"Ahem, Erica, don't worry. I won't treat you badly in the future. I will give you a branch and you can run and develop it yourself. But I have a request. You are not allowed to have anything to do with Ye Tian. , otherwise you understand.”

Erica was a little confused about what Lin Feng said, but she still obediently agreed.


Lin Feng naturally didn't know what nonsense Erica was thinking in her mind. After returning to the company, he sent someone to send Erica to one of his branches to be the president, and then persuaded Erica to completely cut off the relationship. Contact with Phil.

Erica was naturally a little hesitant.

"Isn't this not good?"

"What's wrong! Have you forgotten what he did to you before?"

"Erica, listen to me!" Lin Feng put his hand on Erica's shoulder, "You are an excellent female worker. I believe you will be able to make your own achievements in the work field in the future. I will now The company gives you management, on the one hand, it is to train you, on the other hand, and the most important aspect, it is to give you the opportunity to display your talents!\

,""If you don't sever ties with him now, then you will only be a pawn for him to use in the future. When he agreed to sell you to me through an agreement, he was no longer worthy of being your father!"

"Erica, it's time for you to start a new life of your own!" Lin Feng stared into Erica's golden eyes and spoke word by word.

Erica was gradually moved, and after a long while, she slowly said: "Okay!"

"Okay! Then go to the branch now. I have sent a special car to pick you up." Lin Feng waved his hand, and several people came up and took Erica away.

Erica looked back at Lin Feng with a bit of reluctance in her eyes. She had a feeling that this might be the last time she saw Lin Feng.

After Lin Feng took care of everything, he also blocked all of Phil's phone calls.

Then there was an agreement between them, but have you ever seen a human trafficking agreement that works? Besides, if there is any cooperation between the two, there is no need to contact them anymore!

No matter how long his Phil Group's hands were, Lin Feng would not believe that his hands could reach the imperial capital.

One day passed, and Phil was surprised to see that neither Lin Feng nor Erica contacted him, so he called them.

But none of these two people's phone calls were connected, and they all blocked him!

"Fuck!" Phil threw the phone in his hand to the ground angrily.

At this moment, he realized that he seemed to have been tricked!

Not only was he fooled, but he also lost a daughter. This matter cannot be turned around easily!

"Okay! You! Lin Feng, enough for you!"

"Since you did this, I won't be polite!" Phil's eyes gradually became sinister.

Lin Feng was kissing Shen Qingxue when he suddenly sneezed and hit Shen Qingxue in the face, spraying all over Shen Qingxue's face.

The scene is embarrassing enough.

Lin Feng laughed awkwardly, "Ha, I might have a cold. Come on, I'll take you to wash up!"

Shen Qingxue wiped the spit from her face, smiled slightly, and then wiped her saliva-covered hand directly on Lin Feng's face, "How can I have such a good thing to myself?"

"Of course I want to share it with you!"

"Hey!" Shen Qingxue had an evil smile on her face.

Lin Feng was rude when he saw this, and the two of them had a great time.

after one day.

Lin Feng counted the time and stood at the place where Li Xiao and Ye Tian were supposed to meet.

Ye Tian and Li Xiao also met accidentally. It can be said that they don't know each other without fighting. Ye Tian also happened to become close friends with Li Xiao. Ye Tian also happened to know that Li Xiao was very concerned about his height, so he tried to help Li Xiao. He grew up again, and Li Xiao also paid a lot for Ye Tian's road of pretending.

While thinking about it, Lin Feng saw a short person walking across the street, and a tall and beautiful woman standing next to him.

Although the short man is short, he exudes a bit of nobility, especially the clothes on his body, which together are estimated to cost tens of millions.

Ordinary people definitely don't have such financial resources. Compared to this man, Li Xiao is the only one.

Lin Feng knew that after turning a few streets, Li Xiao would meet Ye Tian, ​​so he hurriedly followed.

Li Xiao took his woman into a men's clothing store.

As soon as Li Xiao entered, several salespeople gathered around him.

"Hello, Master Li, what do you need?"

"These are our seasonal styles. Do you want to try them on first? If they don't look good, we will give them to you directly!"

"Master Li, look at these shoes, they match you perfectly!"

Li Xiao turned his attention to the beautiful woman next to him, "Lili, look at it to see if there is anything you like."

Lili smiled shyly, "You look good no matter what you wear, who made you look so handsome!"

"Okay! Then I'll try these!" Li Xiao ordered a few clothes, and then went to the fitting room to try on clothes.

