I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 324: Who can control this?

"What's wrong? Why don't you come back if you don't come back?"

Shen Qingxue's worried voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I have collected all the company matters in the past two days. There are too many. I can handle them and work overtime tonight."

Lin Feng answered bravely.

"That's it. Don't be too tired. I'll go bring you dinner later."

Lin Feng said softly.

"No, no, no, I've eaten at the company. Just go to bed early. I'm sorry, wife, I can't go back to accompany you tonight..."

Lin Feng quickly refused. If Shen Qingxue really went to his company and found that he was not there, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Well, don't be too tired."

Shen Qingxue hung up the phone with some disappointment.

Lin Feng wanted to buy food, but he didn't know what Jiang Li liked to eat. He bought two portions of pork ribs and rice nearby and was about to go back. He thought about whether this would make Jiang Li think he was too stingy. After walking a few steps, I went to the supermarket and bought a bunch of fruit snacks in large and small bags.

"Why did you buy so many things?"

Jiang Li, who opened the door for Lin Feng, was shocked. He didn't expect that he would bring back such a bunch of things when he went out to buy a meal.

"Aren't you injured? I don't know what you like to eat, so I bought more."

Lin Feng felt that his hands were a little painful from being strangled, and he smiled awkwardly at her. Jiang Li quickly stood up and let him in.

"How about we eat first."

Lin Feng put down what he was doing, put two portions of pork rib rice on the table, opened the lid and said, "I don't know what you like to eat. I just bought some rice downstairs nearby. You can make do with it first." Well, I’ll treat you to a big dinner tomorrow.”


Jiang Li took the chopsticks handed over by Lin Feng and said thank you softly.

"Haha...eat first, eat first."

"By the way, are you a policeman?"

Jiang Li's appetite was very small. After eating a few bites, he put down his chopsticks. He suddenly remembered this and asked.

"No, no, I'm still not aware of being a police officer. I'm just an auxiliary police officer."

Lin Feng explained with a smile.

"Do you have a company? Why do you seem to be quite rich today?"

Jiang Li still persisted in asking.

"Oh, well, I happened to open a small restaurant, and the business is quite prosperous. Today, in order to save people, I looked a little more heroic, and I still have some savings."

Lin Feng didn't know why and didn't want to tell the truth.

After dinner, Lin Feng took the initiative to clear the table and sat on the sofa. He felt uncomfortable all over and felt like he was sitting on pins and needles. He simply stood up and said to Jiang Li, "I'm going down to get some fresh air."

Seeing Lin Feng's helpless look, Jiang Li found it a bit amusing and planned to play tricks on him. Thinking of this, he leaned towards Lin Feng again. He was a little distracted and didn't know what was going on. He reached out to catch Lin Feng's big hand.


Lin Feng was stunned when Jiang Li suddenly took his hand. He was pulled by her to sit on the sofa again. He could now clearly hear Jiang Li's rapid breathing, holding his hand. Also soaked with sweat.

This was Jiang Li's first time holding hands with someone of the opposite sex, and she didn't know why she took the initiative to hold Lin Feng's hand.

She could hear her heartbeat clearly now, and there was an electric feeling all over her body, which made her brain go blank, tense and exciting.

"How about I wash some fruit for you to eat."

After all, Lin Feng is someone who has been there before, and he can now roughly understand Jiang Li's thoughts. The atmosphere is a bit subtle. He is a little afraid of the next development, trying to stop it, and wants to take his hand out.

But Jiang Li held it very hard, as if he was deliberately making things difficult for him, and refused to let him take his hand back.

"Well, I'm a little sleepy, I have to go to sleep."

Lin Feng felt that his blood was rising and it was quite uncomfortable. He forced himself to calm down and took his hand back.

"OK, fine"

Jiang Li stood up with some disappointment, returned to the room, took out a set of bedding, and said to Lin Feng, "I'll sleep on the sofa tonight, and you can sleep on the bed."

Lin Feng frowned and said, "How can this be done? I'll sleep on the sofa. You go back to the house and sleep quickly." After saying that, she couldn't help but refuse. He snatched the quilt from her hand, pushed her back to the room, and took a deep breath.

Lin Feng, who was lying on the sofa, felt really sleepy. He got up and turned off the lights in the living room, wrapped himself in a quilt and threw himself on the sofa. Then he heard the sound of water flowing from the bathroom. He covered his head with the quilt. , I kept reminding myself to be calm, to be calm.

Jiang Li, who had finished taking a shower on the other side, was lying on the bed tossing and turning, and the shadow of Lin Feng was all in his mind. He couldn't get rid of it. When he thought of how he dealt with the gangsters for himself today, he began to feel aroused...

Just that night.

"Okay, stop."

Long Aotian waved his hand and signaled the thugs to stop. After letting go, he walked to the dying Ye Tian and whispered: "This time I will teach you a lesson. I have given you so many people to ask you to kill Lin Feng. If I can’t do it, I really don’t know what I’d use you for.”

Just when Long Aotian was smoking on the sofa again, a black shadow suddenly jumped up outside Long Aotian's window sill.

"Dang-dang-dang...dang-dang-dang..." There was a sound of glass breaking.


A kind of thug next to Long Aotian immediately pulled out the dagger behind him and slowly moved towards the balcony. Within half a minute, there were high and low screams. The bodyguards who had just gathered around were all lying half dead. on the ground.

Long Aotian slowly walked to the window and opened it: "Are you the black wolf sent by Grandpa Wu to me?"

Hei Lang walked straight into the room and ignored Long Aotian. He sat on the sofa in the living room quite casually and said in a deep voice: "Exactly!"

Under the light is a skinny man. This man looks quite ordinary. His skin is frighteningly white and looks bloodless. This man's appearance is quite ordinary. He is so ordinary that even if he is thrown into the middle of the crowd, no one will pay attention to him. kind of people.

However, Long Aotian's face was condensed. In this man, he felt a murderous aura that was so strong that it was almost substantial. The faint smell of blood lingered on the tip of Long Aotian's nose. Only then did Long Aotian see clearly that the man's hand was full of murderous intent. Shang Zheng was holding a small knife about an inch long, and blood was dripping down the blood groove on the knife body, dripping onto the floor.

Long Aotian knew that this man was the famous killer of the Fifth Master, Hei Lang. He had experienced a very cruel killer training abroad. The reason why his skin was so pale and frightening was because he had been hidden in the darkness for a long time and could not be seen. light reasons.

"How did you get up here?" Long Aotian was full of questions. He knew the structure of his villa very well. In order to prevent someone from climbing up in the middle of the night and doing harm to him, the outside of his villa was covered with smooth ceramic tiles, which fit perfectly without any footing. There is no place, and if you want to climb up, it is undoubtedly a fantasy.

At a height of more than ten meters, Long Aotian couldn't figure out how he got up even if he tried hard. He saw with his own eyes that the black wolf had no other tools to climb except a dagger in his hand. Could it be that he really had wings and flew up here?

"Jumped up."

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