I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 340: It’s really troublesome

Shen Qingxue also felt that it was a bit tricky. They were all children who had just grown up. She didn't want to know them in the same way. Who knew that they didn't know what they were doing and refused to leave no matter what.

"I bought the car, who are you? Move aside quickly and don't block the road, otherwise I will call the police!"

Shen Qingxue raised her car keys and threatened.

Unexpectedly, these little brats showed no fear at all, and one of them even said something rude: "My uncle is the deputy chief of police. Isn't he sure who will arrest whom?"

Shen Qingxue frowned and subconsciously hid behind Lin Feng. It was not that she had never met her before, but most of the people before had come to strike up a conversation. After saying a few words and seeing that she didn't want to, they left very wisely. It looked like These little kids also have some background, otherwise they wouldn't be so rampant.

"Ouch, the car isn't yours?"

The social girl didn't know that Lin Feng and Shen Qingxue were married, and thought it was just an ordinary relationship between a man and a woman. She glanced at Lin Feng in surprise and said, "You are quite handsome. Are you the pretty girl she kept?"

When Shen Qingxue heard this, she was stunned. She didn't get angry. She just covered her mouth and snickered. It was good to be put on the spot by such a bunch of brats who are her peers. She became playful and stood behind Lin Feng to continue. Observe.

"This is not the pretty boy I raised, this is the thug hired by my sister."

Shen Qingxue said with a smile.


Lin Feng smiled bitterly and glanced at Shen Qingxue with interest. Without saying anything more, he said to the social girl: "Did you hear that, my Lady the Queen is asking you to leave?"

"Your Lady Queen?"

Shen Qingxue and the social girl were both stunned, while Shen Qingxue pinched Lin Feng's lower back hard and grinned in pain.

There was something wrong with the little girl's eyes, and she looked disdainful: "Oh, I understand..."

Lin Feng smiled evilly, put on an expression that was exactly what you thought, and nodded heavily.

"It's so boring. I thought it was yours. What a pity. He looks so handsome."

The social girl took out a cigarette and lit it, blew out a smoke ring, turned her head and looked at Shen Qingxue: "Since the car is yours, do you dare to run around it and let us compete?"

"Forget it, my driving skills are limited and I feel nervous driving by myself. I don't dare to race."

Shen Qingxue's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she felt eager to give it a try. Then she thought about how her driving skills were barely enough to handle driving on the road, but she didn't dare to drag racing. Lin Feng's driving skills were quite good, but she was afraid of Lin Feng driving in the middle of the night. If anything happens if you go too fast, you will lose more than you gain.

Shen Qingxue thought for a while, but really didn't come up with any good ideas, so she continued to threaten: "Are you going to leave or not? If you don't leave, I will really call the police."

"Tch, it makes me afraid of you. You hit me. It's not like I won't let you hit me."

The spirited girl put her hands on her hips, looking like a little pepper, and said contemptuously: "I really don't know how you learned subject one. I can't help but stop here. What can I do if the police come?"

"Lin Feng, please deal with it quickly, I want to go home and sleep!"

Shen Qingxue was also a little offended by the noise. She pointed at the energetic girl and kicked Lin Feng's butt, signaling for Lin Feng to quickly deal with it.

"Ah...okay, okay."

Lin Feng scratched his head. Since his wife had spoken and wanted to go home and sleep, it was time to show his masculine side. If he didn't take action now, when would he wait?

Lin Fengxiong walked a few steps confidently and pointed at the car: "You're not going to move the car, are you?"

Seeing this, the others thought that Lin Feng wanted to fight, so they quickly gathered around.

Lin Feng is really not easy to use force against such a young princess and young master from a wealthy family.

After all, these people are not actually bad in nature. They just lack discipline at home, which is why they become the rebellious teenagers they are today.

There is a fundamental difference between them and those little gangsters in society. Those little gangsters receive protection fees everywhere and work as little brothers for others in order to make a living. They are different. They just seek excitement.

"If you don't move, you just won't move. What can you do?"

The little girl in society is a powerful presence at home and at school, but this Lin Feng obviously doesn't take her seriously, which makes her a little angry and angry.

"Okay, okay, if you don't move, if you don't move, can you tell that the car is yours?"

Lin Feng also laughed angrily and asked.

"That car is mine, what can you do?"

The spirited girl pointed at the Audi TT parked in front of her home.

Lin Feng glanced at the red Audi TT and smiled faintly.

The spirited girl is obviously the leader among this group of people. The minimum configuration of her Audi TT costs more than 500,000 yuan, and the license plate of that car is also htt666. Obviously, this girl’s family background is not ordinary, and she has not arrived yet. So arrogant.

Lin Feng walked to the back of the car, put the car at the rear with one hand, and said lightly: "You really don't want to move the car, right?"

"Don't move!"

The spirit girl said firmly.

Then they all stared at Lin Feng, wondering what he wanted to do by putting his hands behind the car, paddling, maybe not, that is something only children do, pushing a cart? That's even more impossible. Although my car is lighter than an ordinary car, it weighs more than a ton. Pushing the car is just like an idiot's dream.

"You little idiot, don't you want a pushcart? Do you think this is the toy car you played with when you were naked?"

The young man who first asked the question noticed Lin Feng's intention and spoke tentatively.

Lin Feng glared at him fiercely: "You are a bad guy, and your whole family is a bad guy."

Lin Feng walked from the rear to the front of the car, made a move with one hand, exerted his body muscles, and pushed hard towards the front of the car.

With what seemed like a simple palm move, the car was pushed back a full meter, leaving two burnt black tire marks on the ground with a "chi" sound.

"Damn, you are so awesome."

The young man who had scolded Lin Feng for being stupid before was stabbed there like a piece of wood. His mouth was wide open and his eyes were wide open in shock: "How can this be pushed? No, I'm a physicist." No matter how you say it, you are still a person who scored 20 points in the exam, which is not in line with common sense."

"My car..."

The spirited girl was stunned for a while, then realized immediately that he was aiming at his own car. He squatted down and looked at his worn tires with a face full of pain, and couldn't help but let out a low cry.

But for what Lin Feng did, even if she wanted to cause trouble, she couldn't find any good excuse. After all, no one can avoid the normal wear and tear of car tires.

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