Lin Feng followed, but instead of entering the building in front, they went into a small two-story building in the back.

The small building was very dilapidated, but it was still a separate courtyard, which surprised Lin Feng.

It turns out they are behind here!

The high-rise buildings behind and in front are obviously two different contrasts.

It seems that this Chinese Medicine Association is really poor!

Lin Feng was thinking as he followed Zhao Shichu towards the inside.

As soon as we entered, we saw the dilapidated walls, which looked like they hadn't been repaired in many years.

"The environment here is a bit bad, but our Traditional Chinese Medicine Association is definitely good."

Zhao Shichu said a little embarrassed.

"Well, it's okay, Teacher Zhao." Lin Feng said.

"The future of our Traditional Chinese Medicine Association is definitely bright, don't worry! You won't regret it if you join this association!"

Zhao Shichu still said seriously.

Lin Feng nodded and said nothing.

As soon as the two people went upstairs, they heard several quarrels.

"It is said that President Zhao recommended a new person today?"

"Yeah, it seems like he's still a student!"

"Why would a student come to our Chinese Medicine Association? Even if there are no members in our association, we can't do this, right?"

"What should I say later? Give him a blow?"

"Isn't it good? Mr. Zhao is here!"

"What are you afraid of? What is our association like now? Isn't the threshold for entry too low?"

Everyone was talking with displeasure on their faces.

Zhao Shichu's face darkened at the door, and he pushed the door open and entered.

"What's wrong? Can't I recommend someone to come?"

Zhao Shichu said displeasedly.

Seeing Zhao Shichu come in, people's faces changed drastically and they all stood up hurriedly.

A person sitting near the door said hurriedly: "No way, Mr. Zhao, you are joking. You are highly respected. Since he is the person recommended by you, of course we have no objection."

“If you have an opinion, say it!”

Zhao Shichu said directly.

"No, no, Mr. Zhao, you are worrying too much!"

"Am I worrying too much? I heard what you said at the door just now!"

Zhao Shichu stared at Zhu Zhilong in front of him and said coldly.

"Zhu Zhilong, do you think your medical skills are very good?"

Zhao Shichu asked Zhu Zhilong.

Zhu Zhilong said sarcastically: "No, Mr. Zhao, I just think that even if our Traditional Chinese Medicine Association is no longer good, we can't just let people in, right?"

"How about you compare with him?" Zhao Shichu said lightly.


Zhu Zhilong was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Lin Feng and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhao, stop joking. He is just a student. What medical skills does he know?"

"Now that I say that, let's compare!"

Zhao Shichu said directly, turning to look at Lin Feng again.

"Lin Feng, tell me, what are you comparing to?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I can do it!"

Forehead? What?

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous.

That’s crazy, aren’t you just a student? Are you so arrogant?

Student, do you know what medical skills are? Not to mention a profound Chinese medicine practitioner.

You know, Zhu Zhilong in front of you is also the director of traditional Chinese medicine at the hospital, and he is quite capable.

As soon as you came here, you dared to say that?

Isn’t this too disrespectful of others?

Zhu Zhilong even sneered twice, and then looked at Lin Feng in front of him.

"You can do it? Have you learned to brag at a young age? Even if you are Mr. Zhao's student, you must understand that Chinese medicine is profound and profound, and you need to be humble and ask for advice. Do you think your medical skills are already perfect?"

"That's not the case, but I'm a little confident." Lin Feng said with a smile, disapproving.

Lin Feng was not afraid of competing in medical skills. It was not a difficult task for him.

And you should know that this kind of thing is nothing in his eyes.

"It's good to have confidence, then come on, you are young, just say it!"

Zhu Zhilong snorted coldly after hearing Lin Feng's words.

A look of disdain.

In his opinion, this guy is too arrogant.

As an old Chinese medicine doctor, Zhu Zhilong was naturally confident, and even thought that this was nothing at all, wasn't he just a child? What can he do? He probably can’t even recite a Tang song!

"That's it, let's compare the collections first!"

Zhao Shichu in front of him said directly.

In other aspects, he was not confident for the time being, but in this aspect, he knew that Lin Feng would not lose.

The reason why Lin Feng came to the Chinese Medical Association was to rely on Lin Feng to cheer up their Chinese Medical Association, and now their association is facing a lot of trouble!

Someone always needs to take on a part of the responsibility!

Thinking of that incident, Zhao Shichu felt a little worried.

"Okay, let him come first!" Zhu Zhilong said.

Lin Feng was not polite and asked the question directly.

"What is the recipe for bamboo leaf, gypsum, apricot and licorice soup?"

"A handful of bamboo leaves, half a catty of gypsum, thirty almonds (peeled tips), and two ounces of licorice. Take the four flavors on the right, add five liters of water, boil three liters, drain, take one liter warm, three times a day."

Zhu Zhilong finished speaking calmly.

Then he looked at Lin Feng and was very surprised. He didn't expect that Lin Feng could actually ask such a question.

At that moment, he also said coldly: "What is the White Tiger Soup Recipe?"

"Six liang of Anemarrhena, one pound of gypsum crushed (wrapped in cotton), two liang of licorice (broiled), six grams of japonica rice. Four flavors from the right, boil the rice in one bucket of water until the rice is cooked, and take one liter of decoction warm, three times a day. Dryness disease, dry throat, sore throat, acute pain in the lower abdomen, red urine, and heavy and rapid pulse, these dryness evils are transferred to the kidneys, and Rehmannia glutinosa, Huangbai, Fuling, and Jualou Decoction can treat it." Lin Feng said naturally.


After Lin Feng told him the prescription, everyone started to look at Lin Feng.

At such an age, it’s good to know so much.

That's good.

For such a scene, this makes many people feel very good.

"Where's the Rehmannia glutinosa, Huangbai, Poria, Trichosanthes and Coriander decoction?"

"Six liang of Rehmannia glutinosa, 3 liang of Phellodendron cypress, 3 liang of Poria cocos, and 4 liang of Trichosanthes root. For the right four flavors, add six liters of water, boil three liters, drain, take one liter warm, three times a day."

In several consecutive questions and answers, both people spoke out.

But when it finally came to a question, Zhu Zhilong suddenly got stuck.

he does not know.

Zhu Zhilong's expression gradually became serious.

It would be really embarrassing if he couldn't answer.

After thinking about it, he still couldn't remember.

Zhao Shichu on the side was as steady as a mountain.

Just kidding, this kind of Lin Feng will never lose.

Zhao Shichu had already tried it many times.

Seeing Zhu Zhilong like this, he was very happy.

Let you also know how embarrassed I was at the beginning.

After being asked this question by Lin Feng, the other people all felt ashamed.

This Lin Feng really made them all feel ashamed.

This strength is obviously much stronger than them.

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