She doesn't ask for anything more now. She just hopes that Lin Feng can remember this kindness and help her at the critical moment. This is enough.

Soon, the police car roared over and stopped at the entrance of the club. A policeman leading the team came out of the motorcade.

Erica calmed down and got out of the car.

"Are you Mr. Ai?" The man saw Erica walking towards him, was stunned for a moment, and asked.

"It's me. I'm really sorry for causing you trouble."

"Mr. Ai is too polite. Don't worry. The leader has already informed me before departure. I will adjust the situation and strive to reduce major issues to minor ones. Protecting the business environment of our district is what I should do."

Erica breathed a sigh of relief. There were police officers inside to mediate the situation. Wang Erdong probably wouldn't say anything more. After all, it would be beneficial to both parties if the matter could be kept private.

As for compensation, she could just pay more and let him give him any price. As long as it didn't go too far, it would be no problem for her. At worst, she could just let Lin Feng pay for it himself. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Feng wipes my ass, this is the first time in my life that I have worked so hard for a man.

Thinking of this, Erica felt a little smug in her heart. My aunt has helped you so much, let’s see how you can repay this favor to me in the future.

So, Erica followed the policeman back to the club again, and A Liang followed behind, also confused.

Who is this Lin Feng? If he had followed the lady's usual style of acting, how could he be so hands-on?

Even if you just make a phone call, you actually go in and make peace in person? This is really the first time.

But protecting the young lady's safety was the top priority right now. He motioned to several of his men with his eyes and followed him behind Erica.

Knowing the news that the police were coming in advance, how could any guests dare to stay here? Most of them come here for entertainment. Besides, this club opened by Wang Erdong is not a formal place at all. What kind of people come here? Everyone knows their thoughts very clearly.

Along the way, Erica looked at the messy clubhouse and kept complaining. When the guests added the damage to the decoration, Wang Erdong would definitely be furious. No one million dollars could not solve this problem.

She didn't care about this. She wasn't paying for it anyway. Besides, she hoped that Wang Erdong would open his mouth. The more Wang Erdong asked for, the more confident he would be in handling the matter.

While thinking about what to say, the group of people walked to the fourth floor.

Although I was prepared in advance, I was still stunned.

In the corridor, not a single decorative vase or ceramic was left, as long as it could be smashed. As for the paintings hanging on the walls, they were crooked and unsightly, and many were lying in various places. The ground and the blood stains on the wall looked like a small battlefield.

Erica glanced absently, tilted her head and looked towards the end of the corridor. She glanced at the people lying on the floor one by one, and found no figure of Lin Feng among them, which made her inexplicably relieved.

At the end of the corridor, there were several people blocking the place. They looked menacing, but their faces were full of concern. The people outside refused to take a step further, and they seemed to be in a stalemate again.

"Everyone stop it!"

The policeman leading the team scolded him, preventing the situation from escalating further.

A Liang also brought his brothers up. With his determination, he couldn't help but frown slightly. More than half of the security guards in the club had injuries of varying degrees, and a few were unconscious and lying on the ground. , the most serious ones were unconscious, and were sent to the hospital by 120 who dared to come later.

A Liang couldn't help but be frightened. Who is this person? He might not be able to do this if it were placed on him. He is simply inhuman. Facing Lin Feng, he stood in awe in his heart. The strong can always defeat him. People respect people, don’t they?

Lin Feng was leaning on the wall behind him at this moment, using his remaining strength to support his body, holding a cigarette in his mouth and looking tired.

It was also the first time for him to experience such a fierce battle. If he hadn't been physically strong, he would have been beaten by these security guards until he couldn't stand up. As a last resort, he had to use harsh methods to intimidate the few people behind him. , the several security guards lying on the ambulance were the result of his murder.

Lin Feng held a cigarette in his mouth and squinted his eyes in the direction of the stairs. The appearance of the police did not surprise him. What surprised him was the return of Erica. He couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He was not unaware of it. What a good person, Erica must have put a lot of effort into what happened tonight.

He thought that based on their friendship, Erica had done her best and she had done her best. Unexpectedly, it was already late at night and she still didn't leave. The weight of this favor also increased a bit. .

However, the pain he was feeling in his body did not allow him to think about it that much. He spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth, dug into his pocket, took out a smokeless cigarette from the crumpled cigarette case, and put it away again. He was about to light a fire when someone snatched the lighter and cigarette away from his mouth.

“You’re almost dead, and you’re still smoking?”

Erica angrily threw the cigarette and lighter downstairs, her beautiful eyes widened, and she said angrily.

Lin Fengxiao couldn't bear this senseless lesson. No, to be precise, he should be flattered. Erica's unkind tone revealed a deep sense of concern? Lin Feng was stunned for a while and couldn't come to his senses. He didn't know why she was so angry.

"Ai, Mr. Ai? Why are you here?" Lin Feng asked after coming back to his senses.

Erica also felt that her behavior just now was a little too intimate, and hurriedly clarified: "Don't think too much, I didn't mean to worry about you... I just came to save you for Jiang Li's sake, mainly... …mainly for the company…”

Not only Lin Feng, but also the police around him smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. You were busy explaining something, and you didn't think about it at first. After Erica explained it like this, they really looked like a couple." That makes sense.

Lin Feng's throat moved slightly and he scratched his head: "Okay, okay, I understand, it has nothing to do with me."

Erica also noticed something was wrong, her pretty face turned red, and she turned her head away. The atmosphere between the two of them became even more awkward.

While they were talking here, the police on the other side were also negotiating with Wang Erdong to mediate.

As for Lin Feng's attitude, he made it very clear that all losses would be borne by him, as long as he was not held accountable.

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