I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land

Vol 2 Chapter 168: incoming

this body...

something wrong!

Feeling the mechanical feeling in his body that was completely different from Jiang Xiaocheng's, Xiang Ye felt uncomfortable all over.

However, even so, Xiang Ye still stretched out his hand hard, and gently hugged Jiang Xiaocheng.

Jiang Xiaocheng's body was not warm, it was still as cold and stiff as ice.

Even so, Xiang Ye still tried his best to hug Jiang Xiaocheng.

This was his first contact with Jiang Xiaocheng, and it was also the first time he completely embraced Jiang Xiaocheng in his arms.

Jiang Xiaocheng remained motionless, and she let the figure who looked like her in front of her embrace her in his arms.

She is very familiar with this "person".

That "person" is in her body day and night.

The man who claimed to be her father!

Jiang Xiaocheng feels distant and unfamiliar with the word "father".

Did she ever have a father? Will the father be inside her all the time?

The previous memories were all reset, and the memories that Jiang Xiaocheng retains now are only the memories that started after waking up for the first time some time ago.

She didn't know how to face the man in front of her who claimed to be her "father".

She could only remain motionless.


As Xiang Ye's strength increased, he wanted to completely wrap Xiao Cheng in his arms, but the broken sound from his body made Xiang Ye understand that he couldn't continue.

Xiang Ye let go of his hand helplessly, and silently looked at the familiar face in front of him for countless times.

The real Jiang Xiaocheng is completely different from Jiang Xiaocheng who is possessed by Xiang Ye.

The expression on her face and the vivid eyes in her eyes all explained to Xiang Ye that this was the real Jiang Xiaocheng and his daughter.

The daughter he cares about most.

Xiang Ye felt a little emotional for a while!


Jiang Xiaocheng yelled softly.

And hearing Jiang Xiaocheng's doubtful inquiry, the expressions of everyone in the wasteland changed drastically.

Jiangnan Wang frowned instantly.

Will Xiaocheng call the devil...father?

The devil... Jiang Xiaocheng's father?

How could a zombie have a father?

How could Jiang Xiaocheng have a father?

Compared with the stunned reactions of other people in the wasteland, Jiangnan Wang thought of a lot in just a short while.

If the devil is Jiang Xiaocheng's father, then it is only natural that Jiang Xiaocheng is favored by the devil.


The situation of Xiaocheng... the details of Xiaocheng...

The King of Jiangnan found out from the Ability Bureau a long time ago... She is just an ordinary person, and both parents died...

Where did her father come from?

Do not understand.

It was the devil who awakened Xiaocheng again, and the devil was the father who awakened Xiaocheng again.

Instead, the physical father.


Why did the devil choose Jiang Xiaocheng instead of him, or someone else?

In just a few breaths, Jiangnan Wang guessed the general situation.

He looked at Jiang Xiaocheng's face, and his heart was full of jealousy.

Why Xiaocheng?

Instead of him?


The demon lord is a fairy god, and there is great uncertainty in his behavior and handling of things.

But Jiangnan Wang believes that the reason why Jiang Xiaocheng can wake up from the wasteland must be due to the devil.

Only He can create the invincible Jiang Xiaocheng, and only He can suppress the beast in Jiang Xiaocheng's body.

"What a lucky guy."

King Jiangnan quickly calmed down the jealousy in his heart. The reason why he felt jealous was because he was dissatisfied with his own strength.

If he also has the ability of the Demon Lord, if he also has the ability of the Demon Lord...

Jiangnan Wang silently glanced at Suyuan, then raised his head to glance at Xiaobai, thinking silently in his heart.

"Xiaobai, Suyuan... just wait, sooner or later, this king will also become the fairy **** in the sky."

"The cheat book left by Grandma Ye Xingxing has shown me a road to immortality."

"This king will also be like a demon lord, favoring you two alone!"

"Devil Lord... If you don't show up, this king will never know how free and powerful those legendary immortal Buddhas are."

"But you appeared, not only did you appear, you also appeared in front of this king."

"This king will target you!"

"A man should be born like this..."

"The jungle of the Pindao Temple is full of aura, and the real essence has recovered. It already has the aura of a small world like a cave, but why is it full of evil things?"

"Two zombies that have become climates, one ghost that is already the king of ghosts, and then a group of little ghosts?"

"Not bad, there are two big monsters..."

The indifferent voice suddenly broke the tranquility of this moment, Jiangnan Wang frowned wildly, then turned around and looked towards the source of the voice.

At some point, two people dressed as Taoists appeared in the middle of the square.

They were standing on a big golden-winged bird, holding whisks in their hands, and they were staring coldly at the people in the wasteland.

And one of them was the head teacher Yun Yin who was defeated in the wasteland back then.

"It's you! Do you still dare to come to the wasteland?"

Jiangnan Wang glared at Headmaster Yun Yin, and shouted angrily at this moment.

Headmaster Yun Yin had seriously injured him with a single sword attack. Since he woke up, the King of Jiangnan has never suffered such a big loss.

Even if he was fighting against the devil, Jiangnan Wang could at least communicate with the devil.

It was this guy, the head of the Dragon and Tiger Temple, who, by virtue of that divine weapon, made him lie on the ground immobile without any effort.

This enmity, the Jiangnan King has already remembered it.

It turned out that the King of Jiangnan secretly worked hard to develop his power, desperately embezzled money from the wasteland to support his army, and the purpose was to find this person again.

He didn't expect that this guy would dare to come back after being chased away by the demon lord?

"Why didn't I dare to come here? You are a defeated general, and that sword didn't completely suppress you, which is considered a bit of skill, but when I come again today, I won't allow you, an evil thing, to live in this world."

After finishing speaking, Master Yunyin swept the dust with his whisk, and jumped off the golden-winged eagle.

The majestic aura overflowed from Headmaster Yunyin, and the aura containing the aura of thunder and lightning firmly locked Jiangnan Wang.

And Xiang Ye had to stop at this time.

He turned around, glanced at Headmaster Yunyin, and then turned his gaze to another figure on the Golden Winged Eagle.

The figure looked a little old, neither sad nor happy, and was looking at him at this moment.

Judging by his age, the figure is about the same size as Headmaster Yunyin, but compared to the arrogance of Headmaster Yunyin, this person is much more restrained than Headmaster Yunyin.

He first glanced at Xiang Ye, as if he had judged that the person in front of him was not the real master, then he skipped Xiang Ye, turned his gaze to Jiang Xiaocheng, and asked.

"Daoist Yunyin, is this demon the corpse king who destroyed your Dragon and Tiger Temple token?"

"A body with no aura, like a mortal body, this is the performance of cultivation to the extreme."

"Shaking the token with the corpse king's body is really quite capable."

The Taoist looked at Jiang Xiaocheng who was in a state of confusion, and immediately found the target of this visit.

Although the aura is not manifested, the only zombie in the wasteland is unmistakable.

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