Seeing Li Xiao go in, Lili's expression changed instantly. She walked to the corner and couldn't help but text her best friend to complain: "I'm really convinced. How can there be such a buttoned-up man in the world."

"I went out with him all afternoon and he didn't buy any clothes for me. He bought clothes for himself. It's so annoying!"

"A short and skinny guy really thinks he is so handsome. Let me tell you, no matter how handsome he wears clothes, he can't hide the fact that he is short!"

The person on the other side consoled him: "Oh, it's okay!"

"You listen to me, sister. As long as you make him happy, he will buy you whatever you want. If you don't believe me, look at my things. They were all given by him. This is a big mistake!"

"Okay!" Lili curled her lips helplessly.

Lin Feng, who was not far away, heard all this and even recorded a special sound.

When Li Xiao came out after trying on clothes, there was a chorus of praises. ,

"Wow! Baby, you look so handsome in this dress! I like it!" Lili stepped forward, hugged Li Xiao, and said "snap".

Naturally, the other salespeople also praised him.

"It's so handsome!"

"Master Li, this dress really suits you so well!"

Li Xiao originally felt that the clothes were just average when he wore them, but now that he was praised by so many people, for some reason, he felt extra handsome in his heart.

"Okay! That's it!"


Li Xiao hugged Lili's waist and said, "Baby, you are so kind. Buy me clothes. I will buy you whatever you want later!"

When Lili heard this, a happy smile appeared on her face, but she quickly suppressed it.

"Okay! Thank you baby!"

"You're welcome, just repay me tonight!" As he spoke, Li Xiao stretched out his mouth and was about to kiss Lili. Lili held back her nausea and prepared to kiss Li Xiao.

Just then, an inappropriate voice appeared.

Lin Feng sat back in the car, Mr. Wang looked away, and the car started slowly.

It was very quiet in the car, so quiet that you could hear each other's breathing.

Suddenly Mr. Wang spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Lin Feng, have you cooperated with Phil Group?"

"Yes, Mr. Wang."

"Listen to my advice and stop cooperating with them."

Lin Feng was surprised, "Mr. Wang, what's wrong?"

Mr. Wang looked hesitant to speak, but then he seemed to have made up his mind, and then slowly said: "I dealt with the Phil Group when I was young, and the chairman of the Phil Group is a cannibal. Thing, if you cooperate with him, you will only be plotted by him in the end!"

"Listen to my advice and stop it immediately!"

Lin Feng was stunned. Anyone who could be complained by Mr. Wang must not be a good group.

But now that the contract has been signed, and I have just promised to go to Phil Group to discuss the details of the contract, it will definitely not work if I break the contract rashly.

If it really doesn't work, wouldn't it be just right to take advantage of this meeting to tear up the contract?

"Okay, Mr. Wang, thank you. I will take this opportunity to sever cooperation with Phil Group!"

"You're welcome, we're all friends."

On the same day, Lin Feng met Erica at the airport, and they got on the plane to the United States together.

Soon the two got off the plane and came to Phil Group.

Lin Feng looked up at the towering building in front of him and couldn't help but marvel.

"This building is so tall!"

Erica felt a little proud when she heard Lin Feng's exclamation.

"That's natural. Our Phil Group is one of the largest groups in the world, so we can naturally do a good job in terms of appearance!"

"Let's go, I'll take you in and take a look. You'll be even more surprised when you go in!"


Erica brings Lin Feng into Phil Group.

As soon as Lin Feng entered, there were all blond foreigners, including countless tall and long-legged beauties.

This simply dazzled Lin Feng.

Erica sneered a little when she saw Lin Feng's useless look.

The two quickly arrived at the top floor.

Erica brought Lin Feng to Phil's office.

"Father, I brought Lin Feng."

"Well, let him in!"

When Lin Feng came in, what he saw was an old man in his early 50s, with gray hair and good energy.

"Hello, I'm Lin Feng!"

"Well, I'm Phil, please sit down!"

Phil's attitude towards Lin Feng was lukewarm.

Lin Feng had already expected this, so he wasn't too angry.

"I don't know why Chairman Phil called me here this time."

"If we are just discussing contract details, I think it is enough on the phone. If there are other things to discuss, Chairman Phil must have already made 90% of the decision in his mind."

Phil frowned when he heard this. He didn't like people who were too smart, especially people like Lin Feng who were too smart and powerful, which gave him a strong sense of uneasiness.

"You are right, but we still have to pay attention to the spirit of cooperation!"

"I think there are some details in the contract that need to be revised, such as who owns the factory and the profit sharing and other issues."

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