Lin Feng saw Xie Hong as soon as he entered the door.

"I will send someone to transfer the money to you later! You can leave first." Lin Feng said.

Xie Hong said uneasily: "These are fine. I want to ask you about the information. What do you plan to do with it?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, "You're talking about this!"

"Don't worry, as long as you don't provoke our Lin Group, these things about you will not be exposed to the media."

"As for these data, I must have installed multiple backups. I can't delete them all."

Lin Feng's move was also to completely cut off the possibility of cooperation between Xie Hong and Ye Tian.

Seeing this, Xie Hong didn't say anything. After all, he was now controlled by Lin Feng.

"I hope you can keep your word!"

"I hope you can keep your promise!"

Lin Feng responded with Xie Hong's words.

Xie Hong turned and left.

"Ding! The system has been repaired and the recommended function has been added."

"Ding! The system noticed that the host just changed the plot, and gained two thousand plot change points."

"Villain Energy: 2000 points."

Lin Feng felt happy. Originally, he only planned to drive Xie Hong away in order to preserve the Lin Group.

I didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected surprise now.

What Lin Feng wants to upgrade most now is his martial arts skills so that he can better protect himself.


The cell phone rings.

Lin Feng answered the phone, and a weak voice came from the phone.

"Mr. Lin, help me! Ahem~"

"I'm at your house now, hurry up and save me! Ugh~"

On the other end of the phone was Yu Die's voice.

"Just don't move while you're lying down. Slow down the blood flow. I'll be here right away."

Lin Feng hung up the phone and hurried home.

Yudie was lying on the floor, blood pouring from her mouth.

Because Lin Jianfei went on a trip, only Lin Feng and one servant were left at home.

The servants were frightened and at a loss when they saw this scene.

Lin Feng opened the door and came in. The servant hurriedly greeted Lin Feng and explained the situation to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng walked up to Yudie. At this time, Yudie was already in a coma and had no consciousness at all.

"Yudie! Yudie!"

Lin Feng called Yu Die's name many times, but Yu Die didn't respond.

"Sister Li, go get a basin of hot water!"


Lin Feng didn't expect that this day would come so quickly. Yudie was simply too careless and must have been exposed.

"I'm offended!" Lin Feng took off Yu Die's clothes and then started to give Yu Die acupuncture.

At this time, the toxin has wrapped the entire heart. If Lin Feng cannot draw out the toxin within an hour, Yu Die will undoubtedly die.

Lin Feng focused on inserting a needle into Yudie to draw out the toxin.

Half an hour later, Lin Feng stabbed Yu Die like a hedgehog.

Yudie was covered in needles at this time, and no place was intact.

Lin Feng himself was sweating profusely, and it was also a very strong test for him.

Lin Feng looked at the time and started to pull out the needles one by one.

Every needle Lin Feng pulled out was filled with dark poison.

Lin Feng carefully placed these poisonous needles into the water.

After a long time, just as Lin Feng calculated, Yu Die slowly woke up.

"It hurts!"

"Am I in the underworld?"

Lin Feng's voice sounded suddenly behind Yudie.

"Yes, I am Hei Wuchang, come with me!"

Yu Die turned around and saw that it was Lin Feng, and happily hugged Lin Feng.

"Great, I'm not dead!"

"Lin Feng, thank you, thank you so much!"

Lin Feng felt the soft fragrance and warm jade in his arms, and for a moment he was reluctant to let go.

Yudie realized that her behavior was inappropriate and gently pushed Lin Feng away.

"Sorry, I was so excited just now!"

"It's okay! After this treatment, the toxins in your body have been completely eliminated. You can go to the drugstore to buy some heat-clearing and detoxifying medicine, take it for a few days, and you will basically be fine."

"Okay, thank you!"

"You don't have to thank me!"

Lin Feng then asked: "What's going on with you?"

There was a bit of a wry smile on Yudie's face.

"I thought she was my biological mother and wouldn't really hurt me, but I didn't expect that she would do it anyway." Yudie's tears were already welling up in her eyes.

Lin Feng frowned. He remembered that according to the plot in the original book, it was indeed her mother who harmed her, but her mother did not seem to be her biological mother.

"I advise you to check it out. That woman may not be your biological mother."

Because of the limitations of the character, Lin Feng felt that he could not say too much.

Yu Die looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

"Impossible! How could she not be my biological mother?"

"Even if tiger poison doesn't eat its seeds, aren't humans better than animals? Humans are inherently better at disguise than animals. If she deliberately wanted to hide it from you, how could you possibly find out?"

"Think more about it yourself! And put on your clothes." Lin Feng turned his head to the side.

Yu Die's pretty face turned red and she hurriedly lowered her head to put on her clothes.

"If you need anything, just come to me. I will definitely help you if I can. Don't worry."

"As for the reward, just use the clothes in your store as collateral!"

Yu Die lowered his head and thanked: "Thank you, Mr. Lin. I will definitely repay you with a spring of water in the future!"


Yudie turned and left.

Lin Feng couldn't help but start to worry about Yudie's future fate.

The reason why Lin Feng chose to help Yudie was because he knew that her fate would be bumpy in the future.

Shen family.

Shen Qingxue and her father were eating together when suddenly the doorbell rang.

Shen Qingxue went to open the door, but she didn't expect a stranger standing outside.

Shen Qingxue didn't dare to say a word and hurriedly closed the door.

"Wait a minute! Miss Shen, don't you recognize me?" Ye Tian took off his hat and looked at Shen Qingxue with wide eyes.

Shen Qingxue looked at the person in front of her carefully, and finally found this person in her memory.

"Are you Ye Tian, ​​Mr. Ye?"

A hint of surprise flashed across Ye Tian's bright eyes.

"I didn't expect Miss Shen to still remember me!"

Shen Qingxue looked at Ye Tian with a wary look, "How did you find my house? What did you come to my house for?"

A series of questions were thrown at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian chuckled, "I felt that I offended Miss Shen that day, so this time I brought a gift and came to apologize!"

Ye Tian raised the gift in his hand.

Who knew that Shen Qingxue didn't even look at it, and said coldly: "No need, I don't care about what happened that day. Mr. Ye, please come back!"

Ye Tian's face stiffened.

But he had no intention of letting it go.

"Miss Shen, I'm here no matter what. It's noon, you can't even let me drink the water, just let me go!" Ye Tian slipped in while Shen Qingxue wasn't paying attention.

Shen Qingxue was unhappy.

Shen Ping was a little surprised to see Ye Tian.

" are the one who harmed me that day!"

"Xiaoxue, call the police!"

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