will call me the old devil..."

Need a name? I have to add a deadline!

10,000 years of kind.

"Old Demon?" Yang Nian repeated, "What's the origin of the Devil ship? What do you mean by ferry?"

"You don't know what the Devil ship is?" The old man was a little surprised, "I don't know what the Devil ship is, how dare you board it?"

"I don't know." Yang Nian said frankly, "If given a choice, who would want to board this broken ship?"

The old demon glanced at Yang Nian and others, "That would be interesting."

"How?" Yang Nian asked. "Isn't this ship taking us to the underworld?"

"You still know the underground world? That's even more strange." The old demon looked at Yang Nian curiously, "It's really strange to know the underground world but not the Devil ship. I thought you guys were the same as those who made mistakes in the past. Well. Now it seems like you guys are more interesting."

"Oh? Is the underground world related to the Devil ship?" Yang Nian and others also became curious.

The old man's answer confirmed the existence of the underground world, and there was some connection between the underground world and the Devil ship.

"Of course. The underground world is not as simple as you think. Compared with the above-ground civilization, the underground civilization is thousands of times brighter." The old demon seemed to remember the glory of the underground civilization, and said with a sense of disappointment: "Give more to the above-ground civilization. A hundred thousand years and a million years of terror can’t catch up.”

"But even such a splendid civilization was destroyed in the end. Do you know how it was destroyed?" asked the old demon.

Yang Nian and others shook their heads.

Then the old demon said proudly: "Because of the appearance of Devil. The Devil created by the underground civilization itself..."

"Devil? You said so long, what exactly is this Devil?" Yang Nian asked.

The Devil he could think of was the one described as hideous, full of black aura, and capable of doing all kinds of evil.

"Devil is a super race with extreme cultivation talent, perfect intelligence and perfect body. They have an almost infinite lifespan, and once they come, they are a nightmare..."

"Besides, they have a terrifying ability to reproduce. From the first Devil was created, in just one year, the number of the entire Devil group exceeded the total number of all groups in the previous underground civilization."

"It is precisely because of this that a large-scale space war broke out between the Devil clan and the underground civilization racial alliance."

"It was also in that war that the chance of underground civilization was completely destroyed. The racial alliance did everything to create Devil Island, which you can understand as a prison... All the Devil tribes were trapped on Devil Island."

"Devil ship is to guide people to Devil Island." The old demon said.

The crowd was shocked.

"Why did you take us to Devil Island?" Yang Nian asked in surprise.

"Uh...be a prison officer." Old Devil Dao.

I'll fuck you uncle!

"Who said you want to be a prison officer?" Yang Nian said angrily.

"Who asked you to get on the boat indiscriminately?" The old demon was very calm, "When you came, you had already walked the road of no return and were transported to the reception platform. So from the moment you came down, you completely bid farewell to the civilization on the ground. Can not go back."

"There are three kinds of boats in the reception and introduction platform, Devil boat, Immortal ferry boat, shuttle boat..." The old demon looked at Yang Nian and the others with a bit of sympathy, "You all have to board the Devil boat. Once you come up, there will be no Fa turned around. Accept your fate. Those skeletons just boarded the Devil ship by mistake and committed suicide..."

At this time, Yang Nian's psychological shadow area is infinite.

How do I know what kind of ship this is?

Don't know how to engrave the three characters "Devil Ship" on the boat?

This is misleading!

Seriously misleading!

Kongkongpai and the others twitched wildly at the corners of their mouths, "That... what would it be like to be a prison officer?"

"Devils often escape from Devil Island... According to my experience, it seems that no prison officer has lived for seven days. They were all eaten raw by Devil..."

"If you don't want to die so miserably, you can follow them to commit suicide here." The old demon said and bent down again, "Lift your feet, don't step on my eyes."

Yang Nian raised his feet obediently this time.

The old demon picked up his own eyeball, wiped it, and then stuffed it back into his own eyeball, turning the wheel twice.

"Damn it! I've been pitted!" Yang Nian was angry.

This is really a pirate ship!

"Would you like to... commit suicide?" Chu Hao looked at Yang Nian and the others.

Yang Nian said angrily, "Suicide, you bastard? Immediately wipe your neck if you don't want to live!"

"Yi Dachuan, you didn't know how to hesitate before boarding the boat? Where's your good luck? You've run out?" Yang Nian was puzzled.

With Yi Dachuan, you can get on the thief ship!

Yi Dachuan: "Uh... There are many ways to open up luck. One of them is called a blessing in disguise..."

"It's better!" Hua Duo snorted.

talking room,

Suddenly the hull jolted,

He rushed out of the sea of ​​magma, and suddenly an endless island appeared in front of him...

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