"Long time no see! Director Zhang, I didn't expect you to be more and more energetic now!"

"From a distance, he looks like a big boy!"

As soon as Lin Feng met, he started to flatter Zhang Feng.

It was rare for Zhang Feng to see Lin Feng talking to him like this, and his mood improved a lot.

"Tell me, why are you here with me?"

Zhang Feng is not a generous person. He still holds grudges for what happened before.

Lin Feng chuckled and sat in front of Zhang Feng.

"Director Zhang, you must be aware of the Qi Group's recent press conference to release specific cancer drugs."

"Yeah, I know, what's wrong?"

Zhang Feng and Qi Tai have never dealt with each other, so they naturally know every move of Qi Tai.

"Then do you know that your former little brother Ye Tian is now with Qi Tai?"

Hearing this, Zhang Feng's face darkened.

He naturally knew about this, and when he was chasing Ye Tian, ​​Qi Tai came forward to protect Ye Tian.

This Qitai is also specifically against himself, which is really annoying.

"I know. What do you want to say? If nothing happens, please leave! You are not welcome here!"

It can be said that Zhang Feng did not save any face for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also thought of this, so he was not too angry.

"Of course I came to see you for something, how could it be okay?"

"Director Zhang, calm down first and listen to me tell you slowly."

"I came to you, naturally, because the two of us have a common enemy!"

Zhang Feng was surprised, "Common enemy?"

"Yes, the common enemy is Qi Tai."

"You must also know that the Shi Group and the Qi Group released specific cancer drugs on the same day, but now the Qi Group wants to drive out the Shi Group."

"I know, but what does this have to do with you?"

"Maybe you don't know well, but I am also one of the shareholders of Shi Group."

After Lin Feng said this, Zhang Feng could almost understand what Lin Feng meant.

It turned out that Lin Feng wanted to deal with Qi Tai together with him.

But he underestimated Qi Tai. It was not unreasonable for Qi Tai to lead the Qi Group to rank fifth in the imperial capital.

Although his strength is not bad, there is still a certain gap between him and the Qi family. This gap cannot be bridged by more than just one Lin family group.

"You are really wishful thinking!" Zhang Feng said angrily.

"Aren't my ideas exactly what you think, Director Zhang?"

Lin Feng's words came true, completely exposing Zhang Feng's thoughts to the sun.

Zhang Feng became angry from shame.

"Shut up, who told you to talk nonsense here!"

"Come here! Drag him out quickly!"

"Director Zhang, why are you in a hurry? I haven't finished speaking yet. Look at you!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"What are you talking about! What else can you say! Lin Feng, you are so shameless!"

"I've been putting up with you for a long time. Get out of here or I won't let you out today!"

Zhang Pengchuan had an angry face and a pair of eyes that wanted to eat Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sneered.

"Mr. Zhang, do you think you can be alone?"

"Qi Tai has also disliked you for a long time. The reason why he has not touched you is naturally based on your strong strength. Once Qi Tai is strong enough, do you think he will let you dance around in front of him?"

Lin Feng's words removed the last of Zhang Feng's face.

People outside had already rushed in and wanted to take Lin Feng away.

Zhang Feng suddenly said: "You all stand down, Mr. Lin and I still have something to say."

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth curled up.

It was as if all this had been expected by him.

In an instant, only Zhang Feng and Lin Feng were left in the office.

"Director Zhang, have you changed your mind again?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Zhang Feng saw Lin Feng's unpunchable smile and wished he could punch him, but he knew he couldn't now.

This Lin Feng is indeed extraordinary.

"Yes, I changed my mind again. I'm very interested in what you just said."

Zhang Feng still maintained his airs.

"What I just said is very clear. I want the two of us to work together to deal with Qi Tai. As soon as Qi Tai falls, then you will be the fifth in the imperial capital!"

"Are you really not going to do such a cost-effective business?"

Zhang Feng gritted his teeth, "Of course I would be willing to succeed, but I want to ask you, what ability do you have, so confident that you can definitely defeat Qi Tai?"

"You will know what I am capable of in the future."

"Now I only need one word from you, will you ally with me or not?!"

Zhang Feng looked directly at Lin Feng, who was not afraid to look at Zhang Feng.

For a long time, Zhang Feng closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were full of determination.

"I am in alliance with you!"

Just five words are enough to express Zhang Feng's determination.

Lin Feng smiled with satisfaction, "If that's the case, then I'm relieved!"

What followed was more than two hours of negotiation. When Lin Feng came out, it was Zhang Feng who respectfully sent Lin Feng out.

Originally, Zhang Feng only thought that Lin Feng was a promising young man.

But after this afternoon's negotiation, Zhang Feng realized that Lin Feng was not only a promising young man, but also a resourceful and wise man.

If Lin Feng is allowed to develop, then Zhang Feng will have to start to be wary.

On the other side, inside the tallest commercial building in the imperial capital.

A man occupies an office as big as a football field. With his head lowered and his back turned to him, the man standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window reports.

"Mr. Wan, Lin Feng found Zhang Feng to cooperate with Qi Tai."

"Don't worry, let them eat dog."


The man leaves.

After Lin Feng came out, he went straight to K City and told Shi Wen about his conversation with Zhang Feng.

Shi Wen was shocked and looked at Lin Feng in disbelief.

"Zhang Feng really agreed?"

Lin Feng nodded, "Of course!"

"I didn't expect it, I never expected it!" Shi Wen looked in disbelief.

"Next, we just have to wait for Qitai to take action!"


Shi Wen felt that Mrs. Zhang was helping him from behind, and his back became stiffer.

Qi Tai still didn't know about Zhang Feng's promise to help the Shi family, and was busy planning how to deal with the Shi family.

"Since Mr. Shi is so ungrateful, I won't be polite!"

Ye Tian narrowed his eyes, "Dr. Qi, I don't know what you want to do?"

"Of course, all merchants in the imperial capital and throughout China are not allowed to cooperate with the Shi family, let alone buy Shi family's goods. In this way, I see how he can survive!"

There was a bit of viciousness in Qitai's eyes.

"I don't feel right!" Ye Tian retorted.

Qi Tai raised his head and looked at Ye Tian in surprise, "What do you mean by this?"

"Dr. Qi, you also know that the relationship between Lin and Shi is good. Even if Shi is in trouble, it will be difficult for Lin to help him!"

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