I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 178 It’s shameful to spread rumors

"In addition, judicial proceedings can already be initiated against those who spread rumors."

"Well, okay, I understand, thank you for your hard work! Now you can go and rest!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Feng logged onto Weibo and found that the relevant investigation departments had also issued clarifications on the incident involving the Lin Group.

The majority of netizens can say that they don’t believe anyone, but the only people who believe it are what the officials say.

Seeing this, Lin Feng also followed suit and posted on Weibo.

Lam Feng: The eyes of the masses are sharp. I would like to thank the country and the masses for clearing the name of the Lin Group. In addition, on behalf of the Lin Group, I, Lin Feng, solemnly say that we will never let go of those who spread rumors and cause trouble easily!

After Lin Feng finished posting on Weibo, he looked at his followers and found that he already had eight million followers. Not only that, the Weibo post he just posted had already received hundreds of thousands of comments and likes in just a few minutes.

It seems that everyone still pays attention to what they say.

But when Lin Feng opened Weibo, he found that it was not what he thought.

@Little Daji who eats melons: Don’t just post on Weibo! Bringing a photo of my sister-in-law would be pleasing to the eye.

@Zheng Si’s pig: We want to see my sister-in-law, we want to see my sister-in-law!

@Kekeke: I know you must be innocent, we believe you! You are the eternal God!

The comment section under his Weibo has entered the sand sculpture mode, and Lin Feng feels that he has lost face.


"Congratulations to the host for gaining 300 destiny points."

Lin Feng was a little surprised when he heard the sound of the system.

How did you get destiny points? Why is this?

"The system answered the host's doubts. Because the host successfully survived this crisis and established a good relationship with the masses, the destiny value increased."

Lin Feng suddenly realized, "So that's it!"

This was really an unexpected surprise. Lin Feng laughed happily. It seemed that it was not difficult to increase his destiny.

Next to her, Shen Qingxue was puzzled when she saw Lin Feng giggling there.

"Why are you laughing? You are so happy!" Shen Qingxue looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

Lin Feng immediately put away his smile and said, "It's okay! Suddenly I thought of something funny."

Then Lin Feng looked at the sky outside and saw that it was getting dark, so he offered to take Shen Qingxue home.

"Okay!" Shen Qingxue readily agreed.

The two went home together.

Zhang Feng and Mr. Wang talked on the phone, and when they were depressed about how it would end, a subordinate came over and told Zhang Feng the latest situation.

Zhang Feng was shocked, obviously he didn't expect things to develop so fast.

"What did you do? You're telling me now! It's over, what should I do now?"

Zhang Feng was not afraid of Lin Feng, he just didn't want this matter to be investigated on him.

The subordinates lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

Zhang Feng narrowed his eyes, and then took out a few checks.

"Give them the check and find a few people to convict. It's just a matter of fines. The most important thing is, you know, be strict with your mouth and don't say anything you shouldn't say!"

The subordinate carefully took the check and said, "Mr. Zhang, please don't worry, I will definitely get this done!"

Then the subordinate left, and Zhang Feng sat on the sofa and fell into deep thought.

There is no use sitting still and waiting for death now. According to the development momentum of Lin Group, it will pose a threat to itself sooner or later.

It seems that we still need to find a way to deal with Lin.

But how to do it without leaving any trace? This is still a relatively difficult thing.

After all, he is one of the six major families in Kyoto. If he wants to hide something, he should hide it.

In the Lin Group's office, Secretary Liu reported the investigation status to Lin Feng.

"As for the Weibo users who first spread the rumors, we have identified the relevant personnel. At present, it seems that they are just a few ordinary people. The relevant authorities have detained and fined them."

"The other one is Niu Fangfang. No one could be found at Niu's house. It is said that she hid in the countryside. Her father paid three times the compensation, but he said that his daughter was not so smart and maybe someone was instigating her."

Lin Feng stretched out his hand and tapped the table rhythmically.

"Things are indeed not simple. These people have a plan to smear the Lin Group regularly. There must be someone behind the scenes. It's just that he wants to hide it so that we won't find it."

"Besides, Niu Fangfang, there's no need to argue with her. Just tell her not to disgust me anymore."

"Yes, I understand!"

"Anyway, things are not that simple. If you investigate carefully, there is no need to worry. These people can't escape anyway, and those who want to cause trouble for me will definitely come back a second time."

"Then Mr. Lin, what should we do next?" Secretary Liu was fascinated when he saw Lin Feng strategizing.

"Hmm..." Lin Feng thought for a while, and then said: "I don't know! Take it one step at a time and see."


"Mr. Lin has no other instructions, so I'll go down first!" Secretary Liu was about to leave.

Lin Feng stopped Secretary Liu, "One more thing! It's about the shared bicycles."

“How’s the shared bike doing?”

"The experiment is almost complete and we are ready to try it out in pilot cities."

"Then let's try it out! Promote it more, shoot a promotional video or something."

"Okay, Mr. Lin."

"Get down!"

Secretary Liu turned and left.

However, as soon as the news came out, netizens called for Lin Feng and Shen Qingxue to be the protagonists of the promotional video.

Secretary Liu told Lin Feng about this, and Lin Feng was a little embarrassed when he found out.

"Forget it! I'm not an actor. These netizens are so funny. You can go and find a suitable candidate." Lin Feng refused immediately. When Secretary Liu saw this, he started talking about another thing.

"One more thing is that the Qi Group has prepared to hold a press conference to announce the new drug to the public, and then start selling it!"

Lin Feng frowned, "Okay, I understand, you go down first."

Naturally, he knows that Ye Tian's medicine can definitely cure cancer, but if the medicine is really released, then Ye Tian will definitely stand up and sing, and it will be difficult to deal with it then.

But now that things have reached this point, I can't sit still and wait for death. Isn't it the medicine to treat cancer?

You can also make it yourself!

"Query villain energy."

"Villain energy inquiry in progress..."

"Host villain energy: 2000 points."

"Open the system store."

"The system mall is opening..."

"Detect the host's preferences and match the items the host wants."

"Special cancer medicine: 1500 points."

"Cancer inhibitor drug: 500 points."

Lin Feng was surprised, "Just these two?"

"Cancer is an incurable disease and can only be alleviated and suppressed. If it is in the early stages, it can be cured by taking specific drugs."

"That's it! I know!"

The two thousand points he had were just enough to buy these medicines. Lin Feng couldn't help but wonder if the system had set the price intentionally.

"Reporting host, this is not the case. The system pricing is fixed, but the points will differ depending on the product level."

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