I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 41 Go and do good deeds for me

"What if I don't?"

Lin Feng held his hands together and looked at the people opposite.

I think these people are really ridiculous.

"court death!"

The muscular man in front of him shouted, moved his body, stepped forward, and grabbed Lin Feng's arm with one hand.

Upon seeing this, Lin Feng retreated and avoided this guy's hand.


When the man saw that Lin Feng had actually dodged, his face turned cold, and he directly punched Lin Feng in the face.

The fist came towards his face with bursts of punching wind.

Lin Feng retreated, stretched out one hand, and accurately grabbed the man's wrist.

The muscular man was stunned.

He didn't expect that he would be caught after punching so quickly?

He hurriedly struggled to leave Lin Feng's hand, but unexpectedly, it was useless.

"Let me go!"

The muscular man swung his fist again, but his other hand was also caught.

Lin Feng chuckled, "Keep going!"

"Let me go, I think you are looking for death!"

Wang Jun kept twisting his body to break free, but who knew it was useless. This guy's hand was like a lock, completely locking his body.

too strong.

People saw that Wang Jun's hand was actually caught. At that moment, Zhu Guanwei shouted to several people behind him: "Let's get together!"

He also didn't expect that this guy actually had another skill.

But it's useless, he will definitely vent his anger today.

Otherwise this would be really embarrassing.

If it weren't for this guy this morning, he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

And this guy is actually related to Shen Xueqing?

Even if there was no real relationship, it still made him very angry.

If I don't let this guy know how powerful he is today, he will think he is a thorn!

Several people pounced directly on him.

Everyone has seen this kind of thing before.

It was just a group fight, and they fought many times.

It was a familiar road, and everyone had their own thing to do. Some people went for Lin Feng's legs, while others went for Lin Feng's head.

There were people going in every direction, even from behind.

Just before these people arrived, a person suddenly flew out in front of these people.

Forehead? Ding!

People were stunned.

The thin monkey at the front actually flew out?

They were all dumbfounded and stood there without making a move.


Kick someone away?

Is this guy a practicing practitioner?

These people looked at each other for a few times, and then stared at Lin Feng opposite.

"Come on, keep coming?" Lin Feng said lazily.

At the same time, one hand is now holding the wrists of Wang Jun's two hands.

Still holding on tightly, Wang Jun's face turned pale at this time, and finally he couldn't help shouting loudly, and finally begged for mercy.

"I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore... I won't dare anymore, please let me go... let me go... ah..."

Wang Jun's facial expressions were extremely rich, and it could be seen that Wang Jun was really in pain.

Lin Feng finally shook off Wang Jun's hand, stared at the people opposite him, and said coldly: "Are you coming again?"

Several people swallowed and no one spoke.

At this time, the thin monkey in the distance stood up. It was not a big deal, but he did not dare to make any mistakes and stood there obediently.

Lin Feng stared at these people, and then moved his eyes to Zhu Guanwei.

"Are you Zhu Guanwei?"

Lin Feng knew something about him.

Zhu Guanwei stood up and nodded uneasily.

The whole person was extremely nervous, he was afraid that Lin Feng was going to attack him.

"From now on, do good things for me. When you have done a thousand things, come back to me. If you dare to bully others again, let me know. Don't blame me for being rude to you."

Lin Feng's tone was extremely cold, and at the same time it was mixed with a faint murderous aura.

Even though it was very light, it still made these people feel extremely panicked, and no one dared to say anything at this time.

Zhu Guanwei's face was even more pale, as white as a piece of white paper, and his whole legs were trembling.

He felt Lin Feng's fear at this time.

"Yes Yes!"

Zhu Guanwei nodded hurriedly.

He was afraid that if he refused the next moment, or if he agreed too late, this guy would take action.

After hearing Zhu Guanwei's response, Lin Feng was ready to leave.

Finally, he threw it out again.

"You have done enough for me in one month. If it is not enough, I will come to you again. This time it will not be as simple as a verbal warning!"

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Several people were relieved at this time.

"What should I do? Brother Zhu?"

Wang Jun in front of him rubbed his wrist and said, "This guy's hands are so strong, I haven't recovered yet!"

"Yes, Brother Zhu, we have to find a way, otherwise are we really going to do what that guy said?"

"Brother Zhu, what should I do?"

Several people asked Zhu Guanwei for his opinion.

Zhu Guanwei's expression recovered a little, and then he whispered: "Do as he said. From now on, you will find some good people and good deeds for me. I will do it!"

"Ah? Are you really doing it?" Wang Jun said in surprise.

"Nonsense, why don't you do it? Do you still want to be beaten? That guy is so strong that we are no match for him!"

Zhu Guanwei said again.

"But, Brother Zhu, why don't we find someone else? It is said outside that the third brother on our street is very good. We called him over and asked him to help. I don't believe how powerful he can be. When we arrive Call dozens of people to see if he is still arrogant?"

Wang Jun suggested.

Zhu Guanwei said nothing.

This is really a solution.

From Zhu Guanwei's point of view, he is really feeling too uncomfortable now.

I thought I could vent my anger, but now I have to do good deeds.

Oh shit! What a bully!

"Okay, that's it, you go get in touch and I'll pay for it. We must let this guy know how powerful we are!"

Wang Jun nodded hurriedly, patted his chest and said, "Okay, brother, just relax and wait to see my good news!"

After Wang Jun finished speaking, he ran directly to the other side of the street.

Several other people went back.

Lin Feng didn't know these things, so he took a taxi directly to the community.

When we arrived at our home, there were still many people there. Everyone was very tired and their eyes were red. There was no doubt that this was because they were too tired in the past few days.

And this is even more true for Chen Qiang at this time.

His hair was all fluffy, and he looked as if he hadn't slept at all.

But he was extremely excited, especially when he saw Lin Feng coming, he stood up with excitement.

"Boss, you are really amazing, I admire you so much!"

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