"Humph, to be honest, I really don't want to do it. Seeing that you are careful, I will help you."

Lin Feng glanced at Ji Hui and said calmly, it was a human life anyway, and of course he would not leave it alone.

Wang Chao is also a cautious person in his daily life. Although Lin Feng looks very young, he must have some tricks to know the cause of his father's illness just by judgment without resorting to any means.

He really has no other choice now. As Lin Feng said, whether his father can survive until the ambulance is in this state is two different things. Now he can only act as a doctor and let Lin Feng try. , which can be regarded as a glimmer of hope.

Lin Feng glanced at Wang Chao and felt that his attitude was sincere. The slap he just slapped his wife was so straightforward. After all, he was also a filial person. He nodded slowly and said: " Then I’ll give it a try.”

If this old man dies, it won't be of any benefit to Erica. Maybe there will be a trivial matter at some point. As the saying goes, helping others will help them to the end. No matter what, you can't let this old man die like this.

Lin Feng knelt down, stretched out his hand, and massaged several large points on the old man's body, and then focused on the area near the old man's heart.

It's a pity that there is no silver needle, so I can't fully utilize Lin Feng's medical skills, but it's better than nothing. After rubbing it for a while, I felt that the old man's heart slowly began to beat, and his face changed from the original livid color. The rosy color returned, and the weak breathing began to calm down...

"Husband, look quickly, our dad's face is starting to turn red, look quickly."

Ji Hui pointed at the old man on the ground and exclaimed with excitement. She didn't care about being angry anymore and put her arm around Wang Chao's shoulders.


Wang Chao threw Ji Hui's arm away angrily. His wife was too fickle. She had been rude to Lin Feng before, but now that she was rescued, she turned against her more than turning over a book. Soon, he ignored Ji Hui and walked forward, asking Lin Feng piously: "Little brother, how do you think my father is doing now?"

Lin Feng nodded and said: "There should be no problem this time. If you are still worried, you can go to the hospital for another check-up as a precaution."

"Then how long will it take for my father to wake up?"

Wang Chao asked.

"It should be soon. His heartbeat has become normal now."

Lin Feng answered.

"Thank you, thank you. Thank you so much. Without you today, I'm afraid the consequences would be unimaginable."

When Wang Chao heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and thanked Lin Feng repeatedly.

When his father fell to the ground before, he was still full of worries, whether he was moving or not. After thinking about it, he still didn't touch it. If a bigger problem happened, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Now when he heard Lin Feng say that his father was fine, he quickly stepped forward and tried to help his father up from the ground.

At this time, the old man who had been lying on the ground had already opened his eyes, panting heavily, and tried to get up from the ground. However, his whole body was weak, and he said to Wang Chao weakly: "Hurry up and help me up." .”

"Dad, let me do it. I'll help you up."

Ji Hui ran over in a hurry, trying to help the old man on the ground.

"No, just let Wang Chao hold me up."

Unexpectedly, the old man threw away the hand Ji Hui handed over. Ji Hui stood there, looking embarrassed and at a loss for a moment.

Although the old man had angina and fell to the ground, he was still very conscious. He naturally heard what Ji Hui said outside, which made him feel that his face was shameless. He really didn't have to do it in the first place. He really didn't want Wang Chao to let Wang Chao do it. Marry such a fierce woman.


Ji Hui wanted to say something more, but the old man didn't give him a chance at all and glared at her. She was shocked and didn't dare to say anything more.

"Thank you very much for saving your life today, little friend."

Wang Chao realized that after he helped his father up, his father would pull him in the direction of Lin Feng. He naturally knew what his father wanted to do, so he didn't say anything more and just supported him carefully.

Seeing the old man's kind-heartedness, Lin Feng felt like a spring breeze, and he felt a lot of pride and goodwill in his heart.

"No, no, I was just passing by."

When Lin Feng saw the old man trying to take his luggage, he quickly supported him. He couldn't bear it for an old man of his age.

"Not bad."

The old man looked at Lin Feng carefully, nodded approvingly, then turned to Wang Chao and said: "Chao'er, you must write down this little friend's phone number. When we go back, we must take good care of him." Thank you thank you.”

"It must be true. I know it even if you don't tell me, Dad."

Lin Feng looked at Wang Chao, who was looking at him inquiringly, and waved his hand: "If someone does good deeds and still asks for something in return, wouldn't that sound a bit different?"

The old man wanted to continue to refuse.

"Old man, there is really no need to express my gratitude, as long as it allows my friend to leave, it is enough."

Lin Feng smiled lightly.

Lin Feng didn't care at all about thanking her. After all, with his current assets, he really didn't care about these petty profits, not to mention that he was not short of money now. He came here just to help Erica out of the siege, so that no matter it was Both you and the company can leave a good image for her, which will also be beneficial to future company cooperation.

After hearing Lin Feng's words, the old man blushed again, pointed at Ji Hui and said, "Take a good look at what you are doing!"

He turned to Lin Feng and said, "I'm really sorry that your friend has been involved in this matter. This has nothing to do with your friend in the first place. Your friend can leave anytime he wants."

"In this case, please take care of yourself, old man. I will leave first."

Lin Feng smiled slightly and waved his hand, asking for Lin Feng.

"Okay, okay, if that's the case, let me leave you a phone number. If you find anything useful in the future, just call me. If you can help me, I will definitely help."

The old man took out a business card from Wang Chao's pocket, wrote his phone number on it, and forced it to Lin Feng. Seeing this, Lin Feng felt reluctant to refuse, and casually put the business card into his pocket.

At this time, the crowd watching the excitement gradually dispersed, and the ambulance also rushed over.

"Dad, why don't we go to the hospital for another check-up? I'm still a little worried."

Wang Chao supported the old man and advised him with a worried look on his face.

"Forget it, forget it, I know my own body well."

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