I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 391: Turns out he is a scumbag

The originally tense atmosphere disappeared in an instant when Lin Feng disturbed it, and the two of them had a somewhat ambiguous feeling.

"Cough, cough..." Lin Feng coughed twice and was the first to break the awkward situation: "Are you hungry? I brought some fruit. Do you want to put a cushion on it first? We will go out to eat later..."

"Oh, oh, I'll take a shower first..." The blush on Jiang Li's face has not dissipated. He lowered his head and did not dare to look directly into Lin Feng's eyes. He had a little girl's attitude, which made me feel pity for him. It was so touching. .

Lin Feng sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, turned up the TV volume intentionally or unintentionally, and absentmindedly searched for TV programs.


The sound of water came from the bathroom. Lin Feng glanced in the direction of the bathroom unconsciously, and the scene from last night appeared in his mind...

Lin Feng secretly cursed himself for being so worthless. He moved his buttocks and adjusted himself to a relatively comfortable sitting position. He pulled down his clothes to cover his crotch.

Jiang Li's room was very messy. Clothes were scattered all over the floor. Various magazines and books were scattered on the sofa, most of which were related to fashion design. Lin Feng picked up a fashion magazine on the ground and picked it up casually. After flipping through it, it became clear that these avant-garde and fashionable outfits were not to Lin Feng's taste. He frowned and flipped through a few pictures, then lost the motivation to continue reading and threw them onto the sofa again.

After looking around the room for a week, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly, and stood up to clean up. This Jiang Li always dressed up brightly every time he went out, but he never paid much attention to tidying up his own room. This was completely different from Shen Qingxue. The difference. No matter how messy Lin Feng makes the house, as long as Shen Qingxue is at home, every time he comes back, the house will be in order and spotless.

"Hey, you are quite discerning." Jiang Li came out of the bathroom after taking a bath and was a little surprised to see Lin Feng bending down to tidy up the room.

"Hmph!" Lin Feng snorted: "How can a little fairy be so careless about the cleanliness and hygiene of her home?"

Jiang Li smiled brightly, revealing a row of white teeth, blinked his eyes, and said in a coquettish tone: "I'm waiting for you to clean up for me."

Faced with Jiang Li's sudden tenderness, Lin Feng couldn't resist, and pursed his lips: "If you are still ready to eat, you'd better go change clothes quickly."

The bedroom is to the north of the living room. When Jiang Li heard that he was going out to eat, his little face was filled with joy. He ignored Lin Feng who was cleaning the house, skipped to the bedroom and closed the bedroom door with a bang. .

The house Jiang Li rented was not very big and was very suitable for one person to live in. It had three bedrooms and one living room, and apart from the kitchen and bathroom, there was only one bedroom and living room.

Lin Feng was a little confused about the thoughts of this little woman Jiang Li. Why didn't his father, a boss of a company, not get her a bigger house? Lin Feng deduced that Jiang Li had some conflict with his father, but he He didn't want to inquire too much about other people's family affairs. He planned to buy a villa for Jiang Li in the next two days. After all, he owed Jiang Li a little.

In fact, Jiang Li has always been at odds with his father because of his mother. Ever since Jiang Li finished college, he insisted on not wanting a penny from his father. This made Lao Jiang quite helpless, but his daughter's He also knows her character, and if he forcefully gives her something, it will only make the relationship between the two worse.

After working for Jiang Li last year, her father insisted on giving Jiang Li a car because of the inconvenience of work. It was only through this opportunity that the relationship between father and daughter eased.

Of course, Lin Feng didn't know about these things. He simply thought that the relationship between father and daughter was not good.

"Hey." Lin Feng watched Jiang Li change clothes and come out, and his eyes lit up. She was wearing a light blue Adidas hooded sweatshirt, her hair was tied into a ponytail, her fair skin and exquisite makeup made her look like a perfect girl. Beautiful girl.

"Let's go and eat!" Jiang Li stretched out his green jade finger and pointed at Lin Feng's head: "There are words on my face, are you so fascinated by it?"

"Isn't it because you are too beautiful? Look at it more." Lin Feng said with a shameless smile.

"Humph, you have good taste." Jiang Li secretly rejoiced in his heart, but did not show it on the surface: "Okay, okay, let's go downstairs."

Because the restaurant is not very far from Jiang Li's community, the two of them finally decided to take a taxi. After all, the parking spaces are so tight now, and Jiang Li didn't buy the parking space in the community, so the two of them said that whether they were driving Jiang Li's or Lin Feng's car, When we come back from lunch, there will definitely be nowhere to park.

Lin Feng didn't care. He just left after eating: "Why don't you drive my car? I have to go back to the company after dinner anyway." Lin Feng said to Jiang Li who was standing on the roadside taking a taxi.

"No!" Jiang Li said decisively: "How much is your daily salary, I will give it to you!"

"Okay then, one million a day, credit card or cash." Lin Feng said and took out his mobile phone to adjust the payment code.

"You might as well go and grab it. Do you think I'm worth a million?" Jiang Li rolled his eyes at Lin Feng angrily.

"Well, okay, since what you said, I will reluctantly replace you with you. If I lose, I will lose some." Lin Feng looked Jiang Li up and down and said seriously.

"Bah, you're so shameless. Go ahead and dream about your spring and autumn dreams." Jiang Li's face felt a little hot and he quickly turned his head away.

"If you don't want it, then don't. What's so great about it, I can't help but let you see later..." Lin Feng muttered in a low voice.

"Lin Feng! What did you say!" Jiang Li took a deep breath and grabbed Lin Feng's ears without saying a word.

"Be gentle...aunt, it hurts...it hurts."

The two quarreled all the way in the taxi. After Jiang Li hurriedly reported the place name to the taxi driver, he continued to clean up Lin Feng. Lin Feng grinned all the way, with several rows of neat teeth marks on the back of his hands, and even his face was scratched. Jiang Li took a bite.

In the hot pot restaurant, Lin Feng put down the chopsticks in his hands after taking only a few bites, and suddenly sighed and said, "I finally know what it means to be on pins and needles."

"Ah?" Shen Qingxue looked at Lin Feng in confusion.

"If looks could kill, I have died countless times now. It is too risky to eat with you. People will look at us from time to time."

The hot pot restaurant where he ate was very prosperous. When they came in, there was only one seat facing them. Basically everyone who came in had to look at the two of them, which made him feel at ease.

Jiang Li snorted lightly and raised his graceful chin: "Humph, I just discovered it."

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