I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 366: Handsome guy, take a ride

"Handsome guy, can you give me a lift?"

This rather cold-looking girl managed to squeeze out a smile from the corner of her mouth, which looked out of place with her frosty face.

"No, I don't even know where I'm going. You can find someone else."

Lin Feng wasn't interested in her at all. He stopped just because he was curious, and he didn't have too many thoughts. Hearing that the other party's reasons were so far-fetched, there must be something bad going on, and he didn't want to get involved.

"No, it's not easy to catch a car at night, and I think you are from the same place. It's fate."

The girl looked around, as if she was worried about something. Before Lin Feng could answer, she opened the car door and got in. "Since you don't know where to go, then take me to the Twilight Hotel. Just think of it as doing your fellow villagers a favor.

"I don't know where the Twilight Hotel is."

Lin Feng said to the girl expressionlessly.

"No, I see the mark on your hat. Shouldn't you be from the Fire Cloud Gang? How come you don't know where the Twilight Hotel is?"

The girl asked with some confusion.

"Who told you that someone wearing a Huoyun Gang hat is a member of the Huoyun Gang?"

Lin Feng said lightly.

"In that case, just drive and I'll show you the way." The girl sounded a little disappointed, but still without any emotion.

When Lin Feng saw this, he didn't say anything more. He started the car and started driving slowly. Lin Feng silently looked at the girl through the rearview mirror: "Are you a tourist here?"

This girl gave Lin Feng an unusual feeling. He could feel a vague cold air on her body, but Lin Feng knew that this was murderous aura.


The girl nodded, which surprised Lin Feng. Do tourists still know about the Huoyun Gang? But seeing the girl's stern expression, Lin Feng was looking for trouble.

"Do you know who the leader of the Huoyun Gang is?"

The girl suddenly asked Lin Feng.

"I don't know, I'm not a member of the Huoyun Gang, and I don't know who their boss is."

Lin Feng wasn't lying. The information that Huang Shen gave him was indeed limited. Even the address was wrong, let alone the leader.

"I heard that the leader of the Fire Cloud Gang is Leifeng Dun."

The girl was quite curious about Lin Feng's origins. She wore a hat with the Fire Cloud Gang logo but said she didn't know the leader of the Fire Cloud Gang. Looking at his outfit, could it be that he had met a colleague?

"Then do you know which floor his office is on?" The girl was unwilling to give up and continued to ask.

"I don't even know who the boss is, how could I possibly know he's on that floor?"

Lin Feng was confused by her question. Isn't this nonsense?

"Why don't you know anything? Can you tell me what you know?"

The girl was a little angry.

"I don't know anything. I guess I don't know as much as you do. Otherwise, tell me what you know."

Lin Feng frowned and said calmly.

However, he frowned not because he was annoyed by the girl's questions, but because he found a black business car behind his car, following Lin Feng not far away, and he would turn wherever Lin Feng turned. Put a few big words on the car saying I'm following you.

And this girl never gave him any directions from the beginning to the end. Lin Feng was just driving aimlessly on the street.

Lin Feng frowned as a member of the Huoyun Gang. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't come up with a reason. He and the Huoyun Gang had not interacted with each other at all. Why should they follow him? Besides, this car didn't come out when he came out. Following him, he didn't drive out from the auto repair shop. When Lin Feng came out of the auto repair shop, he glanced outside and saw that no one was following him.

Besides, he only has about three to four thousand euros in total, so he doesn't look like a wealthy owner. He didn't take out any money when he was at the auto repair shop just now, so there is absolutely no reason to attack him.

Could it be that he was following the girl sitting in my car? When Lin Feng thought about this, he felt that it was not impossible. The black business car appeared later after the girl got in the car.

Lin Feng is now even more curious about this girl's identity.

"The car behind us has been following us for a long time. Is it the one following you?"

Lin Feng snorted coldly and looked at the girl.

"Business car?" When the girl heard this, she also glanced in the direction behind her, a trace of anger flashed across her face, and then she returned to normal and said, "I don't know him."

"It's easy to say that he doesn't know him. Then we'll get rid of him."

After Lin Feng said this, he suddenly stepped on the accelerator, and the engine made a huge roar. This old-fashioned Santana seemed to be re-injected with vitality in an instant, and it shot out like an arrow from the string, directly blowing the black car behind it. The commercial vehicle pulled a long distance away, and the commercial vehicle behind also reacted and increased the accelerator, trying to keep up.

Lin Feng didn't give him a chance at all, and plunged into the alley, scurrying around. In a short while, the black business car behind him disappeared without a trace.

The girl looked at Lin Feng's rapid shifting speed and couldn't help but click her tongue. A trace of doubt flashed across her face: "Why are you so good at driving?"

"Don't you feel like you talk too much nonsense?"

Lin Feng had long been impatient with the girl's questions, and now he didn't want to continue talking nonsense with him.

Originally, she wanted to give him a ride out of good intentions because she saw that he was an Oriental girl. However, the commercial car that was following her from behind and the series of random questions she asked definitely meant that it was not just a trip. This kind of trouble would have caused Lin Feng I don’t want to care about it, and there’s no need to cause trouble.

"and who are you?"

The girl also felt that something was wrong with Lin Feng, because Lin Feng drove her around in the car, just taking the road that suited her eyes, not knowing the road at all, just driving randomly, ignoring the businessmen behind. The car is just because the driving skills are better.

And Lin Feng himself didn't pay attention. He drove into a dead end. In the alley, there was only one wall except the smelly trash can. Lin Feng was not from the small town at all.

At first, she saw Lin Feng wearing a Fire Cloud Gang hat and innocently recognized him as a member of the Fire Cloud Gang. Although he kept refuting that he had nothing to do with the Fire Cloud Gang, the girl thought he just refused to admit it. Well, judging from this matter, Lin Feng's background is by no means simple.

Recalling that Lin Feng said before that he didn't know Twilight Hotel, she felt that something was quite wrong. As the largest hotel in Twilight Town, he didn't even know the way.

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