"If I were you, I might as well resign from my position, go home, and wait for the dividends at the end of the year. The money will be enough to spend, isn't it?"

Other shareholders also began to agree with Wang Xiang, without giving Shi Chuan any face.

Shi Chuan blushed and was about to get angry, but suddenly the door was kicked open!


The whole door was kicked down.

When Shi Chuan saw the familiar figure and remembered the injustice he had suffered before, tears fell down his face.

Everyone looked back and were shocked when they saw the energetic Shi Wen.

What's going on with Shi Wen?

Wasn't it true that he was nearly dying of illness some time ago, and according to others, he was already contacting the funeral home?

Why is he here now alive and kicking, without any sign of illness, and seems to be in better spirits than before.

"Why are you crying! There is no future!" Shi Wen said angrily.

Shi Chuan pouted, as if he was an aggrieved child.

"Dad! You're here, they're all bullying me!"

"Wow! I don't want to take over your job anymore, it's too difficult! I still like to be a rice insect!"

The more Shi Chuan talked, the funnier he became, and Lin Feng almost couldn't hold it in anymore.

Si Wen sighed helplessly, "Okay! Stop crying and just watch!"

Lin Feng pulled Shi Chuan aside.

Si Wen stood where Shi Chuan was sitting just now and glanced at everyone coldly.

"It seems that everyone doesn't want me to live!" Shi Wen fixed his gaze on Wang Xiang.

Although his son is very stupid, not everyone can bully him!

Wang Xiangqiang smiled and said: "Dr. Shi, you are back! We all want to die!"

"I originally said that we would all come together to see you when we have time!"

"Really? Visiting me together? Are you sure you are not visiting my grave together?" Shi Wen exposed Wang Xiang's disguise with just one sentence, leaving no face for Wang Xiang at all.

"Haha! Director Shi, what are you talking about? I, Wang Xiang, have always been loyal to you and to the company. You know this!"

Wang Xiang smiled on the surface, but in fact he was very angry inside.

Why is this old guy not dead yet? Didn't he say he was about to die? Why are you still alive and so energetic!

Oh shit! Old man, why don't you die?

This position was obviously going to be mine, but I didn’t expect that you didn’t die. It’s a bad thing for me!

Si Wen sneered and then turned his attention to everyone.

"Sorry, I was feeling unwell some time ago, so I went to my friend's house to recuperate and let my son take care of the company. It just gave him some training. Now that he has recovered, I will naturally come back!"

"I believe that everyone must take good care of Shi Chuan! Are you right? Director Wang!" Shi Wen turned his gaze to Wang Xiang, with a bit of the coldness unique to the king in his eyes.

This look made Wang Xiang feel guilty.

However, Wang Xiang still said bravely: "It's okay, it's all what we should do. We also do this to train him!"

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly agreed.

"This is what Director Wang taught us to do, saying it was to train Shi Chuan!"

"Yes! Director Wang told us that this is all for Shi Chuan's good!"

"Director Wang said that Shi Chuan is not good enough and needs to be attacked more to motivate him!"

With just a few words from everyone, Wang Xiang was immediately sold out.

Wang Xiang's face turned into the color of pig liver at this time.

He also didn't expect that everyone would sell him out so quickly, with no mercy at all!

"Shut up!" Shi Wen slammed the water glass on the table to the ground.

"Both of you bullied my son, so I have to thank you, right?" Shi Wen turned his attention to Wang Xiang.

"Let me tell you, this company's surname is Shi. Even if it goes bankrupt, his surname will still be Shi. No one can change it! Unless we, the Shi family, die!"

It’s obvious who this remark is aimed at.

Wang Xiang was also stimulated by Shi Wen's words and stood up from his seat suddenly.

"Shi Wen! Shut up! Have you forgotten who fought with you in this world? Without me, Wang Xiang, do you think you would be where you are today?"

"I'm telling you, Si Wen, I won't do it anymore, whoever wants to do it will do it!"

After saying this, Wang Xiang turned around and left.

Shi Wen looked at Wang Xiang's back, narrowed his eyes, and said nothing.

In the past, every time Wang Xiang used this trick, he would persuade Wang Xiang to come back, but this time he wouldn't!

He has seen through Wang Xiang's true face. Even though Wang Xiang once had a pure heart, now, under the baptism of time, he has long changed beyond recognition!

He will not allow such a person to stay in the company and threaten his status.

Wang Xiang thought that Shi Wen would save him, but he didn't. Wang Xiang walked to the door, either going out or not, and was in a dilemma.

He had built this company, so he was naturally unwilling to let it go easily.

But what he said just now meant that he had already been let out. It would be too embarrassing if he turned around and went back!

Just when Wang Xiang was in a dilemma, a voice stopped him.

"Since Director Wang said so, he has to keep his shares no matter what, so that he can be completely cut off from the company!"

Lin Feng slowly walked up to Wang Xiang and looked down at Wang Xiang.

When Wang Xiang heard this, his face instantly turned green.

"What do you mean by that? This share was betrothed to me by Shi Wen when the company was founded. Do you want to take it back now?"

Shi Wen stepped forward.

"Wang Xiang, since you have said this, I will make it clear!"

Wang Xiang looked at Shi Wen warily, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Shi Wen sighed, with a regretful expression on his face.

"Wang Xiang, you have asked me to leave the company many times before, but I kept you back every time. I know it was me who was dragging you down!"

"It's okay! I don't suggest it, I am willing to dedicate myself to the company!" Wang Xiangqiang said with a smile.

Shi Wen seemed not to have heard Wang Xiang's words and continued to talk to himself: "This time you asked to leave the company again, I am also very heartbroken. I know I can't drag you down anymore. If you are willing, I am willing to pay twenty Yi will buy all the shares in your hand and completely separate you from this company!"

"What are you talking about! Two billion! Do you know that I have 20% of the original shares here, and a few of them are worth five billion. Who are you fooling with two billion? Let me tell you, Shi Wen, Whatever you do, you must be conscientious!" Wang Xiang said angrily.

Shi Wen said this to drive himself out in a different way!

Seeing Wang Xiang accusing him in turn, Shi Wen couldn't help but sneer.

"Wang Xiang, do you think that I and everyone else don't know what you did? Don't you think about it, how many times have I wiped your butt? Do you think I don't even have any evidence against you?"

After hearing this, Wang Xiang began to panic.

"What do you mean by that? I don't know what you're talking about."

Si Wen sneered.

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