I Became An Ace Broker

Chapter 259: doctor's blame

The doctor rushed over quickly, but Li Xian's condition was far more serious than everyone imagined.

Before the doctor came, Li Xian's temperature suddenly rose, his face became redder, and his lips became slightly chapped.

Yin Xiaozhong touched her forehead again, trembling with fright.

"Why is it so hot all of a sudden?" Yin Xiaozhong asked in a panic.

Li Xian forced a slight smile, "Maybe it's because I was so **** after seeing you."

"What time is it, stop joking." Yin Xiaozhong picked her up from the sofa and walked to the bedroom inside. He thought in his heart that it should be more comfortable there.

Seeing Yin Xiaozhong's nervous expression, Li showed a happy smile, and she felt her eyelids getting heavier, "I feel so tired."

Putting Li Xianping on the bed, Yin Xiaozhong held her hand tightly. When he was hugging her just now, he could already feel that her clothes were soaked in sweat.

"Take a good rest when you're tired, the doctor will be here soon."

As soon as his words fell, Wanzi walked in with the doctor.

"In the bedroom." After Yin Xiaozhong heard the sound of the door, he hurriedly told them his location.

The doctor came in and said hello to Yin Xiaozhong first, and then began to diagnose Li Xian, gently tested the temperature on her forehead, then took out the thermometer for her to clip on, and listened to her chest cavity with a stethoscope, the voice was slightly echoing.

When I took off the thermometer, I saw that my body temperature was close to 40 degrees.

The doctor was also shocked, and hurriedly took out his phone, called the emergency department, and asked to call 120 for the ambulance to come.

After the phone call, the doctor said, "Her chest echoes have already appeared, and now it is not as simple as cooling down. I suspect that she has burnt pneumonia and chest inflammation, and must be sent to the hospital."

"Ah? So serious?" Maruko didn't expect it to be so serious.

Although Li Xian was still conscious at this time, he didn't have the strength to open his eyes at all, and his expression was slightly painful.

The doctor hastily looked at her eyes with his hands, and frowned, "Her body is very weak, and her physical strength is also weak. Now that the fever is so severe, she may fall into a coma at any time."

Xiao Hai hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Then don't wait for 120, I'll drive you to the hospital, the speed will definitely not be slower than 120."

The doctor shook his head, "No, there are other diagnosis and treatment equipment in the 120 car, and some auxiliary treatments can also be done in the car."

Yin Xiaozhong also looked very anxious and asked, "When will 120 arrive?"

"I made the call myself, and I'll be there soon." The doctor continued to listen to Li Xian's situation with a stethoscope, and even Yin Xiaozhong and others could tell that Li Xian's breathing became a little weak.

"She's unconscious," said the doctor, frowning.

Although the doctor used a series of cooling methods, Li Xian's temperature still remained high, and it even rose to 42 degrees at one point, and the doctor was sweating anxiously.

Seeing the temperature on the thermometer, Wanzi muttered palely, "When the fever reaches 41 degrees, the protein in the body will start to decompose, which will also cause cerebral edema and may leave sequelae, and even life-threatening in severe cases."

The doctor took a long breath and looked at the time again, "Get the person out, the car is almost here."

As soon as Li Xian was carried to the door, the 120 car came and carried her directly to the car. Yin Xiaozhong got in the 120 car. Since there was only one family member in this car, Xiao Hai and Wanzi drove behind.

After a brief exchange with the emergency doctor in the car, the doctor is doing some advance medical work.

"Her physical strength is too weak now. It seems that she hasn't rested for a few days."

Yin Xiaozhong frowned and kept silent. Looking at Li Xian's pale face, he could only feel her breathing slightly, but she didn't seem to know anything else.

"She has been working." Yin Xiaozhong said lightly.

The doctor sighed again, and looked at Yin Xiaozhong, "Work, can you lose your life because of work?" As a doctor, they only care about the safety of patients, and they will not give any special treatment because of their special status and work , Seeing that such a young girl like Li Xian would be so weak, he was a little angry.

Yin Xiaozhong was speechless.

"You people in the entertainment industry earn a lot of money, why don't you know how to be content and work so hard, if she really has a fever, you will have no time to regret it." The doctor muttered again.

While the doctor was chattering, Li Xian woke up, opened his mouth slowly, and explained weakly, "He doesn't know this, don't blame him."

"Get some rest and stop talking." Seeing that Li Xian was still speaking for Yin Xiaozhong, the doctor stopped nagging.

Yin Xiaozhong suddenly felt very uncomfortable in his heart. Looking back, since Li Xian came to the company, it seemed that he had entrusted everything to her, and he was much more relaxed, but the burden on Li Xian was getting heavier and heavier.

Anyway, she is also a woman, I was really too careless, I never asked her how she felt, that's why I tired her into what she is now.

Thinking of this, Yin Xiaozhong blamed himself deeply, and held Li Xian's hand tightly, "You have a good rest, don't talk."

Li Xian closed his eyes and tried to smile again.

120 soon arrived at the emergency room of the hospital. The doctor carried Li Xian in and told Yin Xiaozhong and others to wait here.

When Wanzi saw that Li Xian was so sick, he cried like a pear blossom.

Xiao Hai stood aside and paced back and forth.

Yin Xiaozhong had a serious expression, frowning tightly, recalling the doctor's blame over and over again in his mind.

After waiting for about an hour, the doctor came out, "Go and go through the hospitalization procedures."

Yin Xiaozhong hurriedly stood up and asked, "How is she?"

"It's too high, because she didn't rest well, her body is very weak, and her physical strength and resistance are very poor. Her body temperature rises faster than ordinary people. If she didn't come in time, we will immediately use drugs to cool down~www.wuxiaspot .com~ will really burn out a lot of questions," the doctor replied.

"What about now? Are you okay?" Maruko asked.

"The temperature has dropped, but he is still in a light coma. It is probably due to fever and pneumonia, so he will be hospitalized for observation for a period of time. You should go through the hospitalization procedures and rest for at least half a month." The doctor replied.

Yin Xiaozhong nodded understandingly, looked at Wanzi, "You and Xiao Hai go through the formalities."

Maruko and Xiaohai turned and left to go through hospital procedures.

The doctor looked at Yin Xiaozhong again, "Boss Yin, is she an executive of your company?"

Yin Xiaozhong nodded, "Yes."

"Let's reduce the pressure on the executives in the future. According to the level of fatigue measured by the hospital, she has not closed her eyes for at least 72 hours." The doctor said.

"Well, I see, thank you."

The doctor waved his hand, "You're welcome, there is no fever, everything is lucky, please pay more attention in the future." After speaking, he turned and went back to the emergency room.

Yin Xiaozhong nodded knowingly, feeling deeply guilty.

"Hey, Jingxi, I won't go back to see you these few days. Li Xian is hospitalized with a fever, and I'm in the hospital."

"Is it serious? Do I need to take a look?"

"No, you don't need to come. Her sister Li Wan is here too. She will be hospitalized for a while."

"Oh, okay, then you stay and take care of her, and take care of yourself."

After hanging up the phone, Yin Xiaozhong sat weakly on the bench in the corridor of the hospital, thinking, it seems that he still cares too little for his employees. Not only Li Xian, Cai Wenyan, Zhong Feiyang, and Li Rou, since they followed me, they seem to have never missed a day off. Although the company has single holidays, I always see them working all the time , It seems that I haven't rested all day.

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