I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 196 The protagonist is defeated

"Now that we're done sparring, I'll leave first!"

In the world of warriors, just one move can tell the difference.

Ye Tian didn't speak, but his expression was extremely ugly.

"Who's finished, Lin Feng, if you can take my next move, I will let you go!"

Ye Tian would not let Lin Feng go so easily.

"Okay, then if I take this move, you will never be able to pester me again!"

"Wait until you take the next step!" Ye Tian sneered, and finally rushed towards Lin Feng with all his strength.

He saw Ye Tian's feet changing a lot, and Lin Feng couldn't see Ye Tian's movements clearly for a moment.

A proud smile appeared on Ye Tian's lips.

This is his own unique move. There is no way anyone in the world can take this move!

Lin Feng, suffer death!

Just when Ye Tian was proud, something unexpected happened.

Lin Feng suddenly tapped his toes, jumped up high, and drew an arc in the air like a bird, landing behind Ye Tian.

Ye Tian's reaction was also very quick, and he hurriedly grabbed it back.

Lin Feng saw the right moment and stepped on Ye Tian's wrist, and finally easily dodged Ye Tian's attack.

Lin Feng stood far away from Ye Tian.

"Ye Tian, ​​you lose!"

Ye Tian was stunned, his face full of disbelief.

No, it's impossible!

I do not believe!

How could I lose!

Lin Feng ignored Ye Tian and easily got into the car and drove away.

Ye Tian stood there, his expression gradually turning crazy.

"No, it's impossible, how could I lose to Lin Feng!"

Suddenly Ye Tian realized something was wrong.

Lin Feng had never shown his strength before, but now he showed his strength. Could it be that he was playing tricks on himself before.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian resented Lin Feng more and more.

Lin Feng, in this life, I, Ye Tian, ​​and you are at odds with each other!

Lin Feng drove the car and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise the secret would have been exposed later.

Ye Tian's strength is indeed terrifying. He is indeed no match for him. But fortunately, he has learned Fei Que's light skill and can pretend to be B in front of him for a short time. However, as time goes by, he will definitely be dealt with by Ye Tianhao. .

At this moment, the system sound suddenly entered Lin Feng's mind.


"The host's hatred value increases by 15 points."

"The host's hatred value is currently 50 points."

Lin Feng was stunned.

Ye Tian hates himself more and more!

Don't let the protagonist do it to you before you have time to do it!

If it doesn't work, you have to find a way to get rid of the protagonist quickly. Only in this way can you ensure your own safety and start the plot of other books smoothly.

When Lin Feng returned to the company, the first thing he did was to find ways to improve the company's strength.

Although the current situation of the company is very good, it can be said that it is booming.

But in fact, the company's development is stagnant, and Lin Feng can only maintain the status quo.

If you want to take the company to a higher level, there is no other way but to move to the imperial capital to explore new markets.

So Lin Feng decided to hold a shareholder and senior management meeting.

"Secretary Liu, notify the major shareholders and high-level conference rooms to hold a meeting at 3 p.m.!"


Secretary Liu didn't ask any more questions, but there was a vague feeling that something big was going to happen.

Three o'clock in the afternoon, in the conference room.

Everyone was whispering to each other.

When this meeting was held, everyone discovered that many of the previous high-level officials had disappeared.

You don't need to think too much, you all know who was dismissed.

Everyone has different thoughts, and they are all worried that they will become the next Lynch or Xie Hong.

Soon, today’s protagonist comes in.

Lin Feng pushed open the door and entered.

"Long time no see, everyone. I have called you here today because I have something to discuss with you!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Everyone looked at each other, not expecting that Lin Feng was here to discuss things this time.

However, their intuition told them that things were not that simple this time.

"Mr. Lin, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

"That's right, Mr. Lin, you're trying to show off here, making all of us panic."

Lin Feng smiled slightly.

"Then I'll say it."

"For the development of our Lin Group, I decided to move the Lin Group headquarters to the Imperial Capital."

"This is mainly to attack the imperial capital's market."

Lin Feng looked at everyone.

There was silence in the conference room.

Strong opposition then erupted.

"I don't agree. If the company moves to the imperial capital, how competitive will it be?"

"Not to mention how competitive they are, but those six families can suffocate us!"

"Lin Feng, you're not old yet. Just listen to your uncle and don't move."

"If you insist on moving, then we will have to ask your father Lin Jianfei to come back."

"Lin Feng, don't you think about why there were so many scandals in the company some time ago? Isn't it all because you offended people from the six major families?"

"We haven't even settled a score with you. How can you do it now? You're still trying to get close to the six major families. Are you looking for death?"

Faced with so much criticism, Lin Feng remained silent.

It wasn't until the objections gradually subsided that Lin Feng began to speak.

"I know you all won't agree with that."

"But I want to tell you, even if you move my father Lin Jianfei out, it will be useless, he will fully support me!"

"If you don't believe it, you can call him."

"I tell you, this headquarters must be moved. If you don't want to, you can withdraw from the company at any time and give up your shares. I believe there will be many people who will be happy to buy your shares."

"That's the end of the meeting. If there's nothing else, we can leave it, right?"

Lin Feng's few words left everyone speechless.

Everyone had a breath stuck in their hearts. They couldn't speak out or swallow it. They could only bear the anger.

After the meeting, Lin Jianfei called quickly.

Lin Feng knew that there must be some ungrateful person, so he had to go to Lin Jianfei for verification.

"Hey, Dad, what's wrong?"

Lin Jianfei's face darkened, "Have you decided to attack the imperial capital?"

"Yeah, I don't want to take it off anymore!"

"Yeah." Lin Jianfei thought for a while, and then said, "I won't object to anything you do, but I'm old and don't want to take care of the company anymore, you know that."

"So from today onwards you will take over my shares, and I will have someone prepare the share transfer letter and send it to you."

"You can sit in my seat from now on!"

Lin Feng said hehe.

This Lin Jianfei is really a good scapegoat.

"Okay, good son, if nothing happens, I'll hang up the phone!"

Before Lin Feng could reply, Lin Jianfei hung up the phone.

The next day, the share transfer document was mailed over. Lin Feng looked at the equity transfer document and signed his name on it without hesitation.

Lam Feng announced the news to major shareholders.

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