I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 238: The destiny value is equal to that of the protagonist

Lin Feng still retained his last consciousness at this time, holding the needle in his hand and planning to stab himself hard, but Erica took it away.

"Lin Feng, let me help you sort it out!" Erica's weak, boneless hands roamed Lin Feng's body, making Lin Feng burn with desire.

Lin Feng felt extremely uncomfortable at this time.

Erica giggled.

"Lin Feng, if you are really uncomfortable, just sign this contract and I will help you relax."

Erica wants to induce Lin Feng to sign the contract.

However, Lin Feng gritted his teeth and pushed Erica away, "Dream!"

Erica was pushed violently, and without reacting, she squatted on the ground on a heap.

Lin Feng took this opportunity and ran directly to the bathroom, locked the door, and then took out cold water and poured it over himself.

Erica was very angry when she saw that Lin Feng was not tempted by her beauty, but she couldn't help but chuckle when she thought of Lin Feng's lustful appearance.

"Lin Feng, come out quickly! I'll wait for you outside!"

"Don't be shy, my sister is very skilled!"

Facing Erica's temptation, Lin Feng remained unmoved, his mind filled with memories of himself and Shen Qingxue.

After the cold water was almost gone, Lin Feng calmed down a little, then he picked up the needle and poked himself to expel the medicine directly.

The flush on his face faded, and Lin Feng calmed down. He went out and pushed Erica against the wall.

I saw Lin Feng with a somewhat evil smile on his face.

"Miss Erica, I didn't expect you to be so unrestrained in private, as expected of you!"

Erica couldn't help but blush when she saw Lin Feng's wet bangs and handsome face.

This is simply a wet temptation, okay?

"Ahem! I was joking just now, don't take it seriously!" Erica explained.

Lin Feng stood up, "Yes, Miss Erica is joking, I know it!"

"Otherwise, Miss Erica would not treat the contract that has been changed as if it has not been changed."

Erica blushed when she heard Lin Feng's words.

She changed the contract last night because she always thought it would be useful.

Lin Feng took the contract and read it carefully for a while, then picked up the pen from the table and signed his name.

Lin Feng walked up to Erica and thrust the contract into Erica's hand.

"This is the signed contract. Please keep it, Miss Erica!"

Lin Feng picked up his coat, turned and left.

And Erica was still immersed in Lin Feng's handsomeness just now, and couldn't extricate herself for a long time.

If Erica really wanted to describe Lin Feng's handsomeness just now, Erica felt that the most appropriate way to describe Lin Feng was to use unparalleled handsomeness.

When Lin Feng returned home, Shen Qingxue hurriedly greeted him and was surprised to find that Lin Feng had other scents on his body and that he didn't bring himself any dessert.

"Brother Lin, where are my things?"

Shen Qingxue looked at Lin Feng from side to side.

Lin Feng looked at Shen Qingxue apologetically, "Sorry, I encountered something and couldn't buy it for you."

"I will make it up to you tomorrow!"

Shen Qingxue pouted and said nothing more.

Lin Feng looked at Shen Qingxue and was not very happy, so he hugged Shen Qingxue and coaxed her. However, Shen Qingxue became suspicious of the smell of Lin Feng.

However, Shen Qingxue believed in Lin Feng, so she did not express her doubts.

On the other side, Ye Tian was walking on the street and spat on the ground.

"It's so fucking unlucky. I almost succeeded, but was ruined by this guy Lin Feng!"

"Why is he everywhere? It's so strange!"

Ye Tian kept complaining, thinking about why he was so unlucky. He met Lin Feng every day, and every time he did something good, he would ruin it.

At this moment, a person suddenly appeared in front of Ye Tian and blocked Ye Tian's attack.

As soon as Lin Feng finished coaxing Shen Qingxue, the system's voice sounded in Lin Feng's mind.


"Congratulations to the host for successfully gaining 2 points of hatred. The protagonist's hatred value is 93 points."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering 10,000 destiny points from the protagonist. The host gained 5,000 destiny points."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully changing the plot and gaining 10,000 villain energy points."

"Host's remaining villain energy: 10,000 points."

Lin Feng was stunned. Could it be that he had successfully changed the plot between Erica and Ye Tian?

Lin Feng was a little unbelievable, but when he thought about Erica knowing that Ye Tian drugged him, Lin Feng's impression of Ye Tian would only get worse and worse, and it would be impossible for him to have any further development with him.

This can be regarded as a successful change in the plot.

Lin Feng now needs to carefully plan how to use these 10,000 points.

"Open the system panel."

"The system panel is opening..."

"The system panel opened successfully!"

[The strongest anti-pretending system]

[Host: Lin Feng]

[Personal assets: 5 billion]

[Strength value: 500]

[Agility value: 150]

[Physique value: 110]

[Charm value: 116]

[Lucky value: 400]

[Hate value: 93 (maximum 100)]

[Note: The above values ​​are converted to 100 for ordinary people]

[Skills acquired]

[Superpower - Golden Vision: Can see through things and analyze their economic value]

[Medical skills: Medical skills are upgraded to intermediate level. 】

[Martial arts skills: Master advanced martial arts skills and learn various high-level martial arts. Has learned god-level fighting skills. 】

[Feng Shui Kanyu Technique: Primary Stage. 】

[Guitar playing skills (gifted by the system)]

[Anti-intellectual halo]

[Villain Energy: 10000]

[Destiny value: 35000]

[Current novel trigger: Doctor 3: Across the World. After the completion reaches a certain value, there is a chance that other novel plots will be triggered]

Lin Feng suddenly remembered that he had not calculated what the protagonist's destiny value was now.

"Check the protagonist's destiny value."

"The protagonist has 36280 destiny points left."

Lin Feng was surprised. He didn't expect that his destiny value and that of the protagonist were almost the same.

It seems that the efforts during this period will still be effective.

But now he has to plan carefully how to use these 10,000 points of villain energy.

Lin Feng didn't know why, but he suddenly thought about being drugged just now, and his first reaction was to improve his medical skills.

Lin Feng said without hesitation: "Upgrade your medical skills to an advanced stage."

"Tip, it costs 8,000 points of villain energy to upgrade to the advanced stage."

"If the host is sure, please say yes."

"Sure!" Lin Feng definitely didn't want that embarrassing thing to happen again.

"Medical skills are being upgraded..."

"Medical skill upgrade successful!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading his medical skills to an advanced stage."

"Host's remaining villain energy: 2000 points."

Lin Feng suddenly felt a golden light flash in front of his eyes, and then poured into his mind at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Feng clearly felt that a lot of medical knowledge that he had never heard of suddenly appeared in his mind.

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