I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 230 Idiots Talking Dreams

Now that it's crashed, tell me, how do you pay for it? Erica threw the bill in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng picked up the bill and looked at it. Every figure on it was very large and beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Yeah." Lin Feng put the bill back on the table.

"I saw the bill, what's wrong?" Lin Feng didn't seem to find anything wrong.

Erica was very angry when she saw Lin Feng's attitude that it had nothing to do with me.

"What's your attitude? I'm telling you, you must pay me the money, otherwise I will file a lawsuit with you and drive your Lin Group to bankruptcy. Do you believe it or not?"

"I want you to see how powerful our Phil Group is!" Erica threw the bill at Lin Feng, extremely domineering.

Lin Feng's heart hurt as he was hit.

"So Miss Erica, you want to use your father's power to deal with me, right?"

Erica was stunned.

Wasn't it natural that she relied on his father's strength? Why did Lin Feng say it as if he had done something wrong?

"What's your attitude? I advise you to talk to me, otherwise I won't let you go!"

Erica said angrily.

"I'm talking nicely! Miss Erica, you have always been the one who didn't talk nice!"

Erica was stunned. No one in her life had dared to talk to her like this.

"Seriously, Miss Erica, don't forget what your mission here is?"

"To be honest, I know a little bit about fortune telling and Feng Shui. I can roughly know the purpose of Miss Erica coming here!"

Erica was originally adding fuel to the fire, but now that she heard Lin Feng's two words, most of the anger in her heart disappeared instantly, and she also became somewhat interested.

"Oh, you do know, tell me!"

"You are here just to help your father find a suitable partner. If you can't find a suitable partner, if you go back, you will probably be scolded by your father!"

"I heard that respected fathers are very strict!"

Lin Feng's few words turned Erica's old self upside down.

Erica looked at Lin Feng in shock.

"How do you know?"

Her trip here was originally a confidential one. Even though she was exposed now, no one would know what she was here for. How did Lin Feng know?

Could it be that it was Lin Feng's fortune-telling skills that made the fortune come true?


Of course Lin Feng knew this from reading the novel, otherwise how could he have said it so accurately?

He would not use his Feng Shui skills for such a trivial matter.

"Miss Erica, am I right?" Lin Feng had a confident smile on his face.

Erica nodded, "I didn't expect that you would see it!"

"In that case, I have only one request for you, and that is to keep it secret!"

"I hope you can do this and never spread this matter!"

Erica didn't want to be scolded by her father because of this incident.

Lin Feng nodded, "Of course, but I hope you can take a look at our Lin Group. Our Lin Group is now developing rapidly, and many of its businesses are similar to those of the Phil Group. It is natural to cooperate with our company." of!"

Lin Feng naturally vowed to do so.

But Erica chuckled.

"Have you forgotten how you talked to me just now? You still want me to cooperate with you now. It's just a dream!" Erica stood up and wanted to leave.

Lin Feng didn't stop him either.

"There will only be advantages and no disadvantages in cooperating with a company like ours that has good development momentum. I hope you can think about it more!"

Erica paused, as if hesitating, but still raised her feet and walked away.

Erica is also experienced in shopping malls, so she naturally understands what Lin Feng said, but she had no intention of cooperating with Lin Feng when he treated her like this before.

In the darkness, a pair of eyes looked at everything in front of them.

Erica came out. Because the car was damaged, she didn't take the car. She kicked the stones angrily while walking.

He was also swearing.

"You scold me and still want me to cooperate with you. It's just a fool's errand!"

“I really don’t know how a person like this managed to get the company to this point!”

Just then a figure appeared and blocked Erica's way.

"Hello, young lady!"

Erica looked up and saw a handsome young man in front of her.

"Who are you?"

The young man smiled slightly, "Hello, I am Ye Tian!"

"Who is Ye Tian? I don't know you! Is something wrong?"

Erica spoke in a bad tone because she was in a bad mood.

A trace of displeasure flashed in Ye Tian's eyes, but seeing that she was a beauty after all, he didn't say much.

"I see that you are quite unhappy right now, so I came up to talk to you, hoping to make you less unhappy!"

It was obvious that Ye Tian was here to seduce Erica.

If he hooks up with Erica, he might become famous.

Erica did not take this trick, but frowned and said: "If it's okay, don't block the road here, it's annoying!"

Ye Tian pursued her relentlessly, "This beautiful lady, don't worry about these things. Although this company is indeed good, it is not the best company in the imperial capital after all."

"How about I introduce you to a better company and help you complete your mission?"

Erica frowned, wondering if she was here to complete a task, so was she exposed so completely?

Just then, a male voice interrupted.

"Miss Erica, you left something behind!"

Lin Feng stepped forward and handed Erica's lipstick to her.

This act immediately doubled Erica's favorability.

This Lin Feng is not that hateful.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes when he saw Ye Tian in front of him. He didn't expect this guy to connect with Erica so quickly.

It seems that he can't let Erica go easily this time, otherwise his villain energy will be lost.

Ye Tian was shocked when he saw Lin Feng, wondering if his plan would be ruined by Lin Feng again.

However, Ye Tian still had the courage to say: "Miss Erica, if you are interested, let's talk while walking?"

"Erica is not interested. She has already said she wants to cooperate with our Lin Group. Please give up, Mr. Ye!"

Ye Tian was stunned. It clearly didn't sound like this just now.

"Miss Erica, is it true?"

Erica looked at Lin Feng in shock. She didn't remember that she had promised to cooperate with Lin Feng. Why was Lin Feng talking so blindly?

Lin Feng lowered his head and said in Erica's ear: "Miss Erica, this guy is not very smart. Send him away first, and then we can settle the accounts slowly, okay?"

Ye Tianerli was very good, so he naturally heard Lin Feng's whisper.

"Lin Feng, don't talk nonsense. Why am I not thinking right?"

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