"You don't have to be too nervous. Don't you just want to take down the Lin Group?" Liu Junbing smiled nonchalantly: "Actually, I am also very interested in the Lin Group."

"What?" Zhu Hao was stunned, not understanding what Liu Junbing meant.

"I have seen Lin Feng's wife before. She is a very beautiful girl. Hehe, you know what I mean. I like to watch Three Kingdoms, especially one of the characters in it, Cao Cao." Liu Junbing laughed. : "What's the difference between me and Thief Cao?"

"Well...I know Young Master Bing, and I believe that under your leadership, we will be able to defeat the temporary group soon." Zhu Hao said with some embarrassment. I really didn't expect Liu Junbing to be so good at this. It's really...

"Let's put this aside for now. Tell me how we can get money to set up this real estate company." Liu Junbing is not short of money at all. He started this company just to win his father's favor. , it’s just that he can recognize his ancestors and return to his clan, he also wants to make some achievements.

Although he is the illegitimate son of whom his father did not know, he has lacked father's love since he was a child, and he very much hopes that his father will look at him more often, preferably to recognize his achievements.

"According to the current market situation, City H is in a better location and can be considered a potential area. It seems that there are only urban villages in the suburbs. If we can get the development rights of urban villages, it will definitely be a good place for us. Fighting for gold should not be difficult." Zhu Hao thought seriously for a while and replied.

"Since what you said is so tempting, why haven't those developers come here to develop it?" Liu Junbing, who was not a millionaire, asked immediately after listening to Zhu Hao's words.

"As for the urban village, the conditions of the people living there are not very good, and their homes are also placed there." Zhu Hao explained: "Before this, many developers have discussed it, but that group of people It seems that everyone has reached a consensus that the development fee required is so high that it’s not worth it no matter how you calculate it.”

“Before this, many lives were lost, but the unscrupulous people refused to move there no matter what, so in the end they had to give up. So far, no developer has been able to take over that area. Zhu Hao shook his head and said.

"Then if we develop there, will we make a profit?" Liu Junbing asked.

"Yes, and there will be very high profits." Zhu Hao sighed: "It's not worth it, it's not worth it at all. Those unscrupulous people won't take any advice. Even if they demolish it by force, it will only cause loss of life. By then our company will also There’s no need to do it.”

Ye Tian smiled: "You don't have to worry about it now. We have young soldiers here and nothing can be done. If those unscrupulous people in the village in the city want to take the opportunity to extort money, they dare to blackmail us and kill them without any discussion." !”

"Hmph, when the time comes, we will do some tricks on the house. We can fool as much as we can. Then the profits will come. It will be huge profits. Why are we still hesitating?" Ye Tian continued.

Liu Junbing frowned and said nothing. He was probably thinking about whether it was worth doing.

"I haven't thought about this idea before, but you have to know that the country has already had a new policy. Developers have to bear lifelong responsibility for the quality of houses. If there will be trouble by then, it will damage the foundation at every turn. , think twice before you act." Zhu Hao smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Liu Junbing waved his hand and said: "It does make sense. I was thinking about this issue just now. The house must not be tampered with. In this case, we should look for benefits from that group of people. The risks we bear will also be It’s smaller, and one or two people won’t pose much of a threat to us.”

"In this case... it doesn't seem impossible." Zhu Hao couldn't help but glance at Lin Junbing in his heart. It seems that this young soldier is fundamentally different from those dandy boys. At least this person has great ideas. , know what can and cannot move.

"Okay, let's take a look first. If you have time these days, go to the village in the city." Liu Junbing turned to look at Zhu Hao: "Go through the development procedures as soon as possible. We will try to get there as early as possible to avoid long nights and dreams. "

"This is very simple. There is no big problem for me. The city of that place has long wanted to renovate it, but it has never found a suitable developer. If we go there, the procedure will be very easy. Arrive." Zhu Hao said easily.

"In that case, I will go through the formalities tomorrow. What is the name of our company?" Zhu Haokan asked Liu Junbing.

"The name, let's call it Junbing Real Estate." Liu Junbing replied without thinking.

"Okay, I understand. I'll do it tomorrow." Zhu Hao nodded.

When Liu Junbing was halfway through his meal, he suddenly received a call. He spoke to the two of them and left in a hurry.

"Come, Mr. Ye, I want to toast you a drink." After Liu Junbing left, Zhu Hao toasted Ye Tian a glass of wine. Now no matter what, they are just grasshoppers on the same rope, and there is nothing good between them. It's taboo.

"Here, cheers!" Ye Tian also raised his wine glass very excitedly, clinked it with Zhu Hao's wine glass, and drank it all in one gulp.

Ye Tian has been in an unusually happy mood these days. He feels that his fortune has simply turned around. Lin Feng, who has always made him gnash his teeth with hatred, has been framed by his own design. When he thinks of this, he can't stop feeling A burst of fun, this time the Lin Group does not have the blessing of Lin Feng, let’s see what else you have to fight with me!

"Brother, did you just hear what Young Master Bing said?" I have to say that Ye Tian's face changed really quickly. He had always been aloof and condescending a few days ago, but now he and Zhu Hao have begun to call each other brothers. stand up.

"Mr. Li, are you talking to me?" Ye Hao didn't react to the change of address for a moment, and he wondered if his ears had heard it wrong.

"Aren't there just the two of us here? If I don't tell you, why should I tell the air?" Ye Tian smiled faintly: "We will work together from now on, so don't make so many twists and turns. Am I right."

When Zhu Hao heard this, he despised Ye Tian to the extreme. This person really acted like a villain, like a dog licker, oh no, he was a lackey.

Zhu Hao smiled knowingly and said politely: "I am indeed older than you. Since your brother said so, I will accept it shamelessly."

"That's right." Ye Tian turned around with a smile and said to Zhu Hao, "I want to discuss something with you."

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