I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 226 Discovering something fishy

It was impossible for him not to understand the meaning of Zhang Feng's words.

Qi Tai grabbed Zhang Feng's hand and whispered: "If you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill all your family members!"

Zhang Feng said nothing.

Since his decline, he still has a few family members around him.

Stay away, stay away.

Lin Feng looked at Qi Tai, "Then I will take Dong Qi away. Do you have any objection?"

How could Qi Tai dare to openly oppose Lin Feng? He could only nod, "Director Lin, if you like it, just take it away."

"I'm just an employee anyway, don't worry about it."

"That's good!"

"If there's nothing else, I'll take Zhang Feng and leave first."


Lin Feng took Zhang Feng away, while Qi Tai walked to the door.

In the car, Lin Feng and Zhang Feng sat face to face.

Just now, Lin Feng naturally noticed this little move between them.

It can even be said that I heard the conversation between them clearly.

"Zhang Feng, don't you have nothing to say?"

"Forget it, you don't need to say more, I believe you will take the initiative to tell me."

"As for work, I will also arrange for you to work within the Zhang Group. Of course, you may encounter difficulties from some people, but I believe you can overcome it."

Zhang Feng can naturally imagine that he has returned to the company, and those who have worked under him will definitely ridicule him in every possible way.

But what are these compared to the sufferings he has suffered?

"I'll get over it."


Lin Feng sent Zhang Feng back to the Zhang Group and took Zhang Feng to the Human Resources Department.

The head of the personnel department is still Zhang Feng's former minister.

"This is Zhang Feng, you must know him too."

The minister's face was filled with excitement.

"Knowing each other!"

"Now he is the general manager of the sales department. Go through the entry procedures for him and come to work tomorrow!"

"And his salary will be paid three months in advance."

"Okay, Director Lin!"

Lin Feng patted Zhang Feng on the shoulder.

“Do a good job and don’t let your talents get drowned out.

Zhang Feng nodded with a complicated expression.

When Lin Feng was about to leave, Zhang Feng suddenly stopped Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, I have something to tell you!"

The minister next to him saw that Zhang Feng actually called Lin Feng by his name, and hurriedly reminded him in a low voice, "Dr. Zhang, don't scream nonsense."

Then the minister hurriedly changed his words, "Mr. Zhang."

Lin Feng waved his hand, "Nothing."

"What do you have to say to me?" Lin Feng turned his attention to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng glanced around and said, "This is not a good place to talk."

Seeing this, Lin Feng took Zhang Feng to his office, which was also Zhang Feng's office.

"Tell me, what do you have to say to me?"

Zhang Feng thought for a moment, then leaned into Lin Feng's ear and truthfully told Lin Feng everything he knew.

10 minutes later.

"Of course, these may just be my conjectures, but he often goes to the Shangguan Group, so it must be more than just drinking tea and chatting."

As a businessman, especially a powerful businessman, he naturally has a very keen sense of smell.

Lin Feng nodded, "You are right. Thank you for telling me this."

Then Lin Feng took out a card and said, "The money in it is enough for you to pay off all your debts."

"I hope you can work hard and contribute to Lin Group."

Zhang's plump face was excited and he took the card.

This card was enough to give him a new lease of life.

"Director Lin, thank you." Zhang Feng knelt on the ground with a plop.

"There is no way to repay a great kindness. I will definitely contribute to the company wholeheartedly."

"Get up! You just need to contribute your talents. You don't have to be so sincere like those on TV."

Lin Feng exposed Zhang Feng with one sentence.

Zhang Feng got up from the ground in embarrassment.

"Stand down! Work hard."

Zhang Feng left.

Lin Feng was the only one left in the office.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and thought about what happened recently.

He didn't expect that Shangguan Yi would turn against him this time.

With Shangguan Yudie caught in the middle, he didn't know what to do.

However, Shangguan Yi did not take action openly this time, which showed that he still took some human feelings into consideration and gave him a small warning.

Lin Feng thought about the countermeasures and then called Secretary Liu.

"Secretary Liu!"

"Director Lin."

"Secretary Liu, send someone to guard the company and see if there are any strangers around the company."

"In addition, we will increase our investment in the Shi Group."

"Tell the Shi Group to target the Qi Group with all our strength from now on."

"Ah, Director Lin, this..."

"There aren't that many reasons why, you just have to do what I say."

"Okay, Director Lin!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Feng turned on his phone and fixed his gaze on Shangguan Yudie's WeChat profile picture.

It seems that now I have to contact Shangguan Yudie.

Lin Feng reached out and sent a message to Shangguan Yudie.

Lin Feng: Do you want to come out and play? Qingxue said she wanted to have a meal together.

Shangguan Yudie quickly replied to Lin Feng.

Shangguan Yudie: OK, let’s make an appointment!

Lin Feng thought for a moment and replied to Shangguan Yudie.

Lin Feng: Come to my house in an hour and see you there.

Shangguan Yudie: OK.

after an hour.

Shangguan Yudie knocked on Lin Feng's door.

Shen Qingxue opened the door and saw Shangguan Yudie hugging each other happily.

"Yudie, you're here. I haven't seen you for several days. I miss you so much!"

"Haha! You called me here, what can you eat?" Shangguan Yudie saw Lin Feng walking out of the kitchen wearing an apron at a glance.

Lin Feng greeted Shangguan Yudie happily when he saw him.

"Come on, hurry up and cook, the meal is ready!"

Shangguan Yudie was shocked to see Lin Feng cooking.

"You actually know how to cook?"

"Pfft! He doesn't know how. I did all this, and he just helped me carry it."

Shen Qingxue pulled Shangguan Yudie to sit on the seat.

"Hurry up and sit down and eat!"

Lin Feng sat across from the two of them, took out his mobile phone, and secretly sent a message to Secretary Liu.

"Turn off cell phone signal."


Lin Feng put down his phone and looked at Shangguan Yudie with a smile.

"Yudie, don't leave tonight, play here with Qingxue, I have work to do tonight and won't be able to come back!"

"I made a movie theater at home a few days ago. You and Qingxue can play in it!"

When Shangguan Yudie heard Lin Feng's words, his pupils widened instantly, "Why did you build a movie theater? Oh my God, Lin Feng, you are so proud!"

"It's a joke! Stay with me tonight!" Shen Xueqing also advised from the side.

Shangguan Yudie looked at the phone and hesitated a little.

Lin Feng saw this and said, "Don't worry, I've already said hello to your dad!"

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll stay! I'll keep you company and enjoy the private cinema at home!" Shangguan Yudie said cheerfully.

Shen Qingxue hugged Shangguan Yudie and said, "Hey, you are the best."

"Okay, if that's the case, I'll leave first so I won't disturb you two little besties!"

Lin Feng turned around and left, with a fierce look in his black eyes.

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