I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land

Vol 2 Chapter 177: Convince the Demon Lord to go out

Headmaster Yun Yin is still imprisoned in the wasteland, although he has already made a choice.

But his influence still had an impact on Jiangnan City.

If a real immortal appeared in Jiangnan City, the consequences would be unbearable for the entire Jiangnan City.

Director Luo and Wang Chong rushed to the Dizong sect directly after the meeting.

They were sitting in front of the wicker chairs in the hall of Dizong Zongmen, drinking tea silently.

The quiet time didn't take long, and Director Luo couldn't help but speak.

"Devil Lord, no matter what kind of misunderstanding those immortals may have on us, we still have to contact them."

"Wangjing City is already in flames. If there is no strong support, it will be difficult for the king to persevere."

"Although our provincial capitals can help Wangjing, the help is not great."

Thinking of the emergency support sent by the king of Wangjing City, even Jiangnan City can't do anything.

They themselves have only broken the city not long ago, and even now, they are still under construction slowly.

Jiangnan City can be said to be powerless.

However, with the news of the Heavenly Sword Sect's secret realm, they can go there and implore the immortals living in the secret realm to help.

Yun Yin and Zhang Lai not only mentioned the Heavenly Sword Sect, but also a strange sect.


The Godwood Forest is Elder Yunyin's alternative plan. If he can't invite the immortals from the Heavenly Sword Sect to take action, he will make up his mind to turn himself into an ancient tree for thousands of years in exchange for the support of the Godwood Forest.

What is the specific situation in Shenmulin, Yunyin is not clear.

After all, he also heard rumors that there is such a sect hidden in a virgin forest in the west of Yunlan Country.

Therefore, the focus is still on the Heavenly Sword Gate.

With their strength, it is difficult to have the conditions to talk with Tianjianmen on an equal footing, so this time, Director Luo decided to persuade the devil to go forward with them.

"Devil Lord, I know that you are indifferent to things other than the wasteland, but this time, I ask the Demon Lord to look at the Jiangnan City Hall, the Ability Bureau, the people of the entire Jiangnan City, and even the entire Yunlan Country. In a difficult situation, accompany us to the Heavenly Sword Gate."

"With our current strength, it is difficult to have an intersection with those immortals."

Director Luo looked extremely cautious when he said these words.

The demon lord in front of me, after experiencing the upheaval in Jiangnan City, after dealing with the invading Clans, and even killing Immortal Tinglei, she has faintly become the invisible guardian of Jiangnan City.

Although she still stays in the wasteland, she hardly goes out.

But the entire Jiangnan City, it is precisely because of her existence that the entire Jiangnan City can be protected from harm.

The ferocious beasts in the wasteland are more eager to chase down the ancient insects than their supernatural beings. The terrifying magical forest was destroyed by the hands of Little Orange, and even the more powerful intruder Klans, who came down only briefly Si was also completely driven away because of her existence.

The real fairy appeared, and then was completely suppressed.

It can be said that every time a crisis occurs, if it is not suppressed by the devil, it is difficult to judge whether Jiangnan City can still exist.

The research institute has already found out that it is the existence of the wasteland and the existence of the devil that can save the crisis in Jiangnan City.

Whether they admit it or not, it is true.

There is no fool who can sit in the high-level position of Jiangnan City.

So they would send congratulatory gifts to Liu Jingjing, and they could endure Jiangnan King's exorbitant asking price.

All this is because of the existence of the Demon Lord.

If possible, Director Chen Feng would like the Demon Lord to take his place and let the Demon Lord manage Jiangnan City.

However, it is a pity that all the high-level people know that the world of flowers and flowers in Jiangnan City does not care about the devil at all.

She is the devil, and everything in the world is nothingness in her eyes.

She would just stay quietly in the wasteland, not going anywhere.

No one can guess what is in her heart, no one can figure out what is in her heart.

However, this is also good.

It is the greatest luck in Jiangnan City that the devil stays in the wasteland and can protect them from wind and rain while not affecting them.

However, in the present situation, they had to take the initiative to seek help from the devil.

There is no need for the demon lord to say or do anything, it is only necessary to protect their group to reach the Heavenly Sword Sect safe and sound, and to protect them from seeing the Heavenly Sword Sect master.

The fairy that Elder Yunyin said, the exile that the city hall said, and the alien in the mouth of the devil.

"You haven't sent it from the secret realm yet, are you still waiting for me to pick it up in person?"

Xiang Ye had no interest in the Heavenly Sword Gate at all. As for walking out of the wasteland and going to the Heavenly Sword Gate that Master Yunyin was talking about...

Tianjianmen is thousands of miles away from the wasteland, and Xiang Ye has never traveled far, and he is unwilling to leave the wasteland, so he will not have any thoughts about that place.

Now the only thing he thinks about is when the secret place under the Jiangnan City will be delivered, it will be summer soon, and it will be Yaoyao's birthday at that time.

Now that Liu Jingjing has the Void Mi Realm, Tao Yaoyao is also indispensable.

They are all his daughters, and he will treat them equally.


Director Luo didn't know how to answer for a while, and after some cautious words and earnest pleadings, he got back another inexplicable sentence from the demon lord. This feeling was like hitting cotton with a heavy fist.

And Director Luo still had to answer.

Except for the things she cares about, the demon lord ignores everything else, and this has been agreed by the entire senior management of the city hall.

It's just that when he really communicated with the devil, he felt such a situation, which still made Director Luo very uncomfortable.

"Because it is deep underground, it is convenient for us to enter, but it is still very difficult to take out the secret realm attached to the granite. Please give us some time, the devil."

At this time Wang Chong took over the topic and started talking with Xiang Ye.

After explaining the situation in Jiangnan City, Wang Chong changed the topic, and then spoke again.

"The fleet of the invader's family has already moved towards the south. We don't know whether the invader fleet will enter the scope of Jiangnan City, or whether they will pose a threat to the Demon Lord's wasteland."

"On the way to Tianjianmen, we are very likely to encounter the family fleet."

"The demon lord should know the situation of those fleets, right? Wherever the fleet goes, not a single blade of grass grows, not to mention that we humans are in a dire situation. Considering the lush forest of the demon lord, and the..."

Speaking of this, Wang Chong will not talk about it.

The following choices are all determined by the Demon Lord.

After Xiang Ye heard it, his heart moved, and then he took a deep look at Wang Chong. When he saw Wang Chong's aura flickering on and off, and began to rise rapidly in the hall, the mechanical sound came over.

"Send the secret realm, and I will accompany you out once."

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