I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land

Vol 2 Chapter 120: weed well

"Cheng Daochang...Cheng Daochang...wake up...wake up..."

Cheng Yifan felt that someone was calling him.

Then the eyes suddenly opened.

The Shenwei Temple that I saw disappeared, and the pleasant scenery of Shenwei Mountain also completely disappeared.

At this moment, he found that he was lying on the land full of peach blossoms. The tree trunks that covered the sky blocked most of the sunlight, and only a few rays of sunlight shot down from the gaps in the leaves.

"Pindao...Pindao, what's wrong?"

Frowning, Cheng Yifan began to sort out the mess in his mind.

Soon, the memory began to wake up from the depths of the brain.

"I got the list of gods...then I went back to Shenwei Temple...then I saw..."

"The devil... Jiang Xiaocheng!"


As if thinking of something, his brain began to thrash violently again. He vaguely remembered that he seemed to be going to compete with the devil...


"How can I compete with the devil..."

Cheng Yifan, who was already a little confused about the situation, felt the faint pain on his cheek again at this time, he couldn't help stretching out his hand, and a swollen lump like a bun spread to the palm of his hand instantly, and couldn't help it, he lowered his head in pain again call out.

"Cheng Daozhang...you are awake...you have been in a coma for seven days..."

The voice next to his ear came again at this time, Cheng Yifan turned his head, and then saw Taoist Yuzhen and his party.

Their eyes were full of concern at this moment, and they were surrounding him, observing him from time to time.

It was also at this time that the feeling of being massaged on the back returned to the body.

Behind him, there are also two Taoist priests doing massage for him.

"We... where is this?"

Cheng Yifan, who was finally able to look at the surrounding situation, looked around for a week, and after looking at this lush peach grove, he finally couldn't help it, and asked.

The peach blossoms are everywhere here, and the fragrance of the flowers is refreshing, it seems to be a paradise.

However, with Cheng Yifan's familiarity with Jiangnan City, he has no idea where it is.

Although it is a Taoyuan, it ends up in a strange place.

Let's figure out what is going on here.

"This is... Tao Yaoyao's Taoyuan... the crocodile demon who drove us said."

"Let's not talk about this anymore... Daoist Cheng Yifan, it's fine when you wake up, it's fine when you wake up."

"We are no match for that monster at all, Cheng Daozhang, now it's up to you to take us out of the sea of ​​suffering."

"The monster... the monster..."


The leader of Taoist Yuzhen saw Cheng Yifan awake, and had mixed feelings at this moment.

As long as Cheng Daochang wakes up, he can definitely deal with this big monster guarding Taolin.

That big monster...

But a real monster.

Ten feet tall, with a crocodile-like head, even if the mouth is closed, the hideous teeth are exposed, which makes people feel a wave of fear.

Not to mention the strength of the big monster.

Daoist Yuzhen felt that he had been unlucky for eight lifetimes. Not long ago, he met a terrifying corpse king and was knocked out by that corpse king.

As a result, before he woke up, he was forcibly awakened by a big monster with a crocodile head.

That big crocodile monster is really a big monster, and he spouts people's words.

The first thing is to order them to clean up the weeds in the peach grove.

With Yuzhen Taoist temperament, the first reaction when seeing monsters is to cast down demons...

So, without thinking too much, he got into a fight with the crocodile demon...

As for the results...

The crocodile demon not only asked them to clean up the weeds, but also asked them to jump on a weird peach tree to clean up the bugs on the tree...

For such a big peach tree, every leaf has to be inspected...

This really killed their group.

Why was a group of Taoist priests driven by a monster?

If it weren't for...


The only good news is that the big demon doesn't always stare at them in the peach forest, because...

Because there is an evil dragon several tens of feet long?

Yes, it must be an evil dragon!

Those ferocious four claws, that legendary jiao head, must be jiao.

Because there is an evil dragon that will always appear in the peach forest, making dragon chant sounds, and provoking that big monster.

Whenever the evil dragon appeared, the crocodile demon would rush out of the peach forest cursing and fight the evil dragon.

That is to say, taking advantage of the battle between the crocodile monster and the evil dragon, they can relax, steal time, and take a nap.

Otherwise...or they would really be tortured to death by that crocodile demon.

What kind of Taoyuan resort is this? It's completely a den of monsters.

Taoist Yuzhen not only saw the crocodile demon and the evil dragon, but he even heard the loud frog chirping outside the peach forest. Just by hearing the sound and movement, they knew that it was most likely a toad monster.

Apart from these, the ferocious beasts that occasionally scurry into the willow forest, even if they are tens of meters tall, are nothing.

It's... dangerous here.

They need Cheng Yifan mentor and apprentice to lead them out of this dangerous situation.

"Master... are you awake too?"

Another familiar voice came from next to my ear, and Wu Daxiong walked over with a swollen face as big as a bun.

He looked at Cheng Yifan who was awake, and wanted to laugh, but because it involved the swollen cheek, he grinned in pain, and finally showed a dumbfounded expression.

"Good disciple, what's wrong with you? Who dares to beat you like this? Tell me, and I will vent my anger on you."

Seeing Wu Daxiong's miserable appearance at this time, Cheng Yifan was taken aback for a moment, and then said angrily.

Who in Jiangnan City doesn't know that Cheng Yifan is such a precious apprentice?

Dare to trouble his apprentice, do you really not take him seriously?

"Master... have you been confused by the devil..."

"This...is beaten by...that demon lord..."

Seeing what Cheng Yifan said to him when he woke up, Wu Daxiong really couldn't laugh or cry at this moment.

Out of anger for him, why out of anger for him?

Master, you yourself were slapped unconscious by the demon lord, how can you vent your anger for him?

"This Xiaobai, you are really getting more and more arrogant. If you really think that you have transformed into a dragon, you have the ability to show off your power in front of my uncle?"

"If it weren't for running very fast in the water, grandpa would definitely have skinned you."

"Come here every day to find trouble with my uncle, are you annoying?"

The cursing voice came from the peach forest again at this time, and Taoist Yuzhen and his party's expressions changed drastically when they heard the familiar voice, they helped Cheng Daozhang up, and then said in panic.

"Cheng Daozhang, that big monster is back again, this time it's up to you master and apprentice"

"You must find a way to drive this monster away."


Taking another look at Tao Yaoyao's tree trunk covering the sky and the sun, and the lush peach leaves, Taoist Yuzhen felt his eyes darken, and he almost fell down.

Such a big peach tree will really kill them!

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