I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 170 Find out the truth

"Yes, Mr. Lin."

Lin Feng hung up the phone and turned around to see Shen Qingxue blinking at him with two big watery eyes.

Lin Feng's heartbeat quickened as he watched.

"Silly girl, eat quickly! I'll take you back after dinner!" Lin Feng touched Shen Qingxue's head, and Shen Qingxue pouted, a little unhappy.

"Hmph! I still want to have a good chat with you! Just keep running out!"

When Lin Feng saw this, he lowered his head and said in Shen Qingxue's ear: "Why don't you go back to my house to communicate?"

"Ah!" Shen Qingxue exclaimed, staring straight at Lin Feng. Obviously she didn't expect Lin Feng to be so flirtatious!

Just when Lin Feng thought Shen Qingxue was honest, Shen Qingxue's next words almost made him spit out the food he had just put in his mouth.

"Okay! I happen to want to visit your home too!" Shen Qingxue said shyly.

Lin Feng smiled awkwardly, "Forget it! I'll take you home!"

Lin Feng is not shy, but he is sincere to the woman in front of him and wants to have sex with her again on the wedding day.

This is also how Lin Feng cherishes Shen Qingxue.

Shen Qingxue looked at Lin Feng in surprise. She obviously didn't expect that Lin Feng would reject her, and she suddenly became unhappy.

"What do you mean? Are you not interested in me? You still think I'm dirty! Let me tell you, I haven't been in love yet." After saying this, Shen Qingxue's voice became softer. Obviously, she didn't expect that, He would say such arrogant words.

Lin Feng couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

My little daughter-in-law is quite cute.

"Okay! Hurry up and eat, it's all your favorite food. I'll take you home after eating!" Lin Feng was talking while picking vegetables for Shen Qingxue.

Shen Qingxue blushed and buried her head in eating.

After eating, Lin Feng sent Shen Qingxue home and started chatting with the system.

Of course, his main purpose is to understand this destiny value.

"System, how do I trigger this destiny value, or how can I get more destiny points?"

"The system answers the host's questions."

"Triggering the destiny value is random and not specific. Of course, this is also because the host's destiny value reaches a certain value before it is triggered."

"As for the host's second question, there are many ways to obtain more destiny points, such as changing the plot, enhancing one's own strength, plundering the protagonist's destiny points, etc., all of which can enhance one's destiny points."

"Of course the size of the value is random."

"Also a friendly reminder, after the system is upgraded, it will also assign various tasks to the host. If the host can complete the tasks, random rewards will be triggered!"

When Lin Feng heard the system's words, he fell into deep thinking.

This is so cool!

Lin Feng couldn't help but start to get excited.

It seems that my counterattack and becoming the protagonist is just around the corner!


Lin Feng has now thought about his addiction to being the protagonist. Who said he only wants to be a villain?

Lin Feng fell asleep with excitement.

The next day, Lin Feng came to the company.

Secretary Liu had been waiting in the office for a long time. When he saw Lin Feng approaching, he hurriedly greeted him.

"Hello, Mr. Lin!"

"Well! Secretary Liu, have you found out?"

Secretary Liu nodded. After all, Qi Tai didn't deliberately hide the news, so he could almost find it without any effort.

"Ye Tian, ​​who was following Zhang Feng before, somehow found Qi Tai with medicine that was said to be able to cure cancer. Qi Tai didn't believe it at first, but because Ye Tian was Zhang's enemy, he still used Ye Tian's medicine. Experiment, I didn’t expect that it actually cured cancer.”

"So Qitai found OEMs in various cities to mass-produce this medicine and prepare it for sale."

"It is worth mentioning that almost all of Qi Shi Group's foundries are in Yanjing. I heard from them that Qi Tai came last night and took Ye Tian with him, but when he left, he left Ye Tian behind. "

“As for the purpose, it’s still unclear!”

Secretary Liu explained to Lin Feng one by one what he had investigated last night in a clear and logical manner.

Lin Feng nodded, it was pretty much what he had guessed.

He and Ye Tian just fawned over Qi Tai, but why did Qi Tai leave Ye Tian in Yanjing?

This is still a question worthy of further investigation.

"Okay! I know. You first send people to follow several foundries in Yanjing and Ye Tian to find out what Ye Tian's purpose is in staying here." Lin Feng ordered.

"Okay, Mr. Lin! I'll go down first."

Lin Feng waved his hand and motioned for Secretary Liu to go down.

Secretary Liu returned to his work station and was just getting ready to work when the annoying follower came up again.

"Secretary Liu, why do I think you look bad? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" Shi Chuan asked with concern.

Secretary Liu frowned, "It's okay! I just stayed up late last night to investigate something. You should start your work today!"

Secretary Liu would have driven Shi Chuan away long ago if he hadn't done it for Mr. Lin's sake.

Shi Chuan did not leave, but placed a love breakfast on Secretary Liu's table.

"I see that you often skip breakfast and are prone to hypoglycemia. I bought this specially for you from KFC. You can eat some."

Just when Secretary Liu wanted Shi Chuan to take it away, Shi Chuan hurriedly said: "If it's okay, I'll go down first. You must eat it!"

Shi Chuan left in a flash without giving Secretary Liu a chance to refuse.

Secretary Liu frowned, picked up the breakfast and wanted to throw it into the trash can, but when he smelled the aroma of breakfast, his stomach began to growl unsatisfactorily.

Forget it, it would be a waste to throw it away.

Secretary Liu opened the package and started eating breakfast slowly.

Shi Chuan watched from a distance, feeling happy.

hey-hey! It seems that the first step is very successful, so then we will continue to launch our tender offensive!

At noon, when Lin Feng was hesitating whether to eat or not, Mr. Wang called and invited him to come over for lunch. Lin Feng thought that he happened to have no lunch, so he went over.

However, what Lin Feng didn't expect was that Mr. Wang did not invite him to have dinner at home this time, but instead invited him to a private kitchen.

Lin Feng drove the car and made many twists and turns before he found the private chef that Mr. Wang mentioned.

"Mr. Wang! This place is really hard to find!" Lin Feng shouted dissatisfied as soon as he came in.

Mr. Wang laughed loudly, "You kid, forget about being late, but you still make excuses!"

"I'm telling you, if it weren't for the good relationship between us, I wouldn't have called you over."

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and stopped talking.

To be honest, he didn't believe that Mr. Wang simply called him out to eat.

"Okay, let's order first!"

Mr. Wang opened the menu and started ordering. Seeing this, Lin Feng also opened the menu in front of him.

Who would know it without looking at it? He was shocked when he saw it. When he saw the price, Lin Feng almost slapped his butt and sat there in shock.

A dish costs hundreds of thousands. Is it made of gold?

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