How did she know that the person in front of her was really Yi Dong's daughter? If she had known, she would have offered her sacrifice respectfully!

Inside Shangguan Yi's office.

When Lin Feng came in, he felt a special scent of perfume coming towards him. Looking at the surrounding decoration, it was low-key and luxurious, which was indeed in line with Shangguan Yi's taste.

"Please sit down!"

Shangguan Yi looked at Yudie.

"Yudie, what would you like to drink?"

"Just plain water!"

"Where's Mr. Lin?"

"Tea! I know Yidong you have good tea!"

Shangguan Yi laughed when he heard this.

"You are the only one who is clever!"

Shangguan Yi turned his head and looked at the secretary.

"Take out the best tea leaves and make tea for Mr. Lin, and also ask for a cup of warm water!"

"Okay, Yi Dong!"

After the secretary made tea, he left the office with a wink and closed the door.

"Mr. Lin, try this tea. If you think it tastes good, feel free to take it away!"

Shangguan Yi pushed a box of gold-black tea leaves in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng first smelled the tea leaves and then took a sip of the tea, savoring it in his mouth.

"Not bad! The taste is refreshing, the tea aroma is rich and the aftertaste is endless!"

"Mr. Lin still knows the goods!"

Shangguan Yi laughed loudly.

Yudie stared blankly at the white water in front of her, saying nothing.

Shangguan Yi has been secretly observing Yu Die. Even though he has been thinking about it for so long, but now that he has actually seen it, he doesn't know what to say.

Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh when he saw the father and daughter looking so awkward.

"It's not easy to meet you, don't not talk! If you still don't talk, I will start to worry for you!"

When Lin Feng said this, the atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

But Yu Die still doesn't like to talk.

Seeing this, Shangguan Yi signaled Lin Feng and himself to come out and asked Lin Feng alone what was going on.

"Mr. Lin, what's wrong with my little girl? Why do I always feel like she's a little..."

Lin Feng sighed, "It's a long story!"

Lin Feng told Shangguan Yi the whole story in detail.

Shangguan Yi's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

"Li Cuixia, this crazy woman!" Shangguan Yi said angrily.

Then Shangguan Yi seemed to realize something and suddenly sighed, "It's all my fault. If I hadn't gotten to know Li Cuixia, my good daughter wouldn't have been affected."

"What Yudie needs most now is companionship and love."

Lin Feng hesitated for a moment, then asked: "I wonder if her mother still..."

Shangguan Yi shook his head, "Because Yu Die disappeared, Yu Die's mother died in depression. As for the rest, I don't want to say more."

Shangguan Yi had a look of pain on his face.

Lin Feng looked at Yu Die who was in a panic in the house.

"It's better not to tell Yudie about this yet, I'm afraid she won't be able to accept it."

Shangguan Yi nodded.

"Yidong, you and Yu Die get along well. If you need anything, call me. I'll leave first!"

Lin Feng felt that it was not a problem for him to be here all the time.

The gap between father and daughter needs to be bridged between them.

Lin Feng went downstairs and saw the receptionist standing at the door from a distance, looking around with an anxious look on his face.

Lin Feng didn't think much and walked straight past the front desk. Unexpectedly, the front desk saw Lin Feng and stepped forward to stop Lin Feng.

"Mr. Lin!"

Lin Feng stopped.

"What's the matter?"

The receptionist bowed to Lin Feng, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lin, I was blind just now and didn't believe what you said. Please accept my apology!"

Lin Feng didn't say anything and left directly.

He doesn't need anyone's apology.

The front desk is just a small passerby in his life!

Why do I need to get angry with a small front desk?

Lin Feng bought the earliest flight back to Yanjing.

Yu Die looked at the door and found that only Shangguan Yi came in. Lin Feng was nowhere to be seen, so she was a little panicked.

"Yi...Dad, where is Mr. Lin?"

Shangguan Yi was immediately overjoyed when he heard the word 'Dad'.

"Yu Die, Mr. Lin has left. He said he would come back to see you when he has time."

Yudie's eyes widened and she was a little surprised, but she quickly accepted this reality.

After all, Lin Feng couldn't always accompany him, he also had his own things to do.

Shangguan Yi slowly sat down closer to Yudie and found that Yudie's water glass was empty, so he hurriedly filled Yudie with water.

"Yudie, do you believe that your father will make up for the paternal love you have lost for more than twenty years. In addition, I will train you to be the best heir to the group, and I will never let that woman's conspiracy succeed!"

Shangguan Yi's eyes revealed a bit of ambition and ruthlessness.

His Shangguan Yi's daughter will not be destroyed by that poisonous woman!

Yu Die suddenly didn't know whether it was the right choice for him to come and recognize his father.

In the presidential suite, Zhang Feng received a call.


Zhang Feng was shocked: "Lin Feng actually went to the imperial capital?"

A deep male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes, he seems to have a relationship with Shangguan Yi. Boss, this kid is difficult to deal with!"

After all, Zhang Feng is also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, and he quickly calmed down.

"Okay, I get it, I know it in my heart!"

Zhang Feng hung up the phone and closed his eyes in deep thought.

It seems that Lin Feng looks simple, but in fact he is not easy to mess with at all. He still has to find a way to have a good relationship with him.

The same is true for Ye Tian. I didn't know until today that Ye Tian had bad intentions for him. He checked with the hospital and found nothing wrong, but when he went to the outside world, the outside world experts could see the clues, but But he couldn't cure it.

Coupled with what he knew just now, Zhang Feng became more determined to meet Lin Feng.

After Lin Feng returned from the imperial capital, he hurriedly handled the company's affairs.

Don't mention it, but if I haven't been here for a day, the company's affairs will be overwhelming.

But what made Lin Feng even more unhappy was that Zhang Feng came to see him again. He was really annoyed!

The things at hand haven't been dealt with yet, and another one comes to add to the chaos.

"Director Zhang, why are you here this time?" Lin Feng said as politely as possible.

Zhang Feng took a sip of tea, and then slowly said: "I feel that we can still talk about what happened last time."

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng's attitude was particularly cold.

Zhang Feng didn't notice anything, and still said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, didn't you tell me about my illness last time? I have been..."

Before Zhang Feng finished speaking, Lin Feng knew what Zhang Feng was going to say next.

He knew that within three days, Zhang Feng would definitely come back to find him!

"I haven't let Ye Tian treat you these past few days. Aren't you in more unbearable pain all over your body, feeling like you won't be able to bear it any moment?"

Zhang Feng sighed slightly, then nodded, "That's right, Mr. Lin is really a mastermind!"

"You came to me so that I could treat you?"

